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A:-What would you do if you were a pilot?,B:-If I were a pilot, I would fly all over the world.,A:-Why ?,B:-Because I love traveling. I am strong and healthy.,Have a try: make a conversation by yourselves,confident: 自信的;有把握的,outgoing: 开放的;开朗的,creative: 创造性的,shy: 害羞的,energetic:有活力的;精力充沛的,New words:,If you are , you like to meet and talk to new people.,Make sentences,outgoing,energetic,If you are , you are very active and have a lot of energy.,If you are , you feel nervous and embarrassed when talking to other people, especially people you do not know.,shy,If you are , you are sure that you can do something or deal with a situation successfully.,confident,If you are , you use your imagination or skills to make things.,creative,1a,outgoing energetic shy confident creative,people arent afraid to speak in public.people like to meet new people.people usually like art and music.people get nervous when they haveto meet new people.people are hardly ever tired.,outgoing,energetic,confident,creative,shy,1b,Which words in activity 1a describe you? Tell your partner.,Pair work,Sample dialogue 1: A: What are you like? B: I think Im _ I dont know what to say before strangers and dare not speak aloud.,shy and unconfident.,Sample dialogue 2: A: What are you like? B: I think Im _I like to make friends everywhere. I like talking with drivers or passengers when I take a bus or taxi. I never feel tired during my study.,outgoing and energetic.,permission,herself,bother,slight,Not in the slightest,annoy,fairly,plenty,plenty of,允许;许可;准许,她自己;她本身,打扰;扰乱,微不足道的;极不重要的,一点也不;根本,使生气;使气愤,相当;完全,很多的;足够的,Listening text,Girl1: I just did a personality survey in Teen Time magazine. It tells you how confident you are. Boy1: Oh? How did you do, Celia? Girl1: I dont know yet. But its a really interesting test. You should try it, Bill. Boy1: OK. Girl1: How about question 1? What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?,Boy1: Id say I had a cold and couldnt speak. I would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole school. Girl1: How about this movie question? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie? Boy1: Oh, Id say no. Id be too nervous. Whats the next question? Girl1: Lets see,2c,Ask and answer the questions in the personality survey.,What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie.,Id say yes.,a,b,3a,Look at the survey. And read the personality survey results below. Fill in the blanks in the results with “a” “b” or “c”.,pretty confident,What are you like if you answer c for most questions?,What are you like if you answer a for most questions?,outgoing,fairly confident,shy,What are you like if you answer b for most questions?,bother = trouble v. 打扰 e.g. Dont bother him, hes pretty tired.,not in the slightest = not at all 微不足道的 e. g. He didnt embarrass me in the slightest.,annoy v. 使生气;使气愤,c,fairly adv. 相当;完全,plenty of 很多的;足够的,get along with=get on with 与相处 e.g. My classmates are easy to get on/along with.,a,(1)ratherthan和 rather than 作比较的为相同部分, “宁可而不” 2)would rather do sth.=had rather do sth. 宁愿做,较喜欢做 Would rather do sth. than do sth. =prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做而不愿做 e. g. I would rather drink green tea than coffee.,b,3b,Look at activity 2a and write your own personality survey.,If a friend said something bad about you , would you,a.talk to the friend right away ?b. Say nothing ?c. Think about what he or she said ?,3b,Look at activity 2a and write your own personality survey.,If a friend said something bad about you , would you,If your answer was a, you are probably an outgoing person; b, are a shy person; c, are a pretty confident person.,根据中文完成句子,1.我不想当众说这件事.,I dont want to say it _ _.,2.未经允许请别借我的书.,Dont borrow my books _ _.,in public,without,permission,3.在借我的东西之前,你必须先征得我的同意.,You should _ _ _ before borrowing my books.,4. 我想把我的好朋友汤姆介绍给大家.,Id like to _ my good friend Tom _ you.,ask my permission,introduce,to,5. 我正在等我的好朋友.,Im _ _ good friend.,6. 他一点都不觉得累.,He didnt feel tired _ _ _.,waiting for,in the,slightest,7. 他有许多好朋友.,He has _ _ good friends.,8. 你和你的朋友相处得好吗?,Do you _ _ _ _ your classmate?,plenty of,get along well with,9. 我宁愿呆在家看电视也不愿去参加聚会.,I would _ stay at home and watch TV _ go to the party.,rather,than,; https:/www.2015ka.com/ 自动发卡平台 hwh20jyc 的私盐贩子,南方机关船,在外地也有被其他私盐贩子使用的报告。老太太怀疑这次讹谢家的,也是私盐贩子。她很担心被这群无赖盯上后如何脱身。第三件,宫中明诗传出口信,年前或者就能有机关,能叫个妹妹进宫“探望她”,探望后能不能留、留多久,再行说,反正先进去总是好的,能让皇上碰巧见上一面就更好了。老太太看现有的几个女孩子,福珞自然是出挑的,宝音病好之后,却也表现不俗,竟不知选哪个的好。苏小横只把第三件事儿,转述给了苏明裳听。裳儿埋头在剥一袋糖炒栗子,听了便眨眼笑道:“选哪个不是一样么?姐妹们别为这个抢破头才好!”“不一样。”苏小横正告她。裳儿顿时也了悟了:“能有进宫面圣的机会,就有邀圣誊的机会。”苏小横犹嫌她说得不够透切。裳儿继续剖释:“若只得一两次圣宠,白把身子赔在宫里,那是她自己倒霉。但若能助力,我、诗姐姐、同她,三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,那多好。退几步说,纵使她不得圣宠,若知情达礼、能出谋划策,要紧时候说不定就救我们的命。她的人选,也要仔细。”苏小横点头:“所以我当然也要听听你的意思,毕竟她不止是带你进宫的引子,还有希望成为你的同伴,影响到你的行动。你们之间应该具备最基本的信任才好。”裳儿思索道:“我跟奶奶重点提出的这两位,都不熟,只听闻笙妹妹体弱多病,人缘儿也不好,这样的人怎能进宫?倒是福家姊姊,灯会上照过面,憨顽娇美,不失大家女儿涵养,我要是奶奶,不用想,就选她。”谢老太太到今日,完全不提明蕙,裳儿也不提,根本当她是透明的。资质不足,就是不足,多使小手腕也没用。否则明秀一开始根本不会引福珞进来。宝音也不敌福珞么?苏小横等着裳儿的后文。裳儿果然吐舌笑道:“可惜福家姊姊,风格跟我是一路的,美却不及我,鬼脑筋也不及我。我要个处处与我相似、却不及我的影子在旁边做什么呢?若只要她引我,那还说得过,她一陪衬,皇上更见我的各种好处。而笙妹妹,病好后能有多久,怎样表现不俗?我很好奇呢!”“听说她在众姐妹计议神秘失银时,第一次提出,重银搭底后,需要的拉力不一样。”苏小横道。不久前,苏小横也有把二老爷是如何“送”出的银子,讲给裳儿听,要她评议,以考较她的反应。裳儿当时就道:“爹爹太傻了!爷爷说了送出去,他当中查来查去的做什么?万一贼子的智慧还不如他,直接被吓跑了,他银子送不出去,如何跟爷爷交代?”又恨道:“真要查,需想想贼子能从船里就把银子偷了,运出去的手段能不花心思?查个船舱车子,能查出什么来?白费扰嚷!要我说,水里走比陆里走快,我是贼子,就把银子吊在船底下,你就算是谢二老爷,不经官不动府,也未能将水里所有船底都,
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