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Practice Two Offer & Quotation,进出口贸易模拟实训教程,Mind Map,Useful Terms,Sentence Patterns,Intensive Training,Practice,Mind Map,Business Negotiation,Enquiry,Performance of Contract,Offer,Counter- offer,Acceptance,Unit of measurement,Per Piece,Quotation,Unit Price,45.00,USD,Price Term,CIF Hamburg,Currency,How to make a price?,Purchasing Cost (incl. VAT) Export Tax Rebates,Domestic Expenses Freight Insurance Premium,Anticipated Profit Expected Profit,Price,Cost 实际采购成本,Expenses 费用,Profit 利润,Formula Derivation,VAT,Value-added tax,V%,Rate of Value-added tax,Net Price,不含增值税价格,ETR,Export tax rebate,E%,Rate of Export tax rebate,VAT,Net Price,V%,ETR,Net Price,E%,Formula Derivation,PC,Purchasing Cost,PC,Net Price,VAT,Net Price,Net Price,V%,Net Price,( 1 ),V%,Formula Derivation,Net Price,PC,( 1 ),V%,ETR,Net Price,E%,PC,( 1 ),V%,E%,Real Purchasing Cost,RPC,Formula Derivation,RPC,PC,ETR,PC,PC,( 1 ),V%,E%,PC, 1 / ( 1 ) ,E%,V%,PC,( 1 ),V%,E%,( 1 ),V%,P18-19 Domestic Expenses,Packing Expenses Storage and Handling Expenses Inland Transportation Expenses Inspection & Certificate Fees Shipping Expenses (Loading Charges) Export Taxes and Duties Correspondence Charges/ Banking Charges Expected Loss Interest Operating Charges Commission,Expense Estimation,单位出口商品国内总费用 = 各项装运前费用之和 / 出口商品数量,单位出口商品国内总费用 = 采购成本*定额费用率 / 出口商品数量,出口总成本 General Export Cost,实际购货成本 Real Purchasing Cost,购货成本 Purchasing Cost,ETR,+,国内费用 Domestic Expenses,荣成贸易公司收到日本冈岛株式会社求购17吨水产品的询盘,经了解该级别水产品每吨的进货价格为5600元人民币(含增值税17%),估计该批货物国内运杂费共计1200元,出口商检费300元,报关费100元,港区港杂费950元,其他各种费用共计1500元。另银行手续费为800元,出口冷冻水产的退税率为5%。(1)求每吨实际购货成本。(2)求每吨出口总成本。(3)假定定额费率为进货价的5.5%呢?,(1)实际购货成本 = 5600 *(1+17%-5%)/(1+17%)= 5360.6838(元/吨) (2)每吨国内费用 =(1200+300+100+950+1500+800)/17= 285.2941 (元/吨)每吨出口总成本 = 5360.6838+285.2941= 5645.9779 (元/吨) (3)每吨国内费用 =5600 * 5.5% = 308 (元/吨)每吨出口总成本 = 5360.6838+308 (元/吨),Calculation of Freight,散货 Bulk CargoFreight = Basic Freight + Additional/Surcharges(See P20-21)整箱货 Full Container Load, FCLBox Rate (See P22-23),F = Fb *Q + Fb *Q * s F = Fb * (1+s) *Q,20container: 28 CBM; 17.5MT 40container: 55 CBM; 24.5MT,某批出口货物一共500箱, 从A国海运至美国洛杉矶。已知该批货物每箱体积为45*40*32CM,毛重为45KG,计费标准为W/M12级,每个运费吨的基本运费为USD45.00,另外加收燃油附加费(BAF)20%、货币贬值附加费(CAF)15%和目的港交货费(DDC)10%。试计算该批货物的总运费。该批货物的总体积:0.45*0.40*0.32*500=28.800CBM 总重量为:0.045*500=22.500MT M W,故应按货物体积计收。 基本运费:45*28.8=USD1296.00 BAF+DDC: 1296*(20%+10%)=USD388.8 CAF: (1296 +388.8)*15%=USD252.72 总运费=基本运费+BAF+DDC+CAF= 1296+388.8+252.72=USD1937.52,Calculation of Premium,Premium = Insurance Amount * Insurance rate,CIF * (1+Margin for insurance rate),Calculation of Expected Profit,Expected Profit = General Export Cost * Profit Rate,Export Quotation,FOB=General Export Cost*(1+Profit Rate)/Foreign Exchange RateCFR= FOB + Freight CIF= CFR + Premium= CFR/1-(1+Margin for Insurance Rate)*Insurance RateCommission= Price including C * C RateNet Price= Price including C - Price including C * C Rate= Price including C *(1-C Rate)Price including C= Net Price/(1-C Rate),Purchasing Cost-ETR +Domestic Expenses,Practice,Framework of Enquiry,1. Receipt of the letter 2. Detailed requirements (specifications of the products, catalogue, price terms, shipment, weight, material, quantity, etc.) 3. Introduction of market and request for competitive price 4. Expectation of early reply,Framework of Offer,1. Receipt of the enquiry2. Stating business terms and conditions3. Suggestion of acceptance4. Expectation of early reply,Notes,Market conditionsTerms of paymentDate of paymentForeign exchange rate,Demand exceeds supply. ,L/C; Remittance; Collection,At sight ; after sight ,CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor),信用证属于银行信用,出口商的收汇有银行担保,因此其收汇风险较小,出口价格可以适当优惠些。汇付又分两种情况,预付和后付。预付无论是全额还是部分预付,它对于卖方在收汇风险及资金占用等方面的好处都很大,报价可以适当降低一些;“后付”是指“卖方先装运货物买方支付货款卖方收到货款以后再放单”的一种运作方式。这种做法相对于信用证和预付款来说,卖方所承担的收汇风险无疑更大,因此出口价格可以更高些。“托收”属于商业信用,它没有银行担保,一律为卖方装运货物之后再向银行托收货款。托收在三种支付方式中对于卖方的风险是最大的,故托收方式的出口报价也应该最高。,人们常说“出口尽量使用硬通货计价,进口尽量使用软通货计价”。但在实际中,常常行不通,因为双方都坚持有利于自己的货币计价,生意就无法谈成。因此,当卖方必须妥协,选用软通货计价,而买方又不愿意接受保值条款时,出口报价就应该适当考虑“计价货币在支付时较签约时贬值”(CAF, Currency Adjustment Factor)这样一层因素,从而避免生意的亏损。,Terms,不可撤销L/C 受益人 交货期 批发商 零售商 分销商 毛利 货号 标题商品 确认,irrevocable L/C beneficiary delivery date wholesalers retailers distributors gross profit Article No. captioned/ subject goods confirmation,Terms,约束力 形式发票 有效期 远期信用证 即期信用证 保兑信用证 板条箱 纸箱 木板箱 行价 发票金额,binding force; engagement Proforma Invoice validity usance/time/term L/C sight L/C confirmed L/C crate carton wooden case prevailing/ current price invoice value,Sentence Patterns,Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. We are waiting for your confirmation at an early date. We hope that the above offer will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your formal orders. The product is reasonable in price and excellent in quality. We are sure it will meet your needs. We hope you will consider our offer most favorable and give us a reply as soon as possible.,
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