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,Introduction,地下水动力学,Hydrology : scientific study of water,z,Groundwater hydraulics,Concerned water on earth surface of earth),( above and below the,Occurrence, Circulation, Distribution,教材:,Chemical, physical and biological properties,地下水动力学:薛禹群院士主 地下水动力学:吴吉春,薛禹群,靳孟贵 地下水与 土壤水动力学 ,张蔚榛院士主 地下水流动问题数值方法,陈崇希教授 地下水运动数学模型,杨金忠、蔡树英、王旭升编著,编,主,编,编,水文学: Hydrology,主编,水资源: water resources 水力学 : Hydraulics,Groundwater Hydraulics and pollutant transport, RJ Charbeneau, 2000 Hydraulics of groundwater, J Bear,水动力学 : Hydrdynamics,Hydrodynamics of fluid in porous media, J Bear,Introduction,Introduction,Surface water hydrology,z,z Groundwater Hydrology,: scientific study of,Rainfall and runoff, watershed, catchment, river basin,water under the earth surface Occurrence, Circulation, Distribution Chemical and physical properties Recharge, discharge,Routing through rivers, reservoir Occurrence of floods and droughts,Introduction,Introduction,Groundwater Hydrology,Groundwater Hydrology z,z,地下水系统的理想总体循环过,程,地下水循环的时间观念,1,Introduction,Introduction,Groundwater flow beneath surface of earth through:,z,总蒸,大气 | 灌溉,散发,降水,|,Porous media: small openings (pore space, void) in the solid matrix, permeable, conducting and transporting water and solutions,蒸发,地表流 壤中流,地表调蓄,河 川 径 流,蒸散发,非饱和带调蓄,入渗补地下,潜水蒸发,河川基流,地下水调蓄,河补地下水,蒸发,“四水 ”转化的概念性模型,Introduction,Introduction,z Groundwater flow,z Groundwater flow beneath surface of earth through:,beneath surface of earth through:,Large passage (karst dissolution cavities,media): with large,Fracture: fracture aperture, small opening,longer extended Direction,connection,1.1 Porous media,1.1 Porous media,Particle size distribution,z Natural soil: weathering, alluviation, sedimentation,z Particle-size distribution curve:,颗粒分析累计曲线, grain,z Unconsolidated sediment, natural soil to consolidated rock,size accumulation curve,z Represent the relative percentage of grain size,Sedimentary rock,z,vertical coordinate: percentage of certain particle size; horizontal coordinate: particle size in logarithm,z Properties :pore space, conductance, permeability,Sieving: for coarse grain, Sieve Shaker,z z,z Functioning: water flow in the media stability,, mechanical,Settlement rate: for fine-gained materials, in aqueous suspension,Solid matrix, void space (pore space, water-air),z,2,1.1 Porous media,1.1 Porous media,Particle size distribution,Soil texture- 土壤质地,z Unconsolidated sediment,Particle size and shape vary greatly,z z,related to physical and chemical properties of the soil,z Soil classification standard:,z z,Qualitatively: coarse, fine, smooth,Quantitatively: particle size, particle distribution,1.1 Porous media,1.1 Porous media,Soil texture- 土壤质地,Soil texture,z soil texture triangle,z z,USDA standard,soil texture 定义: 按土壤中不同粒径颗粒相对含量的组成而区分的粗细度,FAO soil map of survey,z Indicated by,USDA,FAO,z z,Particle size, diameter,Distribution: percentage of the different size particles,z,Particle Shape: smooth, pointedness,1.1 Porous media,1.1 Porous media,Soil texture,Cemented sediment and rock,z Soil texture related to the soil physical and chemical,properties,z Sandstone (砂岩) : can permeable, groundwater,z Fine-grained soil: large surface area, attractive force, great capacity of sorption; boundary affect, low permeability z Well-sorted, coarse-grained soil: smaller sorption capacity, large permeability,resources supplier,z Shale (页岩) : indurated clay, aquitard, vertical flow in,a large confined area,Carbonate rock (碳酸盐) (limestone and dolomite): original low permeable, dissolved in flowing water, karst cave, permeable rock, and a productive formation for water supply,z,3,1.1 Porous media,1.2 distribution of subsurface water,The pore space or void may be occupied by water, air,Igneous (火山岩) ,metamorphic (变质岩) rock,z,or non-aqueous phase liquid,z Granite, Moorstone, basalt, diorite,Vertical distribution of water content,z less primary void, not connected, not conducting water;,z fractures-fractured by earth stress-can be high permeable and less storage of water,s,Soil water,n,o i,g,z Directional permeability, anisotropic, larger flux in some direction,e,n,r,o i,e,t,h t,Intermediate vadose zone,a,v,f,e l,o,e,n,o i,t,a,ic if,s s,capillary water groundwater,a l,C,Water content,1.2 distribution of subsurface water,1.2 distribution of subsurface water,Vadose zone,z z,unsaturated zone, partially saturated zone Thickness: ground surface to water table,z,By the gravity force, the water in the soil may move downward, and by the ET the water in the soil may move upward. Some soil become unsaturated, some soil is saturated.,z,Soil moisture zone,Depth :soil surface-base of root,zone,active, rainfall, irrigation,Evaporation, Transpiration,Soil water,n,drainage, percolation,o i,Soil water,t,a v,How does the Water content change,Intermediate vadose zone,n o,e l,i,Vadose zone,e,t,a,Intermediate vadose zone,v,e l,Field capacity: capillary force- gravity force,Vadose zone,e,capillary water groundwater,Wilting point: adhesive force,Water content,Water content: from saturation to air-dry condition,
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