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,Industry market,Serving Machine Builders excellence (为机器制造商提供卓越的服务),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,2,I. Introduction(简介) II. The right product at the right place(适当的市场和适当的产品) III. More intimacy for pragmatic benefit(更注重实效的紧密联系) IV. Growth beyond our limits(突破极限的增长) V. Conclusion(总结),Summary (内容提要),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,3,I. Introduction(简介) II. The right product at the right place(适当的市场和适当的产品) III. More intimacy for pragmatic benefit(更注重实效的紧密联系) IV. Growth beyond our limits(突破极限的增长) V. Conclusion(总结),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,4,1.1 Machine-builder behaviours are changing(机器制造商的行为在发生变化.),To support End-users either in new investment or in productivity Machine-builders need to : (为支持最终用户的新投资以及提高生产力, 机器制造商需要: ) Reduce time to market(缩短投放市场的时间) Reduce overall machine cost(降低整个机器的成本) Catch competencies out-source by End-users(掌握最终用户资源以外的能力)To remain competitive OEMs change the way they act on the market(为保持竞争力, 机器制造商在改变市场运作方式) They focus on a sector to master its environment(集中力量于其特定的行业) They specialise their business model(对市场运作模式深入研究),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,5,1.2 Schneider supports this mindset change (施耐德支持这种特定的变化),Carefully listening to each Machine-Builder needs.(细心聆听每个机器制造商的需求)Tailoring the offer to their individual needs.(为每个特定的需要提供量身定作的解决方案)Supplying & supporting the offer world-wide.(提供全球范围的产品和支持),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,6,1.3 Schneider adapts its organization with application centres program (施耐德相应的机构: 应用中心),An international and multi-cultural team, gathering technical and marketing experts, physically located in the countries near Leading Machines-builders.(一个国际化的和多文化的团队, 汇集相关技术的和市场的专家, 设置于各个相关行业领先的国家)Working closely with customers to remain at the state of the art by(在技术层面与客户密切合作) Permanent learning by acting(通过实际行动长期学习) Sharing knowledge between countries(在不同国家间分享相关知识),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,7,1.4 And targets the most significant application (同时, 定位于最重要的应用),Such as(例如): Automotive(汽车) Assembly lines(装配线), Material Handling(物料搬运) Hoisting(起重), HVAC(暖通空调), Lift(电梯), Packaging(包装), Printing(印刷), Refuse Handling(垃圾处理), Textile(纺织) Water(水处理) Wood(木材) and today more than 60 application centres are operational in 17 countries.(今天, 在17个国家有超过60个应用中心),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,8,I. Introduction (简介) II. The right product at the right place(适当的市场和适当的产品) III. More intimacy for pragmatic benefit(更注重实效的紧密联系) IV. Growth beyond our limits(突破极限的增长) V. Conclusion(总结),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,9,2.1 With our help you can define the right products for your machine (通过我们的帮助, 可以在机器上应用适当的产品),We know what should be installed on the machine(我们知道在机器上需要何种产品)We understand machines operation(我们了解机器的运行原理)Our automation manufacturer know-how unable the translation of machines operation into automation offer.(我们的制造工厂知道如何将机器的运行转换成自动化的产品),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,10,2.2 Solutions guide (方案指南),For each targeted application we are developing a tools to summarise the Schneider offer for a targeted application(针对每个目标应用, 我们开发了总结施耐德解决方案的相应工具)Showing for typical machines operation the bunched of Schneider products.(展示集成了施耐德产品的典型机器运作方式)Saving your time and avoiding wrong choice. (节省时间并避免错误选择),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,11,2.3 Technical expertise upon request (提供技术专家的意见),Ready to serve you, technical expert are available: (技术专家时刻准备为您提供服务)To help you to formalise your specification needs(帮助您系统地规划通用的需要) To select the right bunched of product into the Schneider Catalogue for a dedicated machine need.(针对特定的机器需要, 在施耐德产品目录中选择适当的产品组合),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,12,I. Introduction(简介) II. The right product at the right place(适当的市场和适当的产品) III. More intimacy for pragmatic benefit(更注重实效的紧密联系) IV. Growth beyond our limits(突破极限的增长) V. Conclusion(总结),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,13,3.1 Intimacy a vehicle for pragmatic benefit(搭上密切注重实效的列车.),Application centre experts are available to support customers during engineering stage;(应用中心专家在工程阶段即可为用户提供支持) focus on machine performance(关注于机器的性能) integrate technical and economical stakes(兼顾技术性和经济性) To advise you on automation architectures.(为自动化架构提供建议)To be the interface with Schneider product activities to customised products to fulfil specific needs in targeted applications.(作为施耐德产品生产部门和客户定制产品的接口, 满足目标应用的特定需求),pplication centers presentation Machine Builder excellence EN C.Pillot 10/03,14,3.2 The interface with product activities to fulfil specific needs (产品生产部门与满足特定需求的接口),
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