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Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. - Francis Bacon读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. - Steve Jobs 求知若饥,虚心若愚,限定词 Determiner,1) 限定词Determiners are those little words that precede and modify nouns: e.g. the teacher, a college, a bit of honey, that person, those people, whatever purpose, either way, your choice 限定词就是对名词、名词短语起限定作用的词,例如,特指、数量等。其中,对中国学生而言,最难的是冠词,而最易被忽视的是可数名词和不可数名词前的不确定数量限定词。,限定词的分类:见Page 39,According to their potential position, determiners fall into three sub-classes: (P.57)1) Central determiners 中位限定词2)Predeterminers 前卫限定词3)Postdeterminers (后卫限定词),限定词的位置若有两个(类)以上的限定词,我们需要按前、中、后来顺序排列。如:all the four students all these last few daysboth his two sisters其原则是: 1) 几个修饰词在名词前的排列,越是接近本质的修饰词,越靠近名词;如:a tall beautiful young Mexican girl;限定词也类似:all his lectures; some such books ,2) 一般,数量上越是具体的限定词,越靠近 被限定的名词:all my seven children;3) 冠词之所以叫“冠”词,它一般在前面,但是:当它遇到下面这些限定词时,“冠军”地位就丢失了:如:all, both, such等,一般在最前面。all the kids, such a joke ,但注意:若同时有物主限定词(my, his, your)或名词属格(mothers)和定冠词或指示限定词(this, that )时,不能直接按上述原则排列。如,不能说:the my book, or Toms this book;而应当说:the (this) book of mine (mothers)。即:冠词(限定词)中心词of名(代)词属格试译:,1)你的那个看法是片面的、因而是错误的。That opinion of yours is one-sided and therefore erroneous. 2)学校当局那种强硬态度是我们不能接受的。The hard-line attitude of the school authoritys is unacceptable to us.,在两个之间:both, either, neither;而在三个以上:all, every, none, no one (其中no one只能指人);every强调整体,each强调个体;any 可用于肯定句,但意义与every不一样, 前者指“任一”,后者指“每一”。,Lets exercise some:海峡两岸都是中国,尽管可有各自的表述。There is only one China across both sides of the Taiwan Strait, though each side may have itsown interpretation.,世界上有很多不同的文化,每种文化都有各自的特色。There are different cultures in the world, each having its own features / characteristics.,关于两者: 都不错。 都不行。随便哪个都行。Both are OK. (全部肯定)Neither (of them) is OK (全部否定)Either (one) is OK. (部分肯定)关于三者及三者以上: 都不错。 都不行。随便哪个都行All are good (Every one is good) None (of them) is good. Any one is good.,关于any及其复合词在肯定陈述句中的用法:在想象的世界中,一切皆有可能。In the world of imagination, anything is possible.,比较every、any在肯定陈述句中的用法:一切人都有权追求幸福生活。一切权威都可质疑。Every individual has the right to pursue his/her own happiness.Any authority is subject to questions.,冠词,一、 冠词的种类及用法e.g. We work eight hours a day. (每天) I will never forget the day when we got married.The tea of Hangzhou is very good.,二、冠词的泛指、特指,泛指是指首次提到的,不限定的人或事物。 特指是指上文已经提到的人或事物,或是指被限制性修饰语在其后加以限定的人或事物,也可以指说话双方所默认的特定的人或事物。,单数可数名词一定要用冠词,a/ an,the,泛指单一,每一,任一事物;,指类别.,特指,上文提到过的人或事物; 被限制性修饰语所限度的人 或事物; 说话双方默认的人或事物; 世上独一无二的事物.,复数可数名词和不可数名词,the特指,上文提到的人或事物;被限制性修饰语所限定的人或事物; 说话双方默认的人或事物;,零冠词,泛指的人或事物;指类别;,三:不定冠词a/an的惯用法,1、当紧挨着冠词的第一个音素是辅音音素时,用a. 当紧挨着冠词的第一个音素是元音音素时,用an.,a-用于辅音(发音)之前 (“phonetic” not “letter”) an-用于元音(发音)之前 “(phonetic” not “letter”) e.g. useful book one-eyed manuniversity; unitumbrella old manMP; X-ray; honest boy 800-meter race,2. 表示 the same; one; a certain或every的意思。The two boys are of an age. (the same age)I earn 10 dollars an hour . (every hour)A Mr.Smith is waiting for you. ( a certain)An owl can see in the dark (a kind),3.用于某些物质名词或抽象名词前,表示 “一种、一类、一份、一场、一阵”.e.g That is a green tea.They were caught in a heavy rain.a pleasure / a success/ a failure,特别是用在某些抽象名词前使该抽象名词具体 化。 e.gHe has a knowledge of chemistry. The get-together was a great success.Her book is a collection of short stories.,4. 与不定冠词连用的习语。have a cold; have a good time; have a word with; keep a diaryin a hurry; at a loss; do sb. a favor; at a distance; e.g This picture looks beautiful at a distance.He was at a loss when he heard this news.,四、定冠词的主要用法,1. 特指双方都明白的人或物: Take the medicine. 把药吃了。 注意: 特指:Pass me the salt. 把盐递给我。 泛指: Pass me some salt . 给我点盐。 2. 上文提到过的人或事: He bought a house. Ive been to the house. I find a man in the street; The man said he got a new job. 3. 表示世界上独一无二的事物。the earth; the moon; the Great Wall 4. 用在姓氏的复数前表示该夫妇俩或全家人。the Greens the Chens,5. 用在序数词、形容词最高级前面。the first the greatest man 6. 用在表单位的名词前。 I have hired a car by the hour. (按小时)Eggs are sold by the dozen. (按每12个) 7. 用在江河湖海、山脉、群岛、海峡、沙漠等地理名词前the West Lake; the Yellow River; the Red Sea,8.用在年代,朝代和逢十的数词(表某个年代)前the Tang Dynasty; in the 1990s9. 用在形容词或过去分词前表示一类人。the poor; the rich; the young , the oppressed10.用在表示国家和民族的形容词前表示泛指该国的人民。the Chinese; the English; the Germans,11. 西洋乐器前加定冠词。the piano; the violin 12. 在句型“动词人介词the身体某一部份” the不可以用人称代词代替take sb.by the arm pat sb. on the shoulder hit sb. in / across the face13. 固定搭配。 in the distance in the end in the dark in the rain at the same time on the wholeon the other hand by the way,五、零冠词的用法,名词前不加冠词,称为零冠词。具体用法:国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England, Mary,2)泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词; They are teachers. 他们是教师。3)抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词,当有一个限制性定语修饰时,多加定冠词。 Failure is the mother of success. The younger generation is the hope of the nation.,
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