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毒品预防与中国戒毒模式 DRUG PREVENTION AND DRUG DETOXIFCATION AND REHABILITATION IN CHINA,骆寒青教授 By Luohanqing professor 云南警官学院禁毒系 Narcotics Control Department of Yunnan Police Officers Academy,第一部分 Part One 禁毒宣传与预防教育 Drug prevention education and drug publicity,一、禁毒宣传与预防教育的目的 A.Aims (一)政治上维护政府的崇高威信 (A)Politically to uphold the governments prestige (二)经济上减少毒品带来的直接和间接损失 (B)Economically to reduce the damage which is caused by drug directly and indirectly.,(三)净化社会风气,维护安定团结 (C)To purify the atmosphere of society and to maintain security and unification.,二、禁毒宣传预防教育的意义 B. The significance (一)禁毒宣传与预防教育,能够使广大人民群众了解政府的禁毒决心,增强全民禁毒意识 (A)It can enable people to learn about the determination of the government to fight against drug, and can raise awareness of people against drug.,(二)禁毒宣传与预防教育,能够使广大人民群众了解国家的毒品问题现状,提高对毒品危害的认识 (B)It can enable people to learn about present situation of drug and can raise awareness of the harms done by drug. (三)禁毒宣传与预防教育,能够预防毒品犯罪 (C)It can prevent drug-related crimes.,预防毒品犯罪 (prevent drug-related crimes)1、禁毒宣传教育能够提高人民群众对毒品的抵抗力;1. It can enable people to resist drug abuse;2、禁毒宣传教育能够起到预防青少年吸毒的作用。1. It can prevent teenagers from abusing drugs.,(四)禁毒宣传与预防教育,能够有效地震慑毒品犯罪 (D)It can frighten effectively drug-related crimes. (五)禁毒宣传与预防教育是争取国际支持,促进国际合作交流的有效途径 (E)It is an effective way to earn internet support and to enhance international cooperation and exchange.,三、禁毒宣传与预防教育的要求 C.the necessities (一)禁毒宣传与预防教育要始终坚持政府的直接统一领导 (A))It should be directly under the leadership of the government (二)禁毒宣传与预防教育要求社会各界积极投入 (B)It needs participation from all walks of life.,(三)禁毒宣传与预防教育要做到准确性、策略性和多样性 (C)It should be accurate,diverse and tactful. (四)禁毒宣传与预防教育要有超前性和预见性 (D)It should be ahead of times and of foresight.,四、禁毒宣传与预防教育的途径 D.Approaches (一)吸毒的个人预防(A)individual prevention(二)吸毒的家庭预防(B)family prevention,(三)吸毒的学校预防 (C)school prevention(四)吸毒的社区预防(D)community prevention(五)吸毒的社会预防(E)society prevention,第二部分 Part Two 国外毒品预防方案评INTRODUCTION TO DRUG PREVENTION SCHEMES IN FOREIGCOUNTRIES,一、知识-态度-行为模型 A.knowledge-attitude-behavior model 二、学校情感教育 B.emotion education in schools (一)价值阐明 (A)statement of value(二)毒品替代 (B) substitution (三)个人与社会技能 (C)individual and social skills,三、“坚决说不 C.say “No” to drug 四、“无毒品学校” D.Non-drug school 五、学生援助方案 E.student aids scheme,六、社会影响模式的发展 从吸烟看吸毒 F.the evolvement of social influence model-view drug abuse from the viewpoint of smoking 七、毒品滥用抵制 G.refuse to abuse drug,(一)训练拒绝技能 (A)training skills of rejecting (二)公共承诺 (B)public commitment (三)回应广告 (C)response to advertisement (四)规范教育 (D)standard education (五)使用青少年领袖 (E)employ teenage leaders,第三部分 Part Three中国戒毒模式 DRUG DETOXIFCATION ANDREHABILITATION IN CHINA,中国戒毒模式,自愿戒毒 Voluntary treatment,强制隔离戒毒 Compulsory treatment,家庭戒毒 Family treatment,自愿治疗机构戒毒 Voluntary treatment institutes,社区康复 Rehabilitation in community,社区戒毒 Drug treatment in residential community,国家采取各种措施帮助吸毒人员戒除毒瘾,教育和挽救吸毒人员。吸毒成瘾人员应当进行戒毒治疗。公安机关可以对涉嫌吸毒的人员进行必要的检测。公安机关应当对吸毒人员进行登记。The government tries every method to help addicts get rehabilitated. Drug addicts shall undergo treatment. The police shall give test to the suspected addicts. The addicts shall be registered.为了加强对吸毒人员的管理和帮教,提高戒毒的成效,禁毒法针对吸毒人员的不同情况,分别规定了自愿戒毒、社区戒毒和强制隔离戒毒、社区康复,并规定期限是一年至三年,其场所的设置、管理体制和经费保障由国务院规定。,戒毒措施 Drug rehabilitation measures,(一)自愿戒毒 Voluntary Treatment 吸毒人员可以自行到具有戒毒治疗资质的医疗机构接受戒毒治疗。Drug abusers may turn to qualified health agencies for treatment voluntarily. 设置戒毒医疗机构或者医疗机构从事戒毒治疗业务的,应当符合国务院卫生行政部门规定的条件,报所在地的省级卫生行政部门批准,并报同级公安机关备案。The drug treatment agencies shall meet the requirements of the health administrations, and shall obtain the approval from provincial health authority, meanwhile shall report to the public security organ at the same level for the record.,戒毒治疗不得以营利为目的。戒毒治疗的药品、医疗器械和治疗方法不得做广告。戒毒治疗收取费用的,应当按收费标准执行 。 Drug treatment shall not conducted for seeking profits. No advertisements for drugs, equipments and methods for treatment. The treatment fee shall be charged in accordance with relevant standards.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门会同公安机关、药品监督管理部门依照国家有关规定,根据巩固戒毒成果的需要和本行政区域艾滋病流行情况,可以组织开展戒毒药物维持治疗工作。The health administrations at provincial level, together with public security organs and drug supervision departments, may conduct maintenance treatment in line with the relevant regulations.,(二)社区戒毒 Drug treatment in residential community,【决定机关】对吸毒成瘾人员,公安机关可以责令其接受社区戒毒,同时通知吸毒人员户籍所在地或者现居住地的城市街道办事处、乡镇人民政府。The police has power to ask drug abusers to accept drug treatment ,meanwhile notify the relevant agencies where the permanent residence is registered.【期限】社区戒毒的期限为三年。The duration of treatment is three years【戒毒地点】戒毒人员应当在户籍所在地接受社区戒毒;也可以在现居住地接受社区戒毒。The drug abusers can receive drug treatment either in registered permanent residence or present residence.,【责任机关】城市街道办事处、乡镇人民政府负责社区戒毒工作。应与戒毒人员签订社区戒毒协议,落实有针对性的社区戒毒措施。The residences offices and township peoples governments are responsible for drug treatment in residential community, signing agreement with drug abusers for treatment, implementing relevant treating measures. 【指导协助机关】公安机关和司法行政、卫生行政、民政、教育、劳动和社会保障等部门应当对社区戒毒工作提供指导和协助。对无职业且缺乏就业能力的戒毒人员,应当提供必要的职业技能培训、就业指导和就业援助。The police, together with judicial departments, public health administrations, civil affairs departments and labor and social security departments, shall provide guidance and assistance for drug treatment. Vocational training, instructions and assistance shall be offered to those who are unemployed and are unable find jobs by themselves.,
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