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1,企業核心職能發展與應用,2,02/20/99,2,為何要研究職能並加以應用?,將企業文化、經營理念、政策等價值觀融入經營管理機能 應用職能提升HR在人力資本的管理品質 將企業文化融入組織成員(醞釀、培養與成長) 建立企業內部人力管理一致管理標準,3,統一超商的企業文化,延續統一的經營哲學 誠實、苦幹、追求卓越 重視商品、服務、衛生、清潔 重視組織和諧與倫理 品德操守第一、績效次之 重視基層管理與業務經歷的養成 重視團體績效 重視人才培育 中國式的管理模式,4,知識管理- 知識的迴旋(Spiral of Knowledge),隱性知識 企業文化、信念價值,文獻、故事,核心職能,制度應用,社會化,表達,整合,內化,5,02/20/99,3,報告綱要:,職能的意義 職能的發展方法(Spencers model) 職能的應用 甄選面談 人才庫管理,6,02/20/99,4,Definition of a Competency,Is an underlying characteristic of an individual that is causally related to criterion-referenced effective and / or superior performance in a job or situation. Underlying characteristic means competency is a fairly deep and enduring part of a persons personality and can predict behavior in a wide variety of situation and job tasks. Causally related means that a competency causes or predicts behavior and performance. Criterion-referenced means that the competency actually predicts who does something well or poorly.,Lyle M. Spencer, Jr.Competence at work(1983), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.NY USA,7,02/20/99,6,Underlying characteristic of an individuals competency,Trait, Motive,Self-Concept, attitudes, value,Certification Work experience Managerial skill,高,低,觀察與定義的容易程度,Iceberg Model,Consulting Model,8,Causal Relationships,Competencies always include an intent motive or trait force which cause action toward an outcome e.g. knowledge and skill competencies invariably include a motive, trait or self-concept which provides the drive or push for the knowledge or skill to be used. Behavior without intent doesnt define a competency e.g. management by walking around Causal flow model can be used to do behavioral analysis,9,Causal flow model,Intent,Action,Outcome,Personal Characteristics,Behavior,Job Performance,成就動機,品質不斷改善,持續改善 - 增加收益,高目標設定 不斷提升效率,10,Criterion Reference,A characteristic or credential that makes no difference in performance is not a competency and should not be used to evaluate people. The criteria most frequently used in competency studies are: Superior performance performance above average among peer Effective performance above minimally acceptable level of work,11,解釋名詞,Behavior the actions taken by an incumbent to perform job responsibilities successfully in a particular situation writing report, driving a truck, leading a team meeting Motivation aspects of work that may lead to job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover job satisfaction, geographical location, pay satisfaction Knowledge technical and professional information needed to perform a job activities valid license, surgeons medical degree, educational degreeswhich related to job performance,Development Dimensions International, Inc,Job management,ER management,Job management,12,Hint,職能的組成 鎖定探討的對象與其可應用在管理上的彈性 人格特質、價值觀、態度、知識、技術 因果推論 如何探討屬於職能的物件 連結動機與績效表現的關係 顯著分析 提供適用組織行為(7-11的組織行為)的職能個體判斷模式,13,職能發展專案,目標 建構7-11的企業核心職能 專案方向 以企業整體為基礎,研發致使企業成功的關鍵行為、技能與知識 專案範圍 不針對特定族群適用 不分階層皆適用 知識類別 另行以核心領域知識 (core domain knowledge)探討之,14,Developing a model,S,質化階段,量化階段,設計階段,1.文獻整理: 1.1各種職能參考資料收集 1.2企業組織價值體系資料收集 1.3工作資料收集與分析 1.4派外訓練 1.5編制職能字典,職能字典,2.工作者行為分析: 2.1中高階管理幹部行為訪談(Behavior evaluation interview) 2.2工作分析 2.3核心職能問卷設計 2.4執行問卷調查 2.5統計分析,職能重要度排序,3.分析研討與精練: 3.1消除統計偏差(人數比例、主管權數調整) 3.2運用眾數法則篩選核心職能 3.3結案報告,核心職能模型,E,15,1.1各種職能參考資料收集,Lyle M. Spencer,Jr., PhD, Signe Spencer(1993), Competence At Work: Models for Superior Performance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY U.S.A. Waston Wyatt, Competency Seminar - Aligning your organizational Competencies with business strategies DDI 美商宏智企管顧問公司提供之相關訓練課程教材 英商Eagle Star保險公司,經理人績效評核手冊 美國7-11店舖管理顧問師管理技能發展文件 張裕隆(國立政治大學心理學系,1998),管理才能評鑑發展與分析,國科會企業人力資源管理診斷專案研究 國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所系列相關研究論文(1998),質化階段,16,1.2企業組織價值體系資料收集,企業文化相關記錄資料 月刊、經理人撰著、重要會議記錄 經營計畫文件 經營策略書、經營政策白皮書,企業文化是組織成員 活動以及所形成氛圍的總稱: 1.團體價值觀(信念、眾人關 心的事物)2.語言態度行為(風範) 3.慶典/活動(向心力的凝聚) 4.正式與非正式的互動交往模式 5.內外部企業形象(在社會與他人 內心中的地位與角色),質化階段,17,1.5職能字典-Business awareness,Competency Name : Industry awareness: Definition:Understanding the current and future climate of the companys industry and formulating strategies that respond to that climate. Skills and knowledge that make up the competency include : knowledge of the companys position within the industry knowledge of competitions position within the industry understanding of future forces affecting the industry understanding of competition that exists outside the normal bounds of ones industry ability to create strategies and contingency plans that allow the organization to have a competitive advantage in this environment.,質化階段,18,1.5職能字典 -Customer focus,Definition: Making customers and their needs a primary focus of ones actions; developing and sustaining production customer relationships Attitude should include: Always focus on customers needs and take proper actions accordingly Have clear communication with customer regarding mutual expectations Probe to discover the customers underlying needs and match available or customized services to that need Follow through to ensure the promises to the customer are kept and questions or complaints are resolved Operate with a long-term view of the relationship / partnership Pay attention to customer satisfaction,
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