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News Translation,Member: 吴睿韬 马烨璇 张福林 韩彤 程林鹏 牟洋,Division of work: Classification of News Feature of Headline and Translation The News Lead and Translation The News Body and Translation Sports News Entertainment News,Classification of News,Chemical Technology School of Chemical and Technology 吴睿韬 2014207158,The Ways of Classification,Classification of News,Content,Classification of News,The Place,Classification of News,The Time,Unexpected newsSustained news,Classification of News,The Nature of Events,Hard news Soft news,Classification of News,Feature of Headline and Translation,Feature of Headline and Translation,Naval and Ocean EngineeringSchool of Civil Engineering2014205183 马烨璇,Feature of Headline and Translation,词汇,语法,修辞,The directory,Feature of Headline and Translation,Lexical Feature,Feature of Headline and Translation,Nouns and Midgets Words e.g. World eyes mid-East peace talks(eyes = watcher, observes)世界关注中东和平谈判,2. Clipped Words e.g. Migration raises bird-flu worries(flu=influenza)候鸟迁徙让人们对禽流感忧心忡忡,3. Initials and Acronyms e.g. The NPC drafts new law to stem corruption(NPC=National Peoples Congress )新的全国人大法律草案意阻止腐败,5. Journalistic Coinages e.g. Grain sale expected to fall at Euromart(Euromart=European + market)欧洲市场谷物销量预计下跌,4. Old Words with New Sense e.g. A dove departs(dove=a person who advocates peace)一位鸽派人物离去,Feature of Headline and Translation,Tense Used,Block Language in Headlines,Grammatical Feature,Feature of Headline and Translation,Present Tense e.g. Bush Defends Decision of War(present tense marks the time of past events)布什为伊战辩护,2. Continuous Tense e.g. Children Getting More Homework,Study Says(get+ing marks the continuous tense)研究表明孩子们的功课愈加繁重,3. Future Tense e.g. U.S. Will Not Curb Arms for Israel(will marks the future tense )美国无意削减对以武器援助,4. Block Language in Headlines e.g. Nepal Royal Family is Massacred(“is” can be omitted)尼泊尔皇室遭屠戮,Feature of Headline and Translation,对偶,拟人,双关,押韵,借用 典故,Figures of Speech,Feature of Headline and Translation,Antithesise.g. Big Crime, Small Cities小城,大案,Personificatione.g. Can New York Rise Again纽约还能东山再起吗,3. Pune.g. Microsoft Opens a New Window微软又开“新窗”,Historical Allusione.g. Nixons Odyssey to China尼克松访华的破冰之旅,4. Alliteratione.g. Peis Pyramids Puzzle Paris贝式金字塔使巴黎困惑不解,The News Lead and Translation,Main Content,Naval and Ocean EngineeringSchool of Civil Engineering张福林2014205294,The News Lead and Translation,Definition,Lead often exists in the first part of the news article. Actually, lead is the main contents and the essence of the news A simple, clear statement consisting of the first paragraph or two of a story. In this paragraph you have to answer six basic questions: who, what, where,when, why and how.-Brian S.Brook,The News Lead and Translation,Classification,The News Lead and Translation,Summary / Direct Lead,Passengers can take 24 round-trip charter flights across the Taiwan Straits during the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese feast, said the Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC)here Friday.,新华社电记者7日从民航总局获悉,今年两岸中秋包机航班正式排定,两岸共有12家航空公司总计将执飞24个往返航班。,1.On new source: 2.Way of showing time:,The News Lead and Translation,Delayed Lead,Under the brilliant ,mellow early November sunshine, multi-colored chrysanthemums of over 500 varieties rioted in color and beauty at Shanghais annual chrysanthemum show opened at the Peoples Park today.,11月初的上海,阳光明媚,500多种绚丽多姿的菊花竞相斗艳。每年一次的上海菊展今天在人们公园开幕。,3.Narrative perspective: civilian perspective and storilization objective and exact,The News Lead and Translation,Historical or Literary-allusion Lead,The Christmas decision to sent troops into Panama has gone down well at home. A Newsweek poll found that 80% of Americans approved of the invasion. Among democrats, normally suspicious of Republican Ramboism, 74% did so.,圣诞节做出的向巴拿马发兵的决定在国内颇受拥护。新闻周刊的一项民意调查表明,80%的美国人赞成入侵。通常对共和党的兰博式好战精神持怀疑态度的民主党人也有74%赞成此举。,4.On Textual Progressive Pattern: background information news fact,The News Body and Translation,Main Content,Naval and Ocean EngineeringSchool of Civil Engineering 韩彤 2014205179,The News Body and Translation,Reversed/Inverted Pyramid Structure,Least significant information,Minor detail,Supporting information or background,More facts,Intro containing most important or most interesting information,Quotes or more facts of less importance,The News Body and Translation,US trade deficit with China breaks the US $100b barrierThe United States trade deficit with China has risen above the US $ 100 billion level.According to figures released yesterday by the Department of Commerce, the US trade deficit with China last year was US $ 103 billion. This accounted for almost one-fourth of Americas total US $ 435 billion trade deficit for 2002, the largest imbalance in history, suppressing the US $ 379 billion mark set in 2000.The monthly deficit with China for December reached US $ 9.5 billion, up a remarkable 73 percent over December 2001. No reason was given for the year-on year surge.China overtook Japan three years ago as the country with which the US has its largest trade deficit, and has maintained that position ever since.China posted a trade deficit with its global trading partner of US $ 1.25 billion in January, attributing its first monthly trade deficit for at least five years to the rising of oil import. (Selected from SCMP, February 21, 2003),
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