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,1. 现具函自我介绍.本公司是美国各种电子产品的主要出口商. 感谢贵方3月2号的来信,我们很乐意同贵公司建立业务关系。 来函收悉,得知贵方愿与我方建立业务关系,特表谢意。 我们专营日本厨具,希望和贵公司开展本行业的业务。 因该项目属于我们的业务范围,我们将乐意与你方建立直接的业务关系。 你方商会推荐你作为我方产品在贵国的可能的代理商。 承蒙怀特先生介绍,我们得知贵公司是当地一家主要的机床进口商,且希望于我们建立业务关系。 我们愿意在平等,互利,互通有无的基础上同你方建立业务关系。 如果贵方愿意供货,我们将非常乐意同你方建立业务关系。 我们相信在双方共同努力下我们之间的业务会朝互利互惠的方向发展。,2. Translation Your firm enjoys high reputation. Were desirous of entering into business relations with you. Accordingly, we send you our catalogues and price lists for your reference. Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce, Sydney, we have learned that you are the leading importers of Chinese fireworks. We write to you now with a view to building up business relations with your firm. The enclosed price lists and catalogues will give you details of the models in which you are especially interested. If you are interested in establishing business relations with us in this line, please let us know your specific requirements. Well be pleased to forward samples, catalogues as well as detailed information. We learn from the Bank of China, New York Branch, that your firm specialize in the importation and exportation of air conditioners, and would like to establish business relations with you.,We are given to understand that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese arts and crafts which come within the frame of our business activities. We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of technology with foreign countries and will utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way. As requested, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogues and pricelist. We are writing to offer you an opportunity to develop trade. Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has been received with thanks.,4. Complete the following dialogues B: I have long heard your great name, and Im very pleased to see you, Mr. Smith. B: I specialize in Chinese arts and craft. B: please take a look at the itinerary we arranged for you. If there is anything inappropriate, please let me know. B: thank you. We are always doing our best to abide by contracts and honour our word. B: Im very glad to be of any help. We specialize in exporting chemical fertilizer. B: Its exactly true. Since our government decide to adopt a more flexible policy in foreign trade, our import and export business has been more active than ever before.,B: You talk the words out of my mouth. B: Certainly. In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products now available for export, Id like to give you our latest catalogues and price list. B: sure. We have mainly adopted some usual international practices. B: Thank you. I propose a toast to the health of every one here and to the success of our future negotiations.,Chapter 16,请给我方寄送样品并报最低价。 我方有一客户对贵方123型号产品感兴趣,请给我方寄样品和报价。 我方客户对贵方产品感兴趣,请就如下指定产品报价。 请就以下产品报最低上海到岸价,且此价包含3%的佣金。 随函附寄我方第3459询价单,请贵方报离岸价。 如贵方能按所要求的型号和质量供货,我方可长期大量订货。 此报盘有效期至8月20号止,惠盼早复。 请选择贵方感兴趣的货物,并尽快询价或下订单。 我方给贵方报价,此报价以贵方答复5日内到达我方有效。 如贵方接受此报盘,请立即电告我方以便我方确认。,2. We may take an offer to you according to international market price. We make a firm offer, subject to your reply reaching here by 11 tomorrow morning. Can you quote on FOB basis? The prices you have quoted are all on CIF basis. Can you quote us CIF London as quickly as possible? We shall be glad to place our order with you if your quote is competitive and delivery date acceptable. As soon as we receive you specific inquiry, well cable you our offer. If youre interested, please cable us indicating the quantity you require. We make you such an offer in view of our longstanding business relationship. We may consider a price reduction if you require large quantity.,4. B: Please cable us the quantity you requri so that we can make the offer. B: Certainly. This is our price list on CIF basis. B: All the offers are subject to our final confirmation. B: This offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us by the end of this month. B: Your inquiry is having our close attention and well make an acceptable offer in a few days. B: Well allow you a 2% discount if the quantity reaches 1000 sets. B: Well place large orders if your offer is competitive.,B: I hope to conclude transaction with you, as a representative of the IBM. B: Not bad. But sales are down a bit due to the appreciation to US dollars. B: I think its just a slump. Thins will improve soon.,Chapter 17,考虑到我们长期的贸易关系,我方愿意考虑降价。 我方非常遗憾,因为贵方报价与市场价格相差太大,我方难以接受。 市场不如去年活跃,如贵方能降价3%,我们也许能成交。 兹回复贵方3月15日函电,因为报价太高我方顾客不能接受。 我方的报盘是很实在的,因此很抱歉不能接受贵方还盘。 我发报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 我认为我方上周报价是最好的。 此价格比我方其他供货商的出价要高。 除非贵方减价5%,否则我方无法接受报盘。 此报盘着眼于扩大销售而且很有竞争性。,2. In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cant reduce our price any further. We suggest that you reconsider your price and bring it into line with the international market price. We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push sales of our products. We regret that it is impossible to accept your counter-offer even if we meet each other half way. In respect to quality, we dont think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.,
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