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,How to Easily Create Five Fabulous Infographics In PowerPoint,TABLE OF CONTENTS,ABOUT THESE TEMPLATES .1CREATING A COLOR SCHEME2USING FONTS FOR DESIGN3DESIGN ICONS AND SHAPES.4WORKING WITH A THEME.5CONCLUSION & RESOURCES6,ABOUT THESE TEMPLATES,Infographics are a powerful tool that companies and marketers can use to capture the attention of their target audiences. In fact, according to AnsonAlex, publishers who use infographics grow an average of 12% more in traffic than those who dont. Infographics allow you to present what would normally be hard-to-digest information, in a way that readers can enjoy and understand. The problem lies in finding the time and resources to do so.Thats why weve created six fully customizable templates that will give you the inspiration and foundation you need to build your own infographics right in PowerPoint.But first, lets dive into some tools you can use to customize these templates.,THE ESSENTIAL POWERPOINT TOOLS,FILL,LINE,EFFECTS,STYLES,While there are three essential elements, there are four essential tools that you will be using to design your infographics: fill, line, effects, styles. These four elements will help build your color scheme, shape style, and font styles.,FILL,The fill of an object or text will determine the primary color of that object or text. For example, the fill of this box is blue, and the fill of this text is white.,LINE,The line of an object will determine the color of the outline surrounding an object. The line of this box is grey. You can use the line of an object to make it stand out among colored backgrounds or simply give it a border.,EFFECTS,The effects will give you the ability to add some design elements to your graphics. You can work with a variety of features that include shadows, bezels, outer glows, and 3D effects. The icon below is using a shadow effect.,STYLE,The shape styles give you the option to choose from a number of pre-designed colors, lines, and effects that can be applied to your graphics. This can be used for objects, lines, and text.,ABC,ABC,ABC,ABC,THE ESSENTIAL POWERPOINT ELEMENTS,TEXT,PICTURE,SHAPE,By learning to use the three key elements of PowerPoint text, picture, and shape you can create high-quality infographics. Throughout this template, youll learn a number of ways to use these three elements to create your graphics.,To insert an image like the one above, you can simply drag any PNG or JPEG file into your slide.,CREATING A FOUR COLOR INFOGRAPHIC,When creating an infographic, you should start by determining what color scheme you would like to use. A four color setup gives you plenty of creative freedom to work with. More than that can look a bit chaotic.,USE CLIP ART, CUSTOM SHAPES, AND FONTS,Microsoft has a variety of clip art that you can download from their online database.,OVER 400 OPTIONS,Fonts like Wingdings can be used to add custom icons and images to your text.,Combining custom shapes can give you a variety of useful images to convey your data.,Change a shapes look by altering the colors of the Fill and Line of that shape. Double click your shape to access those options in the tool bar at the top.,50%,BREAK UP YOUR SECTIONS WITH A CHANGE IN STYLE,A helpful tip about breaking up your infographic into distinguishable sections is to simply change up the style. You can use a different set of custom shapes or text, or inverse the color scheme. This can help indicate to viewers that they are now looking at a section of statistics or a section of explanatory information.,ALTERNATING FONT SIZES,CONVEYING STATISTICS,There are times when we have a staggering amount of information that we cant present with an image-heavy infographic. These times call for styles of design that focus more on the fonts and how they can give your infographic a professional look without the clutter of too many images.,INFORMATION,70,SQUIRRELS,PREFER,PEANUT BUTTER,OVER JELLY,TIME,68,YEARS UNTIL,PUPPIES,TAKE OVER THE,WORLD,PEOPLE,9 OUT OF 10,MARKETERS,WILL SHARE THIS,STATEMENTS,INBOUND MARKETERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINDING LIFE ON MARS,USE YOUR COLORS,ALTERNATE THE COLOR OF YOUR TEXT TO EMPHASIZE CERTAIN DATA,MIX AND MATCH SHAPES,OVER,100,SHAPES,CAN BE USED TO CREATE GRAPHICS,TIMELINES,2012,2013,2014,2015,VIDEOS OF CATS,GRAPHS,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,2009,2010,2011,2012,ATTENTION SPAN OF PEOPLE,RANDOM THOUGHTS,YOU CANT CATCH APPLES BY THROWING ORANGES,400,BILLION STARS IN THE MILKY WAY,Youll notice that this infographic was created entirely from basic shapes and alternating font sizes. By focusing your design on two simple aspects, you can accomplish an intricate outcome. For an infographic of this style, I would suggest using no more than three colors and stick to one font to make things simpler.,DONT LEAVE TO MUCH WHITE SPACE,An important thing to remember when designing an infographic is to keep your use of white space to a minimum. Although white space can be useful, too much will spread your data too far apart and break the flow of your infographic. When youve finished designing your graphic, take a few minutes to adjust and move your elements around to find that perfect level of spacing.,
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