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,My Understanding About My Job.,Teaching is a demanding but rewarding job. Compared with other subjects, English , in my opinion , is more interesting. We English teachers should be the envy of all the other teachers. Besides, with so many laid off people nowadays, we should be content . Therefore , do what we can to make our teaching enjoyable and our job worthwhile. Having taught for 25 years , Ill never regret to have chosen teaching as my job.,争分夺秒,做好“实”字文章 对症下药,多下“点拨”功夫 查漏补缺;不搞 题海 战役,考前两个月,写作提高的空间最大,写 作 登 堂 入 室 之 途 经熟 知 高 分 标 准不 断 积 累 素 材注 重 多 种 训 练,“润色”作文,打造高分(地区获奖论文)(一). 写好开头,先声夺人(二). 巧用修辞,展示文采(三). 英汉各异,注重得体(四). 言贵简洁,遣词贴切(五). 巧用名言,画龙点睛(六). 变通办法,畅开思路(七). 上下连贯,过渡自然(八). 圆满收尾, 突出主题,小标题,书写要求,务要工整规范,切忌 龙飞凤舞; 不得轻看标点,坚持“双十”原则切记:高考平均一分钟批改一份,书写认真之重要不言而喻。,突出思想性拓展合理性行文逻辑性表达得体性首尾一致性,好作文的标准,突出思想性,文章不是无情物。是文章就该有一个主题(topic)。 要么弘扬一种精神;表明一种态度;表达一种情感。 传递一种信息等。它是文章中心思想的升华。,避免“下笔千言,离题万里”,,例: 假如你是李华,在最近的研究性学习当中,受21世纪中学生英语报 (The 21st Century)之邀,你对你所在的班60名同学(男女各半)进行了上网目的的调查。现将调查结果(如下表所示)用英语给报社的编辑写一封信,报道此事,以引起舆论的关注,并提出你的观点和建议。,摘自学生习作:,1. What delights me most is that 13% of boys and 13% of girls study on the Internet. 2. As can be seen from the graph, an equal numberof boys and girls prefer to study on the Internet. It cant be denied that studying on the Internet is of benefit to them because it enables us to broaden our horizon.,上述表达根本忽视了写作的思想性,却不知思想性乃文章之灵魂。,1.As can be seen from the graph, an equal number of boys and girls prefer to study on the Internet. It cant be denied that studying on the Internet is of benefit to them because it enables us to broaden our horizon. But unfortunately, only such a smallnumber of students surf the Internet with the purpose of studies. (主题句),本文应该突出的主题为:,2. In my opinion, so useful is the Internet that the students should make better and wiser use of it. Otherwise, its impossible to benefit from it. Moreover, I also hope the parents will pay enough attention to their children using the Internet in theirspare time.,建议:老师在作文讲评时勿忘点题。,夹叙夹议的文章,文章末段应有一二句议论以突出主题,表达得体性,注意语言的得体性 ,注重英语表达习惯,避免英语单词的堆砌.,建议练习:易错句子翻译学生习作改错自编作文题目,1.单句着手,常练不懈:(一句多译),1. 他英语学得不好使他不能与外宾交流。,His poor English makes him_ to talk with foreigners freely.,unable,His poor English makes _ _ for him to talk,it,impossible,_prevents him talking with foreigners is his poor English.,What,His bad English makes him cant communicate with foreigners.,2. 没有电视使孩子多读书出佳作。,Without TV makes children read more books and rite better compositions.,The disappearance of TV makes it possible for children to read more books and write better composition. But for / without TV, children could read more and Were there no TV, children could read more and. Without TV, children would be more likely to read The disappearance of TV might enable / help children to read more and write better.,2.自编作文题,例1. Can you say something about the changes in peoples diet nowadays? What do people think of green food?,内容提要:一部分人:愿出高价。理由:1.收入增加,健康意识增强2. 绿色食品科学、安全、营养3.借助膳食,吃出健康, 吃出长寿,吃出美丽。另一部分人:不肯买。原因:太贵;假;少数人: 温饱问题尚未解决,买绿色食品无从谈起。,避免汉式, 注重得体。,With an increase in income, people are living a better life and they are becoming aware of the importance of good health. Therefore the trend of green food is catching on . A good many people are willing to buy it at a high price, because in their opinion, such food is produced in a scientific way, besides, it is safe to eat and it contains enough nutrition. They also expect to become healthy as well as good-looking. Whats more , they desireto live longer by means of having a balanced diet. However, some others are not willing to buy it, because they consider it too expensive. Worse still, the so-called green food isnt so good as expected. Still a few even dont have enough to eat, let alone afford such expensive food.,有关事项,内 容,经营时间,一楼:日用品,食品,二楼:服装,三楼:电器,四楼:办公用品,特别服务项目,经营的主要商品,电话购物、导购服务顾客至上,联系电话23873369 欢迎提意见和建议,上午8:00 -晚上11:00,3. 精选作文题,商品齐全, 货真价实。,摘自学生习作:,1.The first floor sells necessaries and food, the second floor sells clothes, and the third and fourth floors sell electrical things and thingsused in offices. 2. All the goods in the store and the prices areboth real.,2.商品齐全,货真价实。,1.一楼:日用品,食品二楼:服装三楼:电器四楼:办公用品。,重在流畅,切忌硬译,地道的英语表达:,1.Necessaries and food are sold on the first floor , clothes on the second, electrical appliances onthe third and equipment for office use on the fourth. 2. All the goods in the store are good in quality andreasonable in price.,拓展合理,近年趋势:情景性与开放性相结合的题型受青睐。 编题目的原则:贴近高考。 帮助学生如何就所提供的有限信息合情合理地加以拓展; 培养学生如何用所学过的英语知识自如得体地加以表达。,研究高考命题(浙江),2006年: Film or book , which do you prefer ? 2007年:How do you prefer your English classes to be taught? In English only or in both English and Chinese? 2008年:Work individually or in a team? 独立完成:自行安排,自己解决问题 合作完成:一起讨论,相互学习 我喜欢的方式和理由:,例:假定你是李华,将去英国某学校短期学习,被安排住 在Smith先生家。请你写封短信与其取得联系并询问以 下情况: 1住宿条件; 2膳食安排; 3交通情况。 注意: 1词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头语已为你写好。 Dear Mr. Smith,Im Li Hua from China, writing to ask about my staywith your family. _,
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