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必修三 Unit 1 Festivals around the world,1At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months. 在那个时候,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬季,人们就会挨饿。 2It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave. 很明显,咖啡馆里的经理在等李方离开,考题回放2010江苏卷 假设你应邀参加学校组织的“英语学习师生座谈会”,请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,简单介绍自己英语学习的情况,并对学校今后的英语教学提出建议。,注意: 1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译; 2词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数; 3文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。,Dear teachers and schoolmates,its a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you._ Thank you for listening.,优秀范文 Dear teachers and schoolmates,its a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you.English,the worlds most widespread language,is a must for us to cooperate with foreigners in many fields.Besides,students who learn English well give themselves the edge in future job hunting.,However,important as English is,I feel unwilling to learn it at first,because I dont know how to learn it.Later,I came to grasp the methods.First,much importance should be attached to English listening,speaking,reading,and writing.Looking down upon any of them is likely to result in failure.Second,English culture is of great importance,so watching English movies is without doubt a good choice.,After class,I have made many American friends and often chat with and write to them in English.Just as you know,practice makes perfect. Last,I hope the English teachers can adopt a flexible teaching method to make the class active.Also,they should give us access to speaking English freely.Only when all of us take part in the class activities actively can we develop an interest in English. Thank you for listening.,1_n美;美人 2_n信任;信心;信仰 3_n到来;到达;到达者 4_n独立;自主 5_vt.,vi. & n搜集;集合;聚集 6_vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕,7_adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的 8_n习惯;风俗 9_n愚人;白痴;受骗者 vt.愚弄;欺骗 10_n悲哀;悲伤 11_vt.原谅;饶恕 12_n,vt. & vi.收获;收割 13_vt. & vi.(使)饿死;饿得要死 14_n诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt.欺骗;诈骗,15_vt.获得;得到 16_adj.独立的;自主的 17_n农业;农艺;农学 18_n奖;奖品 vt.授予;判定 19_n许可;允许 20_vi.道歉;辩白,答案1.beauty 2.belief 3.arrival 4.independence 5gather 6.admire 7.energetic 8.custom 9.fool 10.sorrow 11.forgive 12.harvest 13.starve 14.trick 15.gain 16.independent 17.agriculture 18.award 19.permission 20.apologize,1_place 发生 2dress_ 化装;打扮 3look_to 期望,期待;盼望 4a parking_ 停车场 5_ones word 守信用;履行诺言 6set_ 出发;动身;使爆炸,7have fun_ 玩得开心 8turn_ 出现;到场 9_ones breath 屏息;屏气 10remind._. 使想起 11_memory of 为了纪念 12ask_sth. 要某物 13play a trick_sb. 捉弄某人 14_the moon 赏月,15day and_ 日日夜夜 16at_ 至少 17throw_ 扔掉 18return_ 回到某地 19hold_ 稍候 20be married_sb. 与某人结婚,答案1.take 2.up 3.forward 4.lot 5.keep 6.off 7with 8.up 9.hold 10.of 11.in 12.for 13.on 14admire 15.night 16.least 17.away 18.to 19.on 20to,1satisfy vt. 使满意 satisfy sb. 使某人满意 satisfy ones desires 满足某人的愿望 satisfy/meet ones needs/demand 满足某人的要求 satisfy sb. that/of 使某人确信,be satisfied to do sth. 对做某事感到满意 be satisfied with 对感到满意 in/with satisfaction 满意地 to ones satisfaction 使人感到满意的是,It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 不可能满足所有的需要。 He was satisfied to win the match. 他对赢得比赛感到满意。 He nodded with satisfaction. 他满意地点点头。 What he has done is far from satisfactory. 他所做的远不能令人满意。,【易混辨析】 satisfying,satisfied satisfying 令人满意的;satisfied 对满意。如:Its satisfying to play a game really well. 一种游戏玩得特别好是一桩惬意的事。She never satisfied with what she has got.她对自己的所得从不感到满足。,【即境活用1】 (2010河北衡水中学一次调研)From his_voice on the phone I know everything is going under way. Asatisfactory Bsatisfying Csatisfied Dsatisfaction 解析修饰人的声音,微笑,表情等用ed形式的形容词。 答案C,2apologise vi. 道歉;认错 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb.that 从句 向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 accept/refuse ones apology 接受/拒绝某人的道歉,I must apologize for not being able to meet you. 我因为没能接你而向你道歉。 I apologized to her for stepping on her foot. I made an apology to her for stepping on her foot. 我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。 He is too stubborn to accept others apology. 他太固执以至于不肯接受别人的道歉。,【即境活用2】 (2010河南六市一联)You should_to your uncle for being so rude to him. Aexcuse Bconfuse Capologize Dregret 解析apologize 道歉。excuse原谅;regret后悔;confuse使迷惑。 答案C,3award v. 颁发;授予;赏给 n. 奖金;奖学金;奖品;奖状,【易混辨析】,The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. 奥林匹克获胜者获得了一枚金牌作为奖励。 Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a diploma. 顺利修完这门课程的学生将被授予文凭。,Everyone who reached the summit was rewarded with a magnificent view. 每个到达顶峰的人都会看到一幅壮观的景色。 The prize was a just reward for all his hard work. 奖品是他所有辛苦工作应得到的报偿。,
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