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1,不定式与动名词 用法之异同,2,一、作主语,1)基本用法:动词-ing做主语通常表示事物化、抽象化的概念,而且谓语动词一律用单数) Seeing is believing.Listening to music is one of my hobbies.Studying abroad has many advantages. 2)It作形式主语It is no use/good/a waste of time +v-ingIt is no use quarreling with her. It is no good reading such kinds of books.,3,二、作宾语 We appreciate your offering to help. We must avoid making such mistakes again.,3)There is no+v-ingThere is no joking about this matter.There is no telling where he has gone.,4,只用 v-ing做宾语的动词,admit, advise, keep, pardon, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, forbid, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practice, risk, cant help, feel like, give up, object to (反对), oppose, put off (推迟), get/be used to, be fond of, look forward to, concentrate on, put off, preventfrom.,5,某些习惯用法中常省掉介词He is busy (in) preparing a report.They spent a lot of time (in) making preparations.We had great difficulty (in) finding his house.I am having great trouble catching up with him in English. 常可以省略介词的惯用法have a good time doing, have a hard time doing, have trouble doing, have difficulty doing, have fun doing, be busy doing, spend time doing,6,动词不定式作主语,表示具体的特定情景下或有待于完成的动作通常用不定式 To finish reading such a long novel will take me several days. Swimming is good for health, but to swim in such a polluted river is harmful to health.,7,不定式做宾语,I want to do it myself. 只用不定式做宾语的有: refuse, promise, pretend, wish, hope, agree, ask, decide, expect, manage, offer, appear, beg, fail, prepare, aim, arrange, attempt(试图), choose, happen, plan, want, seem, prove(证明),8,动名词和不定式作宾语的差异,1) 有些动词可带动名词, 也可带 to do 作宾语,差异不大。一般说来,作宾语的动名词更重一般情况,不定式则强调具体情况。如 : prefer, learn, continue等。I like reading novels but I dont like to read this novel.I like swimming - I like to (go to) swim today. 2)有些动词后加不定式和动名词意思有差别如:remember, forget, try, go on, regret, mean, want, need, require等。,9,既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语但意义不同的动词:,remember(记得),forget(忘记),regret(后悔)后接不定式指该不定式所表示的动作还未发生,后接动名词(有时可用完成式),则指该动名词所表示的动作已经发生。比较:Remember to post the letter. 记住把这封信寄了。(“寄信”未发生)I remember posting the letter. 我记得寄了那封信。(“寄信”已发生)He forgot to pay me the money. 他忘记要给我付钱了。(“付钱”未发生)He forgot paying me the money. 他忘记曾给我付过钱。(“付钱”发生了) (2) try 后接不定式表示设法做某事,接动名词表示做某事试试(看有什么效果)。如:Ill try to come tomorrow. 我明天设法来。Lets try knocking at the back door. 咱们敲敲后门试试。,10,(3) mean 后接不定式表示打算(想要)做某事,接动名词表示意味着(做某事,接动名词表示意味着要)做某事。如:He did not mean to hurt you. 他不是有意要伤害你。This illness will mean going to hospital. 得了这种病就意味着要住院。 (4) stop 后接动名词表示停止做某事,接不定式表示停下正在做的事去做另一事。如:He stopped speaking, and there was not a sound in the room. 他停止讲话,房里一点声音也没有了。He stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 他停下来听,但再也没有听到什么声音。(stop后接的不定式不是宾语,而是目的状语),11,(5) cant help后接动名词表示禁不住做某事,接不定式表示不能帮助做某事。如:mes New Roman“后接动名词表示禁不住做某事,接不定式表示不能帮助做某事。如:He couldnt help crying when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时禁不住哭了。The medicine cant help to get rid of your cold. 这药不能帮你治好感冒。注:go on to do sth 和go on doing sth 也有类似差别:前者表示做完某事后接着做另一事,后者表示继续做正在做的事。如:You oughtnt to go on living this way. 你不应该再这样生活下去了。(go on 后接doing通常被认为是现在分词而不是动名词) Go on to do the other exercises after you have finished this one. 做完这个练习后, 请接着做其他的练习,12,既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语但语态不同,在 need, want, require等表示“需要”的动词后,接不定式和动名词均可,且含义也相同,但是语态不同:接动名词时用主动式表示被动含义,接不定式时则要用被动式表示”My coat needs mending to be mended. 我的外套需要缝补一下。Your coat wants brushing to be brushed. 你的大衣需要刷一刷。,13,forget, remember, regret 后接不定式或动名词含义不同后接不定式或动名词含义不同,动词 forget, remember, regret 等接不定式时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之后;接动名词作宾语时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之前。如:I forgot to tell you about it. 我忘记告诉你那件事了。I remembered giving the book to Li Lei, but he said I didnt. 我记得我把书给李蕾了,但是他说我没有给。此外,动词 forget, remember, regret 等接动名词、接动名词的完成式或不定式的完成式作宾语时,意义相同。如:I regretted to have broken the rules of our class. = I regretted having broken the rules of our class. 我后悔违反了班规。,14,mean后接不定式或动名词含义不同,动词 mean 接不定式作宾语时,表示一种意图,意思是“打算做,想要做”;接动名词作宾语时,表示解释,意思是“意味着,意思是”。如:I didnt mean to bother you. 我本不想打扰你。What he said means going there by air. 他的话的意思是坐飞机去那儿。,15,try后接不定式或动名词含义不同,try 接不定式作宾语时,表示一种决心,意思是“设法做,尽力做”;接动名词作宾语时,表示尝试,意思是“试着做”。如:Ill try to catch up with my class. 我将尽力赶上同学们。I tried reading the text without consulting my dictionary. 我试着不查词典来阅读课文。,16,need, require, want, deserve后接不定式或动名词语态不同,need, require, want, deserve 等表示“需要”的动词后另一动词作宾语时,该动词用不定式或动名词均可,但是其语态不同,即动名词用主动形式表示被动意义,而不定式则用被动形式表示被动意义。如:The flowers need watering every day. = The flowers need to be watered every day. 花儿需要每天浇水。注意:若 need, require, want后接动词为句子主语所发出的动作,则只能用不定式,不能用动名词。如:I need to water the flowers every day. 我需要每天给花浇水。,17,cant help后接不定式或动名词含义不同,cant help 后接不定式时,意思是“不能帮忙做某事”;接动名词作宾语时,意思是“禁不住做某事,情不自禁做某事”。如:Im very busy now, so I cant help (to) clean the room. 我现在很忙,因此不能帮助打扫房间。The girl couldnt help crying when she saw her mother again. 当小女孩再次看到母亲时,她情不自禁地哭了起来。说明:以下两个动词后接不定式或动名词(不一定是用作宾语)意思也不同:go on to do sth (做完某事后)继续做另一事) (不定式作状语)go on doing 继续做一直在做的事 (动名词作状语)stop to do sth 停下正在做的事以便去做另一事 (不定式作状语)stop doing sths) 停做正在做的事 (动名词作宾语),
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