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How to Make a Good Impression,Aims of This Unit,1. Learn some useful words and expressions related to the topics of How to Make a Good Impression. 2. Learn how to use proper words and expressions to make a good impression. 3.Conduct a series of speaking activities to develop their oral English communicative competence.,Part One: Questions,1.Discuss the importance of a first good impression,To make a good impression, we have to have deep confidence in ourselves. If you are calm and confident, the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a solid foundation of a good first impression.,2.When meeting an important person, you want to make a good impression, is confident very important? Why?,3.You are not born pretty or handsome, how do you dress yourself to make a good impression?,Although physical appearance seems to be more important nowadays, dont get upset if you are not born pretty/handsome. Try presenting yourself appropriately, do not dress for your own mood. Make sure that you look clean and tidy as this help to make a good impression.,4.How do you make use of your own body language to make a good impression ?,stand tall,smile,make eye contact,handshake,Body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words. Thus, stand tall, smile make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person feel better at ease.,the most important thing is a smile. A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease. You have to look sincere and true while you are smiling .,5.How can you make a good impression through your conversations?,Dont talk non-stop,Dont start criticizing people,Conversations should be short and sweet. Dont talk non-stop as this makes the other person bored. Try to find something common between the two of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.Stay positive, polite and dont start criticizing people or make sarcastic comments because this will spoil your image.,Part Two Role-play,Make use of the following expressions to role-play an simple interview with your partner.,Useful Expressions,interview 面试 face-to-face conversation request 需要,要求order as requested 应邀 be invited assistant 助理的,辅助的;助手 somebody that helps to do something as soon as possible 尽快 immediately colleague 同事 coworker appointment 约会,约定 date fluent 流利的,流畅的 smooth by appointment 按约定 according to the requested order. be familiar with 熟悉 having familiarity with,Part Three: Dialogue: How to Make a Fabulous First Impression,Chenhao has worked in an American company that lies in Beijing for one month. Today he has a chance to meet his CEO for the first time, in order to make a fabulous first impression, he decides to have a talk with Mary about this.,C: Mary, I will meet the CEO for the first time this afternoon, can you give me some advice? M: The first impression is very important. Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication when we meet some people for the first time,C: So if you can dress up yourself beautifully, everything is OK ? M:No, you are wrong, you should dress up yourself properly. you should also remember, when you meet someone, it is polite for you to wash and comb your hair. C: Oh, It seems that many of my colleagues wear ties, is it necessary ?,M:Year, dont forget to wear your tie after a while. C: OK, I will have it done soon. M:Wait a minute, oh, your pants is too long, remember, Pants should not drag on the floor。 C: I will wear other pants this afternoon. M:You should also keep in mind that Shoes should be polished and in good condition.,C: Oh, Im happy I have made them polished. M:Why do you wear white socks, never do that next time. C: There are so many rules, and now I m so nervous that I forget them all, can you repeat them to me? M:Hair should be well maintained; ties properly tied; pants should not drag the floor; shoes should be polished. And no white socks, please. C: thanks a lot.,Complete the dialogue, after that, role-play it with your partner.,Part Four : Complete the dialogue,Greeting Your Colleagues with Courtesy,陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他刚好遇到美国同事Amy. (Office ambience) C:Hi Amy, how are you? A:I am fine, thank you. And you? C:有件事一直让我摸不着头脑。 A:About what? C:我的新同事Carol很奇怪。每天早上,如果我不主动跟她打招呼的话,她肯定不会主动理我。,A:You mean she doesnt say, “Good Morning“ unless you say it first? C:没错。我昨天就没主动跟她说早安,结果不出所料,她真的没有主动理我。 A:Does she talk to you during the day? C:谈工作的时候她倒是跟我讲话,就是从来不主动问好,或是打招呼。 A:She sounds rude. It must be difficult to work with someone like that. C:是啊,跟她相处让我觉得挺不自在。,A:You need to talk to her. Otherwise things are going to get worse. C:其实现在已经影响到我的工作了。我们天天在一起工作,但她却好像没我这个人似的。 A:An unfriendly co-worker is bad for morale and productivity. C:我今天得找机会跟她谈谈。,陈豪下班后在车站遇到了Amy,两人一起等车。 A:Chen Hao, how did it go? Did you get a chance to talk to Carol today? C:我专门等周围没人的时候去找了她。 A:That was good that you waited until no one else was present. You wouldnt want to talk about a sensitive issue in front of others. C:我记得你以前提醒过我,这种敏感的事情最好是等周围没人的时候谈。 A:Tell me what happened? What did you say? C:我问她为什么早上从不主动跟我打招呼,是不是我有什么地方得罪她了。,
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