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北师大版九年级数学上册第五章北师大版九年级数学上册第五章投影与视图投影与视图同步同步练习共练习共 4 套套1 第 1 课时 中心投影知识点 1 中心投影的概念1下列属于中心投影的有( )台灯下笔筒的影长;房后的荫凉;美术课上,灯光下临摹用的静物的影子;房间里花瓶在灯光下的影子;在空中低飞的老鹰在地上的影子A5 个 B4 个 C3 个 D2 个知识点 2 中心投影条件下物体与影长之间的关系图 5112如图 511,白炽灯下有一个乒乓球,当乒乓球越接近灯泡时,它在地面上的影子( )A越大 B越小C不变 D无法确定3灯光下的两根小木棒 A 和 B,它们竖直放置时的影长分别为 lA 和 lB.若 lAlB,则它们的高度 hA 和hB 满足( )AhAhB BhAhBChAhB D无法确定知识点 3 影子或光源的确定图 5124一幢 4 层楼房只有一个窗户亮着一盏灯,一棵小树和一根电线杆在窗口灯光下的影子如图 512 所示,则亮着灯的窗口是( )A1 号窗口 B2 号窗口C3 号窗口 D4 号窗口图 5135如图 513,夜晚,小亮从点 A 经过路灯 C 的正下方沿直线走到点 B,他的影长 y 随他与点 A 之间的距离 x 的变化而变化,那么表示 y 与 x 之间的函数关系的图象大致为( )图 5146如图 515,电灯 P 在横杆 AB 的正上方,AB在灯光下的影子为 CD,ABCD,AB1.5 m,CD4.5 m,点 P 到 CD 的距离为 2.7 m,则 AB与 CD 间的距离是_m.图 515图 5167如图 516,墙壁 CD 上的 D 处有一盏灯,小明站在 A 处测得他的影长与身高相等,都为 1.6 m,他向墙壁方向走 1 m 到 B 处时发现影子刚好落在点 A,则灯泡与地面的距离 CD_8如图 517,身高 1.6 m 的小明从距路灯的底部(点 O)20 m 的点 A 处沿 AO 方向行走 14 m 到达点 C处,小明在点 A 处时,头顶 B 在路灯投影下形成的影子在点 M 处(1)已知灯杆垂直于路面,试标出路灯 P 的位置和小明在点 C 处时,头顶 D 在路灯投影下形成的影子 N的位置;(2)若路灯(点 P)距地面 8 m,小明从点 A 走到点 C 时,身影的长度是变长了还是变短了?变长或变短了多少米?图 5171C2A 解析 白炽灯向上移时,阴影会逐渐变小;相反,当乒乓球越接近灯泡时,它在地面上的影子越大故选 A.3D 4.B5A 解析 如图,设身高 GEh,CFl,AFa,当 xa 时,在OEG 和OFC 中,GOECOF(公共角),OEGOFC90,OEGOFC,OEOFGECF,ya(xy)hl,yhlhxahlh.a,h,l 都是固定的常数,自变量 x 的系数是固定值,这个函数的图象肯定是一次函数图象,即是直线影长随着离灯光越来越近而越来越短,到灯下的时候,将是一个点,进而随着离灯光越来越远而影长将变大,选 A.61.8 解析 ABCD,PABPCD.设 CD 与 AB 间的距离为 x m,则 ABCD2.7x2.7,即,解得x1.8,AB 与 CD 间的距离是 1.8 m.故答案为 1.8.76415 m 解析 如图所示,根据题意得BGAFAE1.6 m,AB1 m.BGAFCD,EAFECD,ABGACD,AECEAFCD,ABACBGCD.设 BCx m,CDy m,则 CE(x2.6)m,AC(x1)m,则1.6x2.61.6y,1x11.6y,即1.6x2.61x1,解得 x53.把 x53 代入1.6x2.61.6y,解得 y6415.经检验,x53,y6415 是上述两个方程的解CD6415 m故答案为 6415 m.8解:(1)路灯 P 的位置和影子 N 的位置如图所示(2)设小明在点 A 处时影长 AM 为 x m,在点 C 处时影长 CN 为 y m.由题意得 AMOMABOP,即 xx201.68,解得 x5;由题意得 CNONCDOP,即 yy61.68,解得 y1.5.xy51.53.5,小明从点 A 走到点 C 时,身影的长度变短了,变短了 3.5 m.人教新目标版七年级英语上册期末测试题有答案人教新目标版七年级英语上册期末测试题有答案期末测试卷 A 卷( )1. (2017长沙市场均教育团)Its_ , useful and interesting.P.E. Lesson,isnt it?Year, we can learn how to play_tennis from it.A. an;/ B.a;/ C. a;the( )2. (2017沙)_April 22nd,people around the world celebrate Earth Day In different ways.A. In B. At C. On( )3.I like apples,_ I like pears, too. What about you,Linda?Well,I like pears _ I dont like apples.A. and;and B. but; but C. but;and D. and; but( )4. (2017 蚌埠市末)My sister and I like eating. _ They are really delicious.A. tomatoes and carrot B. strawberries and pearsC. chickens and eggs D. milk and salad( )5. (2017 长沙市湘外国语期末)Jenny often eats a lot of fruit and vegetables_she knows they are good for health.A. because B. but C. or( )6.I dont have_money to buy the book. What about you?I have_now, I can lend(借给) you some. A. some; some B. some;any C. any;any D. any ;some( )7.Which month comes after May before July?_.A. June B. January C. April D. August( )8. (2017呼和浩特)How old is your daughter?We had a special party for her_ birthday yesterday.A. Nine; nine B. Nine; ninthC. Ninth ; ninth D. Ninth; nine( )9. (2017长沙市长郡教育集团)My father doesnt let my brother _compute games.A. play B. plays C. to play( )10. He is our English teacher, John Alan Brown. We usually call him_.A. Mr. John B. Mr, Alan C. Mrs, Brown D. Mr. Brown( )11. _ grandfathers are walking slowly along the street.A. Tom and Tims B. Toms and Tims C. Toms and Tim D, Tom and Tim( )12.Is the red book_?No,_ is blue.A. your ;my book B. Toms;hers C. his;he D. yours;mine( )13_ these shorts?Theyre five dollars.A. How much is B. How much are C. How many is D, How many are ( )14.Mike. thank you for driving me home._Have a nice day!A. Thats right B. Sounds goodC. Youre welcome D. Its a good idea( )15._My birthday is on November 11th.A. When is his birthday? B. When is her birthday?C. Happy birthday to you! D. When is your birthday?II.完形填空(10 分)I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four_ 1_ in the morning and two in theafternoon.We have_ 2_ to do after class._ 3_ Monday and Wednesday afternoon we_ 4_ sports. On Tuesday afternoon_5_of us have_6_singing class. And on Thursday afternoon some have a_7_class. On Friday afternoon we practice(练习) speaking_8_. My Chinesefriends want_9_ with me in English, They think I am like(像) an English teacher.On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to school. I often go to the park and have a good time_10_my family there.( )1.A. classes B. lesson C. class D. grade( )2.A. anything B. any things C. man
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