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INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,This presentation was made possible by the generous support of the Quebec Government.,PARTNERSHIP CISDL IDLO ILA,INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT:,Because Effective Laws Matter.,Contact: Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger / Ashfaq Khalfan Centre for International Sustainable Development Law 3661 Peel Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Tel: +1 514 398 8918 / Fax: +1 514 398 8197 / partnershipcisdl.org,INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT:,Introduction,IDLO,INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The Partners,Centre for International Sustainable Development Law International Development Law Organization International Law Associationwith support from UNEP Legal, World Bank Legal, United Nations Treaty Secretariat, and links to many University Law Faculties and Academies around the world.,IDLO,INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The Goal and Context,Focus: Significant legal developments in the field of sustainable development - legal research, education, advice and practice.Goal: “To strengthen sustainable development governance and lay the foundation for implementation of international law for sustainable development.”Our partnership facilitates scholarship on, access to, and compliance with coherent integrated international economic, social and environmental law. This initiative is geared to lawyers, law professors and students, judiciaries, and to non-lawyers, from developed and developing countries.,INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The Objectives,Develop a user-friendly web-based legal resource centre and network of inquiry to assess, exchange information and experiences, and promote intl law for sustainable development. Carry out legal research and experts workshops, to develop a series of legal briefs and capacity building manuals on legal developments in the field of sustainable development.Undertake capacity building and host dialogues on international sustainable development law (ISDL).,: Access to Legal Information: Legal Research & Resource Materials: Capacity Building & Expert Dialogue,INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Links to the Global SD Agenda:,2002 WSSD JPOI: With regard to facilitating the implementation of sustainable development, the CSD should: “(e) Take into account significant legal developments in the field of sustainable development, with due regard to the role of relevant intergovernmental bodies in promoting the implementation of Agenda 21 relating to international legal instruments and mechanisms.” (2002 WSSD Plan of Implementation, Chapter XI, 148 e) 1992 Agenda 21 In particular, in Chapter 39 (International Legal Instruments and Mechanisms) and Chapter 38 (International Institutional Arrangements) of Agenda 21, states and other partners are urged to: To further develop international law on sustainable development, giving special attention to the delicate balance between environmental and developmental concerns (39.1.a.); To clarify and strengthen the relationship between existing international instruments or agreements in the field of environment and relevant social and economic agreements or instruments, taking into account the special needs of developing countries (39.1.b.); To provide developing countries with technical assistance in their attempts to enhance their national legislative capabilities in the field of environmental law (39.1.d). To integrate environment and development issues at national, sub-regional, regional and international levels, including in the United Nations system institutional arrangements (38.7).,2002 WSSD JPOI:(a) Improve interaction and collaboration, stakeholder relationships and networks between and among universities, research institutions, government agencies and the private sector; (WSSD Plan of Implementation at 106). Assist developing countries in building capacity to access a larger share of multilateral and global research and development programmes. In this regard, strengthen and, where appropriate, create centres for sustainable development in developing countries. (WSSD Plan of Implementation at 107). Provide financial assistance and support to education, research, public awareness programmes and developmental institutions in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in order to: (a) Sustain their educational infrastructures and programmes, including those related to environment and public health education; (b) Consider means of avoiding the frequent, serious financial constraints faced by many institutions of higher learning, including universities around the world, particularly in developing countries and countries in transition. (c) Promote, as appropriate, affordable and increased access to programmes for students, researchers and engineers from developing countries in the universities and research institutions of developed countries in order to promote the exchange of experience and capacity that will benefit all partners; (WSSD Plan of Implementation at 117).,
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