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英 语 语 音 之 元 音 English phonetics-Vowels,简介:1. 英国标准音 (Received Pronunciation) The Queens English Standard Pronunciation Received Pronunciation BBC2. Daniel JonesDaniel Jones: 著名的英国语音学教授,是科学地完善国际音标的语音学权威。他所编著的 Everymans English Pronouncing Dictionary 自1917年首次发行第一版到1977年,已经发行了14版。在本课程中,凡是用到Daniel Jones 音标的时候,统一简写为D.J.音标。英语音标组成英语中共有12个单元音,8个双元音和24辅音。,单元音 ( the pure vowels) 前元音 ( the front vowels) 4 后元音 ( the back vowels) 5 中元音 ( the central vowels) 3双元音 ( the diphthongs) 合口双元音 ( the closing diphthongs) 5 集中双元音 ( the centering diphthongs) 3辅音 (the consonants) 爆破音 ( the plosive consonants) 6 摩擦音 ( the fricative consonants) 10 破擦音 ( the affricate consonants) 2 鼻音 ( the nasal consonants) 3 舌侧音 ( the lateral consonants) 1 半元音 ( the semi-vowels) 2,发音器官: 1 上唇 2 下唇 3 上齿 4 下齿 5 上齿龈 6 硬腭 7 软腭 8 舌尖 9 舌中 10 舌后 11 舌根 12 口腔 13 鼻子 14 鼻腔 15 声带,Organs of speech.,1. 上唇 Upper lip 2. 下唇 Lower lip 3. 上齿 Upper teeth 4. 下齿 Lower teeth 5. 上齿龈 Upper teeth ridge 6. 硬腭 Hard palate 7. 软腭 Soft palate 8. 小舌 the uvula9. 舌端 The tip of the tongue 10. 舌前 The front of the tongue 11. 舌后 The back of the tongue 12. 喉头 throat 13. 声带 the vocal cords 14. 器官 organs 15. 咽头 the pharynx 16. 口腔 the mouth cavity 17. 鼻腔 the nasal cavity,英语元音 the vowels (20个),秘诀: 悦耳动听在元音,英语是否好听,主要取决于原因是否饱满、到位!请练习下面句子。 Im not myself today. 我今天没心情。 I dont care what you do. 你做什么,我都不管。 We hope to see you again. 我希望再次见到你。 The days are getting longer. 白天越来越长。 I dont know how to thank you enough. 我不知道该如何感谢你。 When are you going to quit smoking你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?,秘诀:长元音尽量拉长,长元音拉长 鬼鬼祟祟的英文就是由鬼鬼祟祟的元音造成的!你只要把元音发饱满、到位,你的应为立刻就会说的“悦耳动听”、“底气十足”!那些英美流行歌手就是底气十足、元音饱满的典范。,国际音标 i: = 美国音标,Nickname 外号: 穿针引线长“衣”音! Gesture 动作: 在空中做一个“穿针引线”的动作。 Special Trick 特别技巧: 做疯狂勉强微笑状。 Extra Note 额外阐述: 一个最重要的长音。一定要足够长,足够到位Its my treat this time. 今天我请客。 A: please have a seat. 请坐。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。 A: We believe-in you. B: I appreciate your support. A: Sweet dreams. B: You too. A: Why is he so happy today? B: He dreamed a sweet dream last night.,秘诀:短元音急促有力,调动腹部的力量,一收小腹,立刻纯正 busy get along bother Lets get together again. Dont bother me. Im busy. He is difficult to get along with. The food here really tastes delicious.,秘诀:双元音饱满到位,双元音饱满、到位;尽量用你的口形来夸张发音,尽量发泄,尽量慢;争取以最慢的速度在一口气内用拉长、饱满、到位的放纵口形把句子读完;一定要把句子中的双元音读准。最后再用正常的语速,标准、地道的一口气轻松读完。,A: Why is he so happy today? B: He dreamed a sweet dream last night. A: Is he coming back soon? B: I have no idea. A: I dont like working overtime. B: Neither do I. A: I hate being late for work! B: Me too.,i:,e,u:,:,I,:,:,high,mid-high,mid-low,low,front,mid,back,Vowel Charts: English Pure Vowels,front vowels Symbol key wordi: sheepI shipe bedA bad,前元音发音的共同点 舌尖轻触下齿 舌前部向上颚抬高,但不接触 气流通过气管经口腔而出,不受任何发音器官阻碍, 没有任何摩擦 前元音发音的不同点 舌前部向上齿龈抬高的不同部位和高度决定四个前元音 的不同音位 /I:,e,A/ 的开口程度由小到大 /I:,e,A/ 的舌位由高到低,/i:/ e me she these Pete eveningee meet keen greet breeze speechea tea pea lead read teach please peak eachei receive deceive perceiveie believe relieve relief i policeeo people,/i/ i this it is in with middlee English England prettyui building o women,/e/ e met well yet very lecture spendea ready peasant already measure pleasureai again saiday saysa any many,/A/ a am bag hand thank campus factory family Saturday,/I:/ / /e/ /A/ beat bit bet bat meet mid met mad team tip tell tap steel still step stand /I:/-/ eat-it seat-sit feet-fit sheep-ship peal-pill leak-lick sleep-slip beat-bit bead-bid field-filled steel-still neat-knit He sees a ship. She sees a sheep. A ship and a sheep. This is a ship. That is a sheep.,/e/-/A/ bed-bad met-mad men-man net-lap said-sad mess-mass merry-marry set-sat led-lad lend-land beg-bag pen-pan a red flag get mad very bad weather felt very sad help his dad sat on the bed never come back get to know that Dont let the cat out of the bag. I guess they want gas. Can you bend that iron band? What daddy said made me sad.,
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