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12月4、5日中级口语笔记,By Fancy,The things you may be taken when you are traveling,battery ( take some spare batteries 带些多余的电池) a sleeping bag a tent insect repellent a first-aid kit a pair of scissors a flashlight a towel a bathing suit sandals a brush a hair dry soap a razor a toothbrush toothpaste sunscreen shampoo makeup,advise and suggestions,句型:,Maybe you should do sth maybe you shouldnt Do you heave any suggestions ? You should need to cancould do sth I think you should You should probably Do you want to Why dont you Its a good a idea to Take Dont forget to ,Examples:,You need to take a translator, because you may have some language problems. dont forget to take camera with you , so you can take many pictures .,How to react to suggestions:,that sounds great , Id love to Thats great Why not Thats a good a idea Thats for something you like Maybe, I guess we could , but I I really love your suggestion , but Well, I dont know Id like to , but ,things at home :,Bedroom ; clock ( alarm clock ) , drape , TV , curtains , dresser , nightstand , wooden floor , carpet , bedside lamp , bathroom ; mirror , shower , sink , toilet , bathtub , machine cabinet药柜 , toner 爽肤水 , lotion 乳液 , moisturizer 保湿产品 , cream霜 , syrup , essence 精华 , sunscreen防晒霜 , pack rat , yard garage sale living room; sofa , end table茶几 , lamp , coffee table , armchair扶手椅 , cushions , potted-plant 盆栽 , 壁灯 wall fitting , 壁炉 fireplace , 落地窗 French window , singledouble bed , king-sizequeen-size bed大床 , closet wardrobe , chest of drawers , bath mat , towel rack毛巾架 , ashtray烟灰缸 , blind百叶窗, wall picture , small appliance , blender搅拌器 ,toaster , bookcase 书房 , kitchen ; cabinet dishwasher , faucet , stove , oven , microwave , dining room ;,order of adjectives :,opinion size color shape nationality material,opinion :awesome ,fancy , plain ,pretty , ugly size :big , little , small , tiny ,shape : oval , rectangular , triangular ,square ,material : metal , plastic , wooden , cotton , silk , wool,ask if you can do something(ask permission to do something ) ask someone to do something :,Ask permission :,do you mind if I do something , no , go ahead no , not at all no , no problem Listen , I hate to ask this , but would you mind doing something Im happy to help .I was wondering if you could do something I would really appreciate it if you could Is it ok if ,how to react the story (如何回应别人和你说比较糟糕的事情或者是别人和你说的事),发出感叹:,oh , thats great wonderful oh , really ? (thats great thats so bad ) oh , no way ! no kidding ! you must be kidding ! oh , how awful how terrible thats bad .,问细节:,When how did it happen ? Did you hurt yourself ?,keeping in touch,在说通讯工具时可用的表达方式:,With .you can you can (当你在谈论什么通讯工具时,它的好处, 可用的句型) 例:With the e-mail , you can send something to your friend , you can pass information , you can attach some fires to your friend 谈论什么好时还可以用比较级 page 98 add details 例: its quick than anything else , you just click the mouse , and then the letter will be sent thousand miles away . For example , if you want to send a letter to Africa , it will take one or two months , but if you use e-mail , the letter will be received the moment you send .,其他一些表达:,Theres nothing worse than spam when youre really busy . Theres nothing worse than a light out when you havent finished your homework . Theres nothing better than a ice-cream in a hot summer . Its more fun than 比更有趣 Too bad I cant do it in class .,Express your opinion :,表达自己的观点:,Personally , I thinkI believe I feel I betI guess As for me As I see In my opinion From my point of view It seems to me that Well , if you ask me To be honest frank to tell you the truth Honestly frankly,当完全赞同别人的说法时:,Well , if you ask me , I would like to Exactly absolutely definitely totally Thats right correct thats a good point You bet I agree with you completely I cant agree more I am totally with you I stand by you,Thats exactly what I think My thoughts exactly You can say that again We share the same idea What youve said is perfectly right,部分同意, 同时你又想加自己的观点:,I know and furthermore I feel much the same way . for example Thats just what I was going to say , And also . May I add something Your idea is if you dont mind , I want to add something,当你不同意别人观点时:,You may be right , but I may be wrong , but I agree to some extent , but Yes , but isnt is also true that I know what you mean, but I hate to say this, but I guess thats true ,but I can understand how you feel, but I can see your point, but I suppose thats true in a way, but . Im with you on that point but speaking of Thats one way of looking at it , but perhaps Im afraid we just dont share the same opinion,how to make phone calls,接电话 :,Hello, is there , please ? Id like to speak to May could I speak to Yes, speaking This is shehe . One minute please, hes coming Hold the line, please Who is calling , please Who should I say is calling He is not here , can I take the message ?,
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