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Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.,Section B,3a Read the article and underline all the phrasal verbs.,Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again. On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who dont have bikes.,Phrasal verbs: cheer up, run out of, put up, call up, hand out, set up, come up with, fix up, give away.,The things that Jimmy did to solve his problem:,1. He did a radio interview. 2. He put up some signs. 3. He called up his friends. 4. He handed out advertisements. 5. He told the teachers. 6. He set up a call-in center for parents.,Explanation,1I take after my other. 我长得像我的妈妈。 take after 意为“在外貌、性格等方面与(父母)相像”。 与take after意思相近的词组还有look like (看去像)、be like (像一样)。 Who does the boy look like? 这个男孩看上去像谁?2Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. 上周所有人都尽量让单车男孩吉米高兴起来。 try to do sth. 意思是“尽力去做某事”,但不强调所做的事是否成功。 Try to finish your work on time, please! 请尽量按时完成你的工作!,类似表示“尽力做某事”的词组还有下列两种: try doing sth. 表示“试着去做某事”。 Yesterday the old man tried opening the door. 昨天这位老人试着把门打开了。 3.and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. 给他所有的朋友打电话告诉他们他的问题。 call up 表示“给打电话”, 后面接指人的单词。 Did the boy call up you just for a chat. 这个男孩给你打电话只是为了聊天吗? “给打电话”的常见说法还有: give a call They were giving their teacher a call when I got there. 我到那时,他们正在给他们的老师打电话。, ring up Did you ring up your father last week? 上周你给你的父亲打电话了吗? give a ring Do you know who gave Zhang Hua a ring an hour ago? 你知道一小时前谁给张华打电话了吗? telephone / phoneup Telephone up me as soon as you arrive in Shanghai . 你一到上海就给我打电话。 telephone /phone (to) Will you please telephone to the policeman? 请你给警察打个电话好吗?,4 GROUPWORK,1. I will pick up the litter in the park near my home. Then the paths will become clean and beautiful.,2. I will work in the old peoples house and help wash their clothes and sing for them.,3. I will stand at the crossing and help hand out papers to remind people of obeying traffic rules.,Self Check,1 Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary.,give away take after come up with give out hang out,1. Be quiet please, class. Im going to your test papers. 2. My friend Dave a great idea! Were going to make a pen pal website. 3. I some clothes to charity because they were too small for me. 4. On weekends I like to at the sports club with my friends. 5. Jim his father. They are both clever and a bit quiet.,give out,came up with,gave away,hang out,takes after,2 Writing,A sample version Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer. As a volunteer she sings at a local hospital and cheers up sick people and also sings at schools. But after she ran out of her money for singing lessons, she came up with ideas for making money. She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children. Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.,; http:/007yczp.com/forum-hefei-1.html 合肥夜场招聘 合肥夜总会招聘 合肥ktv招聘 orz14msr 打发出去之后,这彭显贵掌柜的更加坐卧不是了。哪里知道那个伙计一个转身又进来了,压低嗓音儿说:“那耿二掌柜的说了,如果你家掌柜的现在忙,我就在铺子里等着。什么时候你家掌柜的忙完了,我再和他说话。现时儿,他已经拉了一把椅子坐在一边儿等着了!看来,这小年青儿不像是来寻事儿的,不如您就见一见他,咱倒要看他说些什么。”听伙计如此说,彭掌柜的心里又打起了小鼓,心想这个年青人有些不好缠呢!但想一想,还是不能急着和他见面,就对伙计说:“你们别理会他,看他能等到什么时候!”一个时辰之后,另一个当班的大伙计进来了。此时,这彭掌柜的皱着眉头依然呆坐在泡桐树下,旁边放的一杯茶早已经没有一点儿热气儿了。这个大伙计是彭掌柜的的一个远方亲戚,也是他的心腹之人。在前些天编造谣言诽谤“昌盛丝绸行”的行动中,此人可是立了大功的呢。看着安详地静坐在一边的耿正丝毫没有一点儿焦虑和不耐烦的表现,这人的心里边就慢慢地由一开始的不屑和不安,转变为羞愧和钦佩了。走到近前时,看到彭掌柜的焦躁得连茶也无心喝,这大伙计不免动了恻隐之心,心想这事情自己也有责任呢,就又有一些自责了。于是,他陪着小心低声说:“表叔,您还是见一见耿二掌柜的吧。我看这人非常沉稳,不会让咱们下不来台的!您这样总躲着也不是个办法啊!”在自己的心腹面前,彭掌柜的无须再装了。他有些不安地说:“咱们前些天的做法是缺德了一些呢,我是不知道该怎么面对这个年青人啊!说实话,我对人家昌盛丝绸行是既羡慕又嫉妒啊!可是,当咱们的铺子一蹶不振了之后,这种羡慕和嫉妒就慢慢地转变成仇恨了。到后来,没有能力与人家竞争,就想出那些个下三滥的手段来诋毁人家,这这这,这丢人啊!俗话不是说了嘛,纸里包不住火的。一旦那些谣言被戳穿了,我怎么去见列祖列宗,还怎么在杭州的商行中抬头啊!”这大伙计说:“事情已经这样了,总得解决才是啊!我看,只要他能给咱们一个台阶下,咱们也正好就坡下驴,想办法为他们挽回一些名誉方面的损失。从此之后,大家彼此相安也就是了!”这彭掌柜的既不说见,也不说不见,只管愁眉苦脸地不断唉声叹气。大伙计再次陪着小心说:“我说表叔,您还是见一见耿二掌柜的吧!”彭掌柜这才无可奈何说:“唉,外面人多眼杂的,你去请他进来说话吧!”大伙计低声叮嘱道:“您可要打起精神来和他说话啊!”彭掌柜有些不耐烦地摆摆手说:“我知道,你去请他吧!”很快,大伙计陪着耿正进来了。看着英俊潇洒的耿正面带微笑迈着沉稳的步伐朝着自己走来,彭掌柜的悠然而生出来无限的敬佩之情。心想,这年青人的形象和气质与他的年龄实在是太不相符了!我说呢,“昌盛丝绸,
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