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开心学英语第四册 Unit12 Review,第四册的结构,十二个单元每三个单元一复习总复习国际音标表,单元结构,每个单元一个主要的话题,结合该话题复习其他相关的话题。每个单元由两课组成。每个单元有主要句型、语法、歌曲和童谣。,每个单元一个听音练习每个单元一个自我评估,Vocabulary pajamas, slippers, underwear, towel, keys, money, handkerchief, swimsuit, go to the park, see a movie, play outside, go home, take a walk, take a nap, do a puzzle, surf the Internet, taxi driver, fire fighter, police officer, office worker, secretary, doctor, nurse, teacher,句型操练1 Is this money yours? No,its not. Are these Moms keys?I dont Know. Is this hers? Yes, it is.,句型操练2 What do you want to do?I want to see a movie.Do you want to take a walk? Sure. Do you want to go home? Not really. I want to go to the park. What do you do? Im a nurse. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.,Review,Sing a song. 歌曲 2. Look and write.熟练掌握四会单词. 4. Listen an learn the English sounds.注意/b/m/读音,oo 有两种读音:floor ) room u: m 读音:broom morning,hank you !,
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