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Period 28,响水县2018年中考一轮复习课件,(八年级下册 Unit 7),教学目标,1. 词汇、短语及句型复习 2. 考点复习 3. 一般现在时和一般过去时被动语态构成及用法 4. 话题复习,自 学 反 馈,blindness,officer,develop,afford,hold,India,interviewer,especially,education,educational,basic,blind,development,held,自 学 反 馈,matter,check,secretary,reader,right,proud,pale,patient,medicine,medical,耐性的,pride,自 学 反 馈,make the world a better place for children,have an interview with sb.,prevent them from getting illness,cant afford to do,operate on sb.,provide them with sth,There is pocket money left.,carry on doing/with sth,She is getting used to travelling by plane.,donate money to sb.,provide sth. for them,自 学 反 馈,make ones mind,make up ones mind to do,medical treatment,be proud of,have an operation,support ones work,be proud to do,prevent the spread of some serious diseases,organize other activities,1. P 92 You have some pocket money left. 你有剩余的零花钱。leave left - left left adj. 剩下的,剩余的,没用完的修饰名词或不定代词时,通常后置。,如:我只剩下一张票了。冰箱里什么也没有剩下。,leave for 前往 leave at home 把忘带/落在家,I have only one ticket left.,There is nothing left in the fridge,句型再现,2. P 92 Im too weak to walk any further.我太虚弱了,走不动了。,She is too young to go to school.,“tooto”结构表示“太而不 能”, 注:too + adj./adv. + to + do”,但是当不定式的主语不是句子主语时,常表达成:toofor sb. to do sth.,这个问题对我来说太难解决了。,The problem is too difficult for me to work out.,e.g.她太小了不能上学。,句型再现,3. P 93 It provides basic education for children in poor areas. 它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物=provide sb with sth,e.g. You have provided so manyinteresting books for us.,= You have provided us with so many interesting books.,句型再现,4. P 94The plane is also used as a training centre. 这飞机也被用作培训中心。,动词一般现在时的被动结构是:am /is /are + 过去分词 如:English is taught in every school.,记住三个重要的易混结构:(sb) used to do (某人)过去常常做(sb) be/get used to doing (某人)习惯做(sth) be used to do (某物)被用来做,句型再现,5. P 94 Many of our patients cant afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them. 我们许多病人去不起医院,所以我们就去找他们。句中的afford意思是 “买得起; (有时间)做” 通常与can, could, be able to连用,多用于否定句和疑问句。词组:afford sth. ;afford to do 如:Can we afford to buy a new car? We cannot afford a new house./ We arent able to afford a new house.,句型再现,6. P95 During my last visit, 150 patients were operated on. 在我上次的出访中,就有150位病人得到手术治疗。 转成主动句后动词一般过去时被动结构是:was / were + 过去分词 如:昨天一个黑人被杀了。,A black man was killed yesterday.,During my last visit, I operated on 150 patients.,句型再现,7. P95 Im proud to help people see again and improve their lives. 我很自豪地帮助人们重见光明并改善他们的生活。proud adj. 自豪的, 骄傲的 词组 be proud of sth 为感到自豪be proud to do sth 自豪地做某事e.g. They were proud of their success. 他们为自己的成功而骄傲。,句型再现,8. She is getting used to travelling by plane. 短语be/get used to something/doing something意思是“习惯于,适应”【注】be used to 表示一种状态get used to表示一种变化I found the job tiring at first, but now I am used to it.,起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但现在习惯了指的是一种已经形成的状态。,句型再现,1especially (adv). 考点点拨especially意为“特别,尤其”,较多地用于正式文体,指某事物超乎一般的重要、不寻常。,【中考链接】The basketball match was really fantastic, _ when Jeremy Lin scored in the last second.A. probably Bespecially C.exactly D.mostly,B,考 点 梳 理,2develop (v ) 考点点拨develop作动词,意为“发展,加强”;develop的形容词developing( 发展中) 和developed(发达的). develop的名词形式是development.,【中考链接】 (2017.江苏镇江)39.With the (develop)of Xiongan New Area,more than 180,000 jobs can be provided for local people.,development,考 点 梳 理,3. proud adj.自豪的,骄傲的 【点拨】 proud作形容词,意为“自豪的,骄傲的”。 用作表语时, proud后常接of短语、动词不定式或that从句。如: We are proud of our success.我们为自己的成功而感到自豪。 He is proud that he is a scientist.他为自己是一名科学家而感到自豪,【中考链接】(2017. 江苏南京)43.So far, our football team has won every match this year. That makes us feel (自豪的),proud,【拓展】 pride是 proud的名词形式,常用短语take(a) pride in意为“为而骄傲;因而自豪”。如: He is the joy and pride of his parents.他是他父母的欢乐和骄傲。 She takes(a) pride in her works of art.她为她的艺术作品而自豪,考 点 梳 理,4. afford 考点点拨 afford to do sth付得起钱做某事,负担得起做某事。常与can,could,be able to连用,多用于否定句或疑问句。cant/couldnt afford to do sth付不起钱做某事,负担不起做某事。,【中考链接】 (2017.江苏宿迁)44. Most people in China couldnt (买得起) cars twenty years ago,afford,考 点 梳 理,5. carry 考点点拔 carry on with sth /carry on doing sth.continue to do sth. /continue doing sth继续做某事。,【中考链接】 ( )The weather was badBut they still decided to with their work Acarry off B.carry on C.carry outD.carry,B,考 点 梳 理,什么是语态? 语态是动词的一种形式,表示的是主语和谓语之间的关系,是表达法的一种变换。 英语中的语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。当主语是谓语的执行者时,是主动语态。当主语是谓语的承受者时,是被动语态。 如:We clean the classroom every day.我们每天都打扫教室。主动语态The classroom is cleaned (by us) every day.教室每天都被(我们)打扫。被动语态,一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态,语 法 回 顾,【课堂学习】2.小组学习被动语态的基本构成,完成下列表格。,被动语态的基本构成,am,are,is,was,were,was,被动语态的基本用法,动作的执行者是泛指或者不言自明时。,在不知或无须知道动作的执行者是谁时。,需要强调动作的承受者时。,处于委婉或者礼貌而避谈动作的执行者。,在被动语态的句子中, 如果我们需要指出动作的执行者, 可以由by引出。,注意:,有些动词常用被动语态。如: He was born in Nanjing. 他生于南京。 (几乎从来不说: His mother bore him in Nanjing.) The mobile phone was made in China. 这部手机是中国制造的。,主动语态变被动语态需要注意的问题,(1)谓语动词的时态要与原句时态一致。 如: I bought a new bike.(改为被动语态) 我买了一辆新自行车。 误:A new bike is bought by me. 正:A new bike was bought by me,
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