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CET-4 Lecture,试点的四级考试各部分测试内容、题型和所占比例,四级考试单项分的报道共分为四个部分:听力(35%)、阅读(35%)、完形填空或改错(10%)、作文和翻译(20%)。满分分别为:听力249分,阅读249分,综合70分,作文142分,各项相加之和等于总分710分。,大学英语四级考试成绩报告单,四 级 考 试 流 程,四级考试流程,试卷一写作快速阅读试卷二听力仔细阅读完形填空翻译,I Listening Skills,Listening skills,在四六级考试的听力测试中,一般说来,要做到以下几点:先看后听:充分利用听力考试正式开始前2分钟的时间或者放directions的时间,将试题的选项浏览一遍,在浏览过程中,注意划出选项中重复次出现的名词、动词和形容词以及专用名词和数字,因为这些词一般会在录音中出现。通过这些词,也可以对题目录音的主要内容进行预测。除此之外, 通过对大量的真题的研究,我们发现,正确答案一般在语义相反或者相对或者结构相似的两个选项中,因此,通过浏览选项,我们可以对正确答案进行预测。,把握节奏:正式开始做题之后,要严格控制答题时间,根据自己听懂的内容,尽快确定并标出答案。倘若遇到难题,应当机立断,不要在该题上花太多的时间。尽量余下几秒再次浏览下一题的选择项。如果在做完上一题后余下的几秒钟内看不完下一题的选择项时,则应把注意力放在听上,而不要为了看而耽误了听录音的内容。毕竟这是在进行听力测试,如果听得清、记得准的话,自然可以选择出正确的答案。沉着应战:在整个听音过程中,要注意力高度集中。在听懂大意的基础上,识别某一选项在录音中的位置和主要内容。在此过程中,要耳眼并用,耳听录音信息,眼观选择项,边听边做简单记录。遇到不会答的难题,果断放弃,猜一个答案,然后集中精力做下一道题。要相信只要专心致志就一定能发挥出自己的实际水平。,四级听力理解考试题型,一. 短对话 听力测试第一部分是短对话,共有8题。录音只放一遍。 解题策略: 1.1 浏览选项,预测对话主要内容:利用听音之前的几秒钟时间迅速浏览4个选项,根据提供的信息,可预测对话的主要内容,为听懂对话打下基础。,1.2 分析选项,挑选答案:选择答案正确与否主要看对多听到的是否真正理解。在无法确认答案或是没完全听懂的情况下,可以利用以下的技巧:1) 听到的不是答案:设计选项时命题人常利用同义词语来设计答案,而利用对话中的一些词语的语音或含义来做干扰项,因此如果没听懂对话的实际含义,只是只语片言地听懂一些词语,就不要去选带有这些词语的选项。2) 含义相同或相近似的两个选项都不会是答案:答案 是唯一的,因此可以把含义相同或相近的选项排除掉。3) 概括的选项可能是答案:几个选项中如有一个是概括的含义,其它几个较为具体,又是在对话中出现了的,他们往往是干扰项,概括的那个才是,题型及应试技巧,1、问题类型 : Section A每组对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的一问一答。问题一般由先讲话的人提出。一般说来,答案是对第二人语义的概括。因此解题关键是把注意力放在第二人身上,注意其态度和反应。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下: 1)问“是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类”等,如: What is the mans answer? What does the woman want for lunch? What are they talking about? What kind of books does the manwant to borrow?,2)问“做什么”,如: What does the woman tell the man to do first? What are the speakers doing now? What will happen if John fails the exam? 3)问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如: How did the teacher usually begin his class? How does the man usually go to work? 4)问“对某事的感受如何”,如: How does the man feel about the movie? How do you like the film? 5)用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如: Why is the man late? Why did the man repair the car by himself?,2. 事实细节题这类题的特点是信息点不止一个。答案往往是原关键词语的同/近义词替换或解释说明。考生应抓住信息,寻找其替换项。 Eg. A. There is no more left.B. It doesnt appeal to her.C. Its incredibly delicious.D. she has already tasted it. M: would you like to try the banana pie? Its incredible. W: Well. to tell the truth, I dont care much for dessert. Q: What does the woman say about the banana pie?,3. 观点态度题。这类题涉及到抓关键词/习惯表达和固定句型,其中固定句型包括委婉建议型,双重否定型和虚拟语气型等.,1)问“什么含义”,如: What does the man mean (imply)? What does the womans answer suggest?2)问“从对话中能获得什么信息或结论”,如: What can we learn from the conversation? What can be concluded from this conversation? 3)问“对某人或某事有什么看法”,如: What does the man think of Miss Brown? What does the woman think of the plan?,Eg. 1) - Do you mind if I change the channel?- No. not at all? 2) Are you telling me you dont have a housekeeper?- No, we dont. 在判断观点态度时,要注意:有些表达方式看似否定意在肯定. 如: I cant thank you enough. I cant agree with you more. You can never find a better opportunity. Not a single person was absent from the meeting. I never fail to do 有时肯定的形式却表达否定的意义。如: Neither/nor/none/ can do Sb. failed to do Sb. missed to do Sb. hardly/scarcely/barely/seldom/rarely does/did 含有表示否定语法意义的句子,如little, few, too.to, rather than, prefer to 等。,4.虚拟语气题。这类题的特征是对话中出现与事实相反的句子;还有wish从句,if only 从句表示无法实现的愿望,及it is (about/high) time that sb. did sth. Eg. If the traffic wasnt so bad, I could have been home by 6:00. The woman should have finished her her project by now. I only wish Tom showed half enthusiasm for his English lessons.,5. 地点场景题 有些地点是直接提到的,但需要排序做出选择。有些则需要推断。相关语境词汇: Hotel: reserve ,reservation reception , check in/out, room304 , single /double room, suite ,bathroom , hot water, morning call/wake-up call, room service, Restaurant: food, menu, order, reserve the table, dish, bill tip, steak, lobster, ham, soup, salad, dessert, coffee, juice, bread and butter, waiter, waitress, Airport : boarding, card, check in, flight, fight schedule, airline, airplane, take off, landing, boarding, passport, luggage, gate No Railway station: platform, one-way ticket, return ticket, round-trip ticket, express, terminal,Hospital: doctor, nurse, patient, fever, cold, temperature, emergency room, operation, ward(病房), tablets, pills, medicine, injections, recover, (fill the) prescription Bank: open an account, check, cash, interest, credit card, save the money, savings account, withdraw, deposit Supermarket: sale, price, discount, buy, pay, size, take, how much. Library: bookshelf, aisle (通道), section, alphabetical order Post office: mail, airmail, stamp, postage, parcel Customs: Declare, duty, free, customs officer, passport, visa,6.身份关系题此类题型要求考生准确判断讲话人的身份职业以及会话人之间的关系。这类会话常常涉及到一些明显的与职业相关的词汇,需把握此类线索作为依据。 相关语境词汇: Teacher and student: Examination, test, term , homework, assignment, paper, pass, fail, campus, ask a question, give a class Doctor and patient:Headache, cough, temperature, medicine, flu, fever, whats the matter with you? Feel well/bad Shop assistant and customer:Buy, sell, expensive, cheap, price, try on, coat , shoes, shirt, on sale Waiter and customer:Order, menu, wine, drink, coffee, salad, steak, fork Bank clerk and customer:Withdraw, saving account, cash, check,
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