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七年级下册Module3写作课课件,Lets enjoy an interesting film.,We often see a movie at the weekend. What else do people often at the weekend?,Brain-storm:“What do people usually do at the weekend?”Look at the pictures and try to remember them.,go fishing,ride a horse,The more the better: “What do people usually do at the weekend?” Say out as many as possible in groups of six.,eg:,go fishing ride a horse swim ride a bike run play football play basketball,The more the better: “What do people usually do at the weekend?” Try to tell your team members as many as possible.,Lets check,do homework help with housework see a movie have a piano lesson have a picnic going shopping visit my grandpa,-They are going to .,-What are they going to do on Sunday afternoon?,Can you guess?,have a picnic.,-She is going to .,-What is she going to do this weekend?,Can you guess?,go over lessons,do her homework,Group work(小组活动),A:What are you going to do this weekend? B:Im going to do my homework.B:What are you going to do this weekend? C:Im going toC:What are you going to do this weekend? D:Im going toD: E:,Ask and answer,?,Make plans to do things together with the others in your group. Try to take some notes.(制定小组活动计划并简单记录下来),Do our homework,Lets read a plan from Group 2.,We are going to on .,Can you write a group diary about your plan?,Title(标题),Body (正文),Beginning(开头),We are looking forward to this weekend.,On we are going to Why? / Where?/ How?/,We are going to have a nice weekend.,Ending (结尾),A happy weekend plan,Lets try now !,A happy weekend planWe are looking forward to this weekend.On Saturday morning, were going to do our homework . In the afternoon, were going to play basketball. We are going to see a movie in the evening. On Sunday morning and afternoon, we are going to have a picnic in the park. We are going to meet at school and go by bus. In the evening, we are going to go over lessons.We are going to have a nice weekend.,Show time,Rewrite your group diary in your composition book, correct the mistakes if its necessary.(将你的小组计划修改后,重新写到作文本),Homework,THANK YOU!,
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