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Unit 17 Great women,Warming up Listening Speaking,宋庆龄 Married Dr. Sun Zhongshan the vice-president of Peoples Repulic,吴仪 Iron Lady in China,Condoleezza Rice Secretary of State,邓亚萍 table tennis player,Helen Thayer In 1988 at 50 she was the first woman to travle alone at the North Pole. And ten years later, she went on an expidition to the South Pole to celebrate her 60th birthday.,pretty graceful strong-minded kind honest brave hard-working persistent(坚持不懈的),out-going easy-going optimistic loyal straightforward(正直的) polite warm-hearted,Is there any woman who really inspire you? Can you explain why you admire her?,MOTHER,“M“ is for the million things she gave me, “O“ means only that shes growing old, “T“ is for the tears she shed to save me, “H“ is for her heart of purest gold; “E“ is for her eyes, with love-light shining, “R“ means right, and right shell always be, Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,“ A word that means the world to me.,Listening,1. What does Alice tell Lucy about her old school friends?,serious smart friendly helpful,loyal honest fat,quiet warm kind,pretty strong hard working,maths,singing,painting,nothing,Shes now a teacher.,Shes married & has a daughter.,She works in a department store.,She has her own company.,1. At first Alice did not like Lily because she thought that she was very _. 2. Sandra and Lily were like _ and _.,2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.,serious,fire,water,3. Jane and Rose could _ _ well. 4. Sandra _ _ a lot. She has her own _ , together with a _ of hers.,get along,has changed,company,friend,Listening text,L: Hi Alice, what are you doing? A: I am looking at some old school photographs. L: Can I have a look? When was this photo taken?,In the dialogue, L=Lucy, A=Alice,A: That photo was taken more than seven years ago. L: Whos that smart girl? A: Thats Lily. At first I didnt like her because I thought that she was too serious. She always had high marks for maths. One day, I found,out that she was very friendly and helpful. Then we became good friends. L: What has become of her? A: I heard she went back to Sichuan and now she is a teacher in a small town.,L: Who were the other girls you used to be friends with? A: Er Rose, Jane and Sandra. Rose used to be quite fat. She used to sing very well. Everybody liked her because she was loyal and very honest. I see her quite often. Were,still the best of friends. Shes married and has a lovely daughter. L: Hm. I think you told me about her and the fights she used to have with other girls. Whos that girl over there. Isnt she the girl that Rose hated? Werent they always fighting?,A: That girl? No, Youve got it all mixed up! Sandra and Lily were like fire and water. This here is Jane. She and Rose could get along alright. Jane has always been very quiet, warm and kind. I always thought she wanted to become a,painter, just what you would expect from such a gentle person. But now she works in a department store in Dalian. L: I see. And who is the pretty girl there? A: Now that is Sandra. She has change a lot. It isnt true to say that she was,lazy as a student, But she did not do too much if she could help it. She was also always in trouble. But now shes a strong and hardworking woman. She has her own company, together with a friend of hers.,friendly, serious, loyal, smart, helpful, quiet, warm, kind, strong, hard-working,Describing people -Qualities,Revision,friendly, serious, loyal, smart, helpful, quiet, warm, kind, strong, hard-working,Jane is very tense at the moment because of her exam, but shes usually quite relaxed and easygoing about most things.,tense: worries a lot, nervous relaxed and easygoing,2. I think the weather has a great effect on me: when its sunny I feel more cheerful but when its cold and cloudy I get very miserable.,cheerful: happy and smiling miserable: seems unhappy,3. Cherry is mean. She likes to go to a restaurant with her friends, but she never pays her part of the bill. Luckily, most of her friends are generous.,mean: never gives or shares generous: willing to give or share,4. I feel bored around Jane. She is really dull, but her sister Jenny was very interesting and popular. Lucy is not so smart in learning, and as it is she is dull.,dull: not interesting, boring slow in learning or understanding,Pairs of opposites,positive interesting and popular smart honest kind warm and friendly hard-working generous cheerful,negative,dull,dull,dishonest,unkind,cold and unfriendly,lazy,mean,miserable,relaxed and easygoing,tense,Match,Match these adjectives with the questions in the quiz.,Quiz,Answer the questions together and write down the answers of one of your partners. Choose five sentences to describe one of your partners and report them to the class.,Which are positive qualities and which are negative? Which could be both?,The impression he makes on me is that he is.,Dont judge a person by the first impression.,Time tries all.,Audrey Hepburn,
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