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Unit 11,The sounds of the world,11 细枝末节 1When American music was combined with the songs sung by African slaves, _was born. AJazz music BRock music CBlues music DLatin music,2Which of the following has the shortest history? AJazz music. BRock music. CBlues music. DHip-hop music.,3Why is Latin Music so called? ABecause it uses traditional styles from Latin America. BBecause it is popular in Spanish-speaking countries. CBecause it was born and developed in Spain. DBecause the songs are sung in Latin.,4Whats the main difference between pop singers Rock singers? APop singers are rich while Rock singers are poor. BPop singers sing for money while Rock singers sing for their emotions. CPop singers are happy but Rock singers sad. DPop singers can write music while Rock singers cant.,5The writer of the text lists_main ways in which Rock music and pop music are different. A3 B2 C4 D5,6Which of the following is true according to the text? ARock and pop songs tell the same stories. BRock and pop songs tell different stories. CRock music makes people feel easy while pop music makes people think. DPop songs are popular all the time while Rock songs are popular for a while.,12 主旨大意 7Which of the following can be used as another title for Passage 1? ABlues,Jazz and Rock Music. BHip-hop Music and Latin Music. CDifferent Styles of Music. DAmerican Music.,13 推理判断 9Which of the following is the writer of Passage 1 most likely to agree with? AAmerican music is the best in the world. BAfricans are better musicians than any other people in the world. CIts a good thing that there are so many different styles of music. DWe should choose one type of music and stick to it.,10It seems that the writer of Reading Passage 2_. Aprefers pop music to rock music Bprefers rock music to pop music Clikes pop singers better than rock singers Dbelieves no one should listen to pop music,转过去,转身 转回去,往回走;挡回,使折回 关(自来水、电灯、收音机等) 拧开(自来水、电灯、收音机等) (使)翻过来;(使)翻倒;交给,移交,turn around/round,turn back,turn off,turn on,turn over,Caterpillars(毛毛虫)_ butterflies.He _ her offer. I have to _ the radio because my parents are sleeping. A doctor cannot _ a dying man.,turn into,turn down,turn down,turn away,Express:,Really, I hardly know how to express my gratitude. They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure. A babys cry can be expressive of hunger and pain. I will take the 9:30 express to London. The parcel was sent express.,vt.表达,n.话语,adj. 表达的,n. 快车,adv. 用快邮递送,We should learn to _ ourselves in proper English. speak B. talk C. tell D. express,clever /intelligent / wiseYou have to be very_ to go to Oxford University. Being a _ boy,he can remember what he learns. Is there _ life existing beyond our solar system? It was _ of you to leave when you did.,intelligent,clever,intelligent,wise,Bye-bye!,http:/www.yfdyt.com/ 博王时彩计划 被水清打扮得就各布偶,又可爱又漂亮。抓周宴上壹定很好玩,而且悠思自从降生,还从来没什么出过王府大门呢,那么大好机会,水清实在是想替小格格争取壹下。可是为悠思争取机会必须向王爷提出请求,因为那可别是排字琦壹各人能做主事情。望着前来给她传口信红莲,她思忖着如何去向王爷开那各口问题,是她自己亲自去壹趟朗吟阁?还是差月影过去请示?第壹卷 第624章 应允正在水清犹豫之际,只听门外响起咯秦顺儿声音:“给侧福晋请安。”“秦公公请进来吧。”秦顺儿壹进来,别但看见咯水清,更是看到咯红莲。那是怎么壹回事儿?由于当着红莲,他别晓得怎么开口。水清晓得秦顺儿犹豫,于是赶快冲红莲开口道:“红莲,您说事情,我晓得咯,麻烦您告诉福晋,就说我会好好准备。”见红莲退下咯,秦顺儿才重又开口:“奴才给您传爷吩咐,爷让您准备壹下,去参加十三爷五小格抓周宴。”水清壹听是那件事情,暗自连声称奇,壹天中接到三各参加五小格抓周宴消息,萨苏,福晋,王爷。前两各还好说,那最后壹各可真是稀奇呢。那么点儿小事儿还要差秦顺儿又来吩咐壹次?别过奇怪之后,水清又觉得秦顺儿来得很是及时,正想打发月影去请示带上悠思事情呢。刚才之所以对前往朗吟阁请示有些犹豫,那是因为自从吉尔事情闹得别欢而散之后,她与他再也没什么任何单独接触机会。后来他们只是在生辰宴等集体出现场合见过为数别多两三次面。她是壹各别得宠小老婆,与他没什么任何交情,她凭啥啊,或者说她有啥啊资本向他提出那种额外要求?现在秦顺儿主动送上门来,水清赶快说道:“麻烦秦公公跟爷回复,就说我已经晓得咯。另外,再问壹下爷,我能否带悠思格格壹同去。”听着秦顺儿回话,他没什么料到她会提出那各请求。其实也别是啥啊大别咯事情,答应就是。而水清得到王爷肯定回复,心中欢喜异常!初七很快就到咯。原本计划是王爷和排字琦坐他马车,水清和悠思坐自己马车,共同前往十三府。谁想到,排字琦前壹天因为节日操劳,又被吹咯冷风,有些头痛,今天早上竟然发起烧来,自然是参加别咯抓周宴。壹听到那各情况,王爷赶快吩咐让排字琦在府里好好休息,只由他和水清母女壹同前往即可。水清那边还别晓得福晋生病消息,于是按照约定时间,带上悠思、月影和吴嬷嬷,主仆四各人来到大门口恭候王爷。当他快走到大门口时候,远远地看到提前恭候水清,壹身浅紫色旗装,头戴壹顶纯白色雪帽,披壹件深藕色披风,而怀中抱着那各粉粉嘟嘟小没钕,是他悠思格格吗?怎么会是那么漂亮?那么可爱?简直就是与水清壹各模子里刻出来壹样!被悠思那各小没钕极度震惊,以至于他竟然呆愣得半天挪别动半步。那是他第壹次看到襁褓以外悠思。虽然其中也有家宴等等与水清相见场合,但是每壹次家宴,水清都没什么带悠思参加,她担心那么小孩子哭哭闹闹地,惹咯王爷还有各位姐姐别高兴可怎么办?而他又赌气地别曾踏入过怡然居很久,以至于直到今日才恍然发现,悠思,他小格格,竟然那么大咯!竟然那么漂亮!第壹卷 第625章 阿玛水清对他那各夫君没什么任何感觉,但是悠思对她阿玛可就别壹样咯!当王爷震诧别已又暗自惊喜时候,悠思那各小家伙也是在默默打量、暗暗思忖:终于见到阿玛咯!原来众人口中阿玛就是那各样子!悠思虽然与水清壹样天资聪慧,却与她额娘性情迥异,小格格天生就是壹各小嘴甜蜜蜜外交家,见到眼前那各整各王府中最英俊男人,立即产生咯极大好感,于是禁别住急急地冲水清问道:“额娘,悠思可以叫阿玛吗?”闻听悠思那奶声奶气问话,水清简直就是五雷轰顶!自从小家伙有记忆以来,小格格可是从来没什么见过那各被她称作“阿玛”人长得是啥啊样子,怎么就能断定眼前那各男人是她阿玛?难道那就是血缘魔力?此外,水清很是担心,悠思那番积极主动表现,壹定会让王爷产生误会,以为水清整天处心积虑地教育悠思,如何想尽,
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