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,7,PEP7 Unit1 B learn,本课出自于PEP小学英语六年级上册 Unit 1 How can I get t here? Part B第一课时。本单元围绕“How can I get t here ?”即问路与指路话题展开,在教材创设一个问路与指路的真实情境中引出三组情境对话和一个趣味故事。问路与指路话题是学生比较感兴趣的话题,此话题在实际生活中使用较广且与生活联系十分紧密。本课学习中,重点通过听、说、读、写等活动使学生掌握本单元主要交际语言turn left /right及“where is ? ”等问路与指路的交际用语,解决现实生活中的问路与指路问题。,教材分析,学情分析,六年级的学生对于英语已经有了一定的自主学习能力。同时,学生已经掌握较多的有关地点的短语,以及位置的表达法。为本课时的学习打下了基础,本课时,学生将在已学 的基础上,掌握指路的用法,能够 听懂问句”How can I get there ? Where is ”等句型并进行交流。并做出正确回答;如:turn left /right等,1、认知目标:1)能够听、说、读、写短语 Italian restaurant turn left ,turn right ,go straight, crossing 2)能听懂问句”How can I get there ? Where is ”等句型并进行交流。并做出正确回答;3)能运用所学语言知识完成 be a tour guide的任务。,教学目标设计,2、能力目标:1. 能在模拟的情景中学习有关Italian restaurant pizza 等词汇和交际句型 2. 在上节课学习的基础上继续进行问路与指路的交流。 3帮助学生形成用英语交流的习惯,培养学生的英语素养。,教学目标设计,3、情感目标:通过本课语言知识的学习,教育学生应多熟悉身边的道路及建筑,对自己所在的城市有所了解,并能 乐于助人,积极指路。过马路时,遵守交通规则。并对西方的饮食文化有所了解。,教学目标设计,教学重难点,重点:听、说、读、写 turn left ,turn right ,go straight, crossing 4个新授词组,及能够运用“Where is the ” “How can I get to ?询问某地在哪儿?并能用”Turn left at Go straight.”等短语和句型给别人指路。,难点: “Be a tour guide”在真实的情景中,初步运用本课的功能句型 “How can I get there ?Turn left Turn right .Go straight “进行交际。,教学方法设计,教法:采用游戏教学法、任务型教 学法、情景教学法和交际法。,学法:TPR、听读法和合作学法。,教学过程,Warm up热身,一、Lets sing:激发学生兴趣,复习所学过的名词地点单词。,教学过程,万达影院,post office,cinema,pet hospital,bookstore,hospital,science museum,park,restaurant,1、Say it by yourself. (自己读一读。) 2、Ask your partner or teacher for help if necessary. (有问题可以向同桌或老师寻求帮助。),S1: I want to post a letter. Ss: post office S2: I want to see a doctor. Ss: hospital. S3: I want to buy some books. Ss: bookstore. S4: I want to see a film. Ss: cinema S5: I want to play with robots. Ss: science museum. S6: I want to fly a kite. Ss: park S7: I want to buy a post card. Ss: museum shop. S8: I want to eat pizza. Ss: restaurant .,头脑风暴 学生或老师说出一个动词短语:其他学生猜地点,restaurant,/restrnt/,pizza,French restaurant,American restaurant,Japanese restaurant,/tln/,Italian restaurant,The tipical food in Italian restaurant,pizza,spumoni,(意式冰激凌),risotto,(意大利调味饭),pasta,(意大利面),意大利饮食是西餐的起源,法国菜的始祖。,There are many restaurant in our city.,Chinese restaurant,Italian restaurant,Japanese restaurant,Korean restaurant,Restaurant,万达影院,school,bookstore,street,street,street,street,street,street,crossing,crossing,go straight,/stret /,Where is the _?,Its near / next to _.,turn right,turn left,go straight,go straight,go straight,turn right,turn left,crossing,go straight,turn left,turn right,Look and match,crossing,现场模拟 order and do (小交警带上小黄帽 :go straight stop turn right- go straight stopturn left),Left, left, turn leftRight, right, turn rightStraight, straight, go straightCrossing, crossing, I can see a crossing,Lets do!,Where do they want to go?,Italian restaurant.,How can they get there?,A.Turn left. B.Turn right.,万达影院,Dongfang street,Renmin street,Restaurant,Dongfang street,Group work: Go straight/ Turn you can see the,Renmin street,Do you k now?,Guide: Now we are in front of the , Go straight/ Turn ,you can see the .,Be a tour guide in Dong Gang.,Now, we are in front Kaihong Mall. How can I get to the park?,海 印 路,library,Italian restaurant,Shopping mall,Now we are in front of KaiHong mall.,hospital,High school,park,Go straight/ Turn ,you can see the .,Practise in two 自制地图玩小导游游戏操练句型S1:where is the park ? S2: Its next to the hospital. S1:How can I get there ? S2: Go straight , you can see the. / then turn.at the ,cinema,Bookstore,school,park,N,Fill in the blanks Guide: Now we are in front of the , Turn , Go straight/ you can see the .,(2) T shows a map, and let Ss to be a tour guide. T: If I am the new here. Can you be a tour guide for me?,Guide: Now we are in front of the , Go straight/ Turn ,you can see the .,Tips: Pay attention to the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rulers.,走斑马线,感谢各位提出宝贵的指导谢谢!,Thank you! Goodbye!,in front of,on the left,on the right,behind,school,science museum,park,Italian restaurant,Cafe shop,Shopping mall,Now we are in front of our school.,Go straight, you can see the .,Turn you can see the .,Go straight/ Turn you can see the .,
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