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Comparison between English and Chinese Euphemisms,Definition of Euphemism Comparison in terms of language characteristics Comparison in terms of cultural characteristics,Definition of Euphemism,Euphemism is a substitution for an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, using instead an agreeable or less offensive expression, or to make it less troublesome for the speaker 用一种不明说的,能使人感到愉快的含糊说法,代替具有令人不悦的含义不够尊重的表达方法。“(语言与语言学词典斯托克和哈特蔓等编)。,Language Characteristics,Word formation characteristics英语是一种拼音文字 (1)简缩(Abbreviation): ladies= ladies room (2)尾脱落(Apocopation): vamp=vampire (荡妇) (3)首字母缩略(Initiating): JC=Jesus The Christ (4)逆生(Backforming): burgle=burglar (5)音节扭曲(Phonetic Distortion) Cripes=Christ(天啊) (6)音节或字母重复(Reduplication) pee-pee=piss (小便) (7)混合词(Blend word): gezunda= This object “goes under” the bed. (那东西放在床底下,即“夜壶”。) (8)小词 (Diminutive) : heinie=hind end(后端,即“臀部”),汉语是方块文字周先生,你一人十一划有吗? (沙陆墟魂断梨园) 楚女身材高大,面黑而麻,服装随便,有丘八之风。(矛盾海南杂记),Semantic characteristics含义不同。 比如,英语中bitch(母狗)含有lechery(淫荡)之意,所以有“lady dog”, “girl dog”的婉称,而汉语中则没有这种情况。 稳定性。 例如:poor country-back country -undeveloped country- the emerging nation,Grammar characteristics,英语中语法上的委婉通常是通过否定、时态的手段来实现的。英语有一种形式上否定主语,实则否定宾语从句的委婉表达 例如:I don t think he can manage it.,Cultural Characteristics,ethical morality value 汉:古代 “君君臣臣父父子子”-“国讳”、“官讳”和“家讳”, 今天长辈或上司英: “All men are created equal.” -直呼其名,Emotional value orientation英:poor-“less well off”, “hard up for money”, “badly off”, “deprived”, “disadvantaged”, “in difficulty”, “have-nots”等等。汉: 钱财-“白水真人”、“阿堵物”、“孔方兄”、“腰里货”。 另:老,Political environment英:多党制-严重的失业现象称为“underutilization或“human resources underdevelopment” 入不敷出、债台高筑的穷人 “negative saver” 贫民区 “substandard housing” 汉:中国共产党,References,王宇颖,戴聪腾. 英汉委婉语对比及翻译【J】. 佳木斯大学社会科学学报,2002,(2) 吴小船,喻锋平.英汉委婉语对比与翻【J】. 九江学院学报,2005,(1) 杨佑文,向先兰.英汉委婉语的跨文化比【J】.黄冈师范学院学报,2003,(2),Thank You!,
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