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人生要么是一场华丽的冒险,要么什么都不是。,Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.,Section A (3a-3c),人教版八年级下册,Enjoy a video,Whats the mans job?,Where did he work?,Whats the mans job?,Hes an astronaut.,What happened to him?,Have you seen this movie yet?,Where did he work?,He worked on Mars.,During his mission(任务)to Mars, he was left on Mars alone by his partners after a terrible storm.,To survive (生存)there, he used his knowledge to make water and oxygen(氧气). He also grow enough potatoes to eat successfully .,He also tried his best to contact(联络) NASA(美国航天局) at the same time.,From Mark,He never gave up. In the end, he was saved and he got home.,What can we learn from his story?,Anything is possible, if you work hard enough! Just never give up!,similar experience,He is the main character of a classical book.ook,He was left alone on an island.,Its about a man who lived alone on an island for many years.,Have you read this book yet?,Robinson Crusoe,Read and match the main idea of each paragraph.读文章,概括每段大意并连线.,B.The condition of Robinsonslife on this island.,A. Robinson saved Friday onhis island and they helped each other.,Reading skill-Skimming(跳读) Look through to find the main idea of each paragraph.浏览文章概括大意,Task 1,Para 1:The condition of Robinsons life on this island.,1.Tell T or F.,Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink.,2.Answer the questions.,What did Robinson Crusoe wait for?,What have he done on this island?,nothing,nothing,arrived,F, Did Robinson Crusoe give up?,No, he didnt.,He waited for another ship.,wait for ship,Reading skill-Skanning(扫读) Move your eyes quickly to find specific information.快速获取信息,Task 2,not give up,What did Robinson Crusoe wait for?, Did Robinson Crusoe give up?,He has found the ship and made a small ship.,found and made ,He has brought back many things he can use- food and drink,tools,knives and guns.,brought back,He has cut down trees and built a house.,cut down and built ,He has gone out with his gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food.,gone out to kill for,He has learned to grow fruit and vegetables.,learned to grow,arrived.nothing,wait for ship,arrived.nothing,not give up,Robinsons life on the island(在孤岛上的生存),Robinson saved Friday on his island and they helped each other.,Answer the questions.,What did Robinson find a few weeks ago?,2. What did Robinson see after that?,3. What did Robinson do for Friday?,4. Why did he call the man Friday?,Task 3,Robinson saved Friday on his island and they helped each other.,Answer the questions.,What did Robinson find a few weeks ago?,He found marks of another mans feet on the sand.,found.marks,2. What did Robinson saw after that?,He saw some cannibals trying to kill two man from a broken ship.,saw.cannibals.kill,They are the people who eat humans. When they catch their enemies, they usually have a party and eat them to celebrate.,Robinson saved Friday on his island and they helped each other.,Answer the questions.,3. What did Robinson do for Friday?,4. Why did he call the man Friday?,helped him kill the cannibals(食人肉者),named him Friday,taught him some English,Because that was the day he met him.,He,killed,named,taught,beacause.,killed,named,taught,Robinson Crusoe,wait for ship,arrived.nothing,not give up,found and made ,brought back,cut down and built ,gone out to kill for,learnt to grow,found.marks,What makes the difference?,the first sentences of the two paragrahs,on this island,on my island,tried his best to live alone,strange,home,Discuss different feelings of Robinson.,afraid,lonely,never gave up,worked hard,this island,my island,sad,Most stories have their own history background. 大部分的文学作品都打上了历史的烙印。,鲁滨逊漂流记是18世纪英国小说家丹尼尔笛福的代表作。18世纪是一个充满探险精神与征服欲望的时代,当时的工业革命自英国伊始迅速席卷了世界众多国家与地区,由于工业革命的需要,对外掠夺与殖民扩张是当时的英国寻求自身发展的重要手段。资产阶级崛起并开始占据国家的统治地位。从表面的故事情节看,鲁滨逊漂流记是一部典型的冒险小说,换个角度去看,作者丹尼尔笛福本身是中产阶级,而其作品也透露出浓厚的殖民主义态度与思想.整篇作品都在表现殖民文化,作品给我们展现了不同种类的殖民类型,包括经济殖民、文化殖民、土地殖民种种。,About the writer and the era(时代),在鲁滨逊漂流记中,主人公鲁滨逊实际上就是作者笛福的代言人,在他身上有着强烈的殖民主义倾向。小说中,鲁滨逊只身一人漂流孤岛,在困境面前,他并没有绝望地选择挨饿等死,而是凭借自己的智慧与劳动迫切想要活下来。但是,出现了“星期五”这一人物形象之后,鲁滨逊便立刻暴露出他殖民者的心理,他毫不犹豫地把“星期五”看作是他的奴隶。鲁滨逊教“星期五”说他的名字,让“星期五”叫他“主人”,这是一种强烈的征服欲与占有欲。鲁滨逊与“星期五”之间的奴隶主与奴隶的关系就代表了作者笛福主张海外扩张的殖民主义意识。,About the writer and the era(时代),Once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. 你要是在一个地方种了庄稼,那里就算是你的殖民地了。-马克火星救援,In some way,Robinson has colonized this island.,Report Time,Rules:Work in group of six.The reporter interviews the other three people:Robinson, Friday and a cannibal. 活动规则:6人一组,分别饰演记者、鲁滨逊、星期五和食人族的一员,3名分别记者采访其余三人。,Reporter:(采访对象Robinson) Good morning,Robinson. Welcome to our talk show. How did you feel when you first arrived on the island?Why? What have you done? .,Reporter:(采访对象Friday) Whats your name? Who gave you this name? What did he do for you? .,Reporter:(采访对象A cannibal) What were you doing when you met Robinson? trying to kill . What did Robinson do ? saved. .,
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