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M5U5 First Aid,Words: 1. 辐射;射线 2. 榨;挤 3. 绷带 4. 压力;按 5. 损伤,伤害 6. 毒药;毒害 7. 肿胀的 8. 流血 9. 踝,1. radiation 2. squeeze 3. bandage 4. pressure 5. injury 6. poison 7. swollen 8. bleed 9. ankle,10. 方案;计划 11. 真实的;真正的 12. 袖子 13. 散文;随笔 14. 咽喉;喉咙 15. 液体 16. 潮湿的 17. (生物)组织;手巾纸 18. 疾病 19. 典礼;仪式,10. scheme 11. authentic 12. sleeve 13. essay 14. throat 15. liquid 16. damp 17. tissue 18. illness 19. ceremony,20. 毛巾;手巾 21. 论说文;小品文 22. (使)噎住;(使)窒息 23. 症状;征兆 24. 烙铁;熨斗 25. 标签;分类 26. 器官 27. 珠宝 28. (使)康复;(使)化解,20. towel 21. essay 22. choke 23. symptom 24. iron 25. label 26. organ 27. jewellery 28. heal,Word formation: 1. injury: _(vt.) _(adj.) 2. poison: _(adj.)_(adv.) 3. treatment: _(vt.) 4. infect: _(n.)_(adj.) 5. electric: _(n.)_(adj.),1. injure injured 2. poisonouspoisonously 3. treat 4. infectioninfected 5. electricityelectrical,6. bravery: _(adj.)_(adv.) 7. pressure: _(v.) 8. mild: _(adv.) 9. blood: _(adj.) 10. swell: _(adj.),6. bravebravely 7. press 8. mildly 9. bloody 10. swollen,Phrases: 1. 急救 2. 生病 3. 依赖,依靠,取决于 4. 榨出 5. 反复,多次6. 在适当的位置 7. 坚持,1. first aid 2. fall ill 3. depend on 4. squeeze out 5. over and over again 6. in place 7. stick to,8. 实施,履行,进行 9. 许多 10. 对感到骄傲 11. 有作用,有影响 12. 找到13. 触电;电休克 14. 触觉,8. carry out 9. a number of 10. be proud of 11. make a difference 12. put ones hands on 13. electric shock 14. sense of touch,Language points: 1. 1) 词典对学习语言有很大的帮助。 Dictionaries are a great aid in learning language. 2) 她哭了但没人过来帮助她。 She cried but no one _. 3) 他急忙来帮助她。He came quickly _.,came to her aid,to her aid,aid n./v.帮助; 援助 with the aid of sb=with sbs aid 在某人的帮助下 in aid of sbsth=in support of sth/sb 以支援或帮助某人物 collect money in aid of charity 为资助慈善事业募捐 gocome to ones aid 去来帮助某人 a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 first aid 急救,aid sb in doing sthwith sthto do sth I aided him in his enterprise. 我帮助他做这一事业。,2. 1) 烟雾几乎把我呛死。 The smoke almost choked me. (使窒息/呛到) 2) 他因迟到而被申斥。 He _ for being late. (粗鲁地或突然阻止某人) 3) 花园杂草丛生。 The garden _ weeds. (vt. 阻塞,填满(通道等) 4) 她激动得说不出话来。 She was _ with emotion. (vi. (使某人)说不出话来) choke back ones tears, anger, (忍住.),got choked off,is choked with,choking,3. 1) 将这两组隔开是完全必要的。 It is _ to _. 2) 金钱对于幸福是必不可少的吗? Is money essential to happiness? 3) 工作室备有基本设施, 如暖气装置和自来水。 _ like heating and running water. 4) 这剧本的主题是什么? What is _ of the play?,essential,keep the two groups separate,The studio had all the essentials,the essential theme,essential adj. 1) 必要的,不可缺少的;最重要的 be essential tofor sthto do sth that 2) 本质的,基本的 n. 要素,要点;必须品,4. 1) 伤口过了很长时间才愈合。 It took a long time for the wounds to heal over. 2) 他的爱使她又快乐了起来。 His love healed her. _by his love. 3) 时间可化解一切忧伤。 Time heals all sorrows. 4) 时间就是良药。 Time is a great healer.,She felt healed,heal v. heal (overup) (使)愈合,康复 伤口不久就愈合了。 The cut soon healed over/up. heal sb (of sth) 治愈某人的疾病,使某人又愉快起来 healer n. 进行治病的人或物,5. 1) 消防队立刻赶到现场。 Firefighters were _ immediately. 2) 小说中的事是在苏格兰发生的。 _ the novel is set in Scotland. 3) 球队的胜利使举国上下出现一派欢乐的场面。 The teams victory produced _.,on the scene,The scene of,scenes of joy all over the country,scene n. 事发地点; 场面,情景 the scene of the accident/crime/etc. 事故/犯罪等的现场,6. 1) 洗完后,把那块布中的水挤出来。 After washing it, _. 2) The opening between the rocks was very narrow, but the boys managed to _ through.A press B squeezeC stretch D leap,squeeze the water out of the cloth,squeezefrom 从取得 squeezeout of 从中挤出 squeeze ones way 勉强通过,挤过 squeeze through,7. 1) 他在会议上讲的话不够恰当。 What he said at the meeting was not in place. 2) 每件工具都放在应放的位置。 Every tool is _. in place 恰当的,相称的,在平常或应在的地方,in place,8. 1) 这项新技术已应用于农业。 The new technology was applied to farming. 2) 我们必须全力想出一个解决的办法。 We must apply our energies to finding a solution. apply sth to sth 应用实施使用 apply ones energy to (doing) sth 全力做某事 apply ones mind to. 专心于.,9. 1) 小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。 The small box was flattened by the _(press) of the heavy book on it. 2) 他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。 He works well _. pressure n. 压, 压力, 压迫, 紧迫 10. 1) 发烧是生病的症状。 A fever is _. symptom 症状; 征兆,pressure,under pressure,a symptom of illness,11. 1) 毕业典礼将于六月二十日举行。 The graduation ceremony will be held on June 6th. 2) 举行开幕/闭幕式 perform the _ ceremony,opening/closing,12. 1) 根据可靠的消息,美国将会采取措施对付金融危机。 According to the authentic news, America will take measures to do with the financial crisis. 2) 他们从一个古墓里发现了该书的真正手稿。 They found this _ of the book from an ancient tomb.,authentic manuscript,13. 1)他刚要外出时,突然有人敲门。 He was about to go out when someone knocked at the door. 2)She was just about to get on the bus _ someone pulled her by the arm. when: and then,when,
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