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1. Nature (A),要点: 1、大自然是人类之母,我们从自然中得到很多,吃、穿、住全靠大自然。 2、随着人类的发展,生态平衡遭到破坏,水、空气、土壤受到严重污染。 3、一些动植物已经绝迹,人类正在受到大自然的惩罚,许多人患了由于污染而引起的疾病。 4、我们要善待自然,自然也会关照我们。,Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural materials. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood. However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air and soil have been polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely. As a result, man is being punished by nature, many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution. We should treat nature well and she will look after us.,1. Nature (B),要点: 1、清新空气有益于健康,长期呼吸污染的空气,人会生病。 2、我们需要新鲜空气,但空气污染到处存在,特别是在城市里。 3、城里有许多工厂,烟多;有许多汽车、摩托车,废气多;焚烧垃圾也污染空气。 4、城里的空气污染愈来愈严重,是采取措施的时候了。,Clear air is important to good health. If we breathe polluted air for a long time, we may get sick. So we need clean air. But unfortunately, air pollution is present everywhere, especially in cities. Our cities have many factories, which send lots of smoke into the air every day. More and more cars and motorcycles also produce lots of waste gases. Sometimes we burn up the rubbish. This, too, pollutes the air. As a result, air pollution in cities is becoming more and more serious. Its time that we took some measures to prevent air pollution.,2. Summer Holidays (A),要点: 1、去年暑假张华下乡了,大部分时间在舅舅的农场上帮忙。 2、天热少雨,几乎每天傍晚都要给花浇水,花长得很好。 3、为了卖个好价钱,送花店前他们先把花理好。 4、张华过了一个忙碌的暑假,但他说他学到了许多东西,明年还要再去。,Last summer holidays Zhang Hua went to the country. He spent most of his holidays on his uncles farm. He helped his uncle take care of the flowers. It was very hot and didnt often rain. They had to water the flowers nearly every day. They usually did it in the late afternoon. All the flowers grew very well. In order to get good prices, they got the flowers ready before taking them to shops.Zhang Hua had a very busy summer holidays. He said he had learned a lot on the farm and he would go there again the next year.,要点: 1、我家住在南京附近的一个村庄里,父母是花农。园里有各种各样的花。 2、今年暑假我在家帮助父母照料花。我们用喷灌机浇水。 3、每天清晨我们就起身准备好花,然后父亲用卡车送往南京。父亲车开得很好,我很喜欢坐在他旁边。 4、有一天几位同学来我家花园玩,他们很喜欢这个花园,我们玩得很愉快。,2. Summer Holidays (B),My family lives in a village near Nanjing. My parents are flower growers. There are all kinds of flowers in our garden. This summer vacation I stayed at home and helped my parents take care of the flowers. We had machines water the flowers. Every day we got up in the early morning and got some of the flowers ready. My father would take them to Nanjing in his truck. He drove very well and I enjoyed sitting beside him.One day some of my classmates came and visited our garden. They liked it very much. We had a wonderful time.,3. Farming (A),要点: 1、我爷爷有个小农场,他把农场照料得很好。 2、他养了许多鸡,出售鸡和蛋。 3、周末我常去农场帮他喂鸡拾蛋,很有意思。爷爷还给我一些钱。 4、母鸡下蛋,叫个不停,我不太喜欢他们,我喜欢小鸡。,My grandfather has a small farm. He takes good care of it. He keeps a lot of chickens there. He sells chickens and eggs. On weekends I often go to his farm and help him. I feed the chickens and collect the eggs. Its very enjoyable, and my grandpa pays me a little money for my work.My grandpas hens lay eggs, but I dont like them very much. They are noisy, I think. But I like the baby chickens.,3. Farming (B),要点: 1、春天来了,树木开始生长。 2、为使家乡更美丽,上星期天我们去植树。 3、植树的过程:挖洞、放进幼树、填土、压紧、浇水。 4、那天共栽了25棵树,虽然很累,但很愉快。 5、树木很有用,我们要保护树木。 6、种植更多的树将会使环境得到很大改善。,Spring is on the way. Its the season when the plants begin to grow. To make our home town more beautiful, we went to plant trees last Sunday.First we dug a deep hole in which we put the young tree. Then we filled the hole with earth and pressed it firmly. Finally we watered the young tree. That day we planted 25 trees. Though we were tired, we felt very happy.Trees are very useful to people. All of us should protect them. If we plant more trees, our environment will improve greatly.,4. At the doctors (A),要点: 1、今晨李先生感到心脏有问题,去医院检查。 2、医生给他作了全面检查,并建议他去照X光。 3、李先生很担心,但医生说没有大问题。 4、医生建议他减肥,停止抽烟、喝酒,保证充足的睡眠。 5、医生指出抽烟、喝酒有害于健康。 6、李先生决定按照医生的话去做。,Mr. Li had heart trouble this morning. He went to the hospital to have his heart examined. After a complete examination the doctor advised him to have an X-ray. Mr. Li was very worried. The doctor told him that nothing was serious. He suggested that Mr. Li should lose some weight, get plenty of sleep and stop smoking and drinking. He pointed out that smoking and drinking are very harmful, especially do great harm to peoples health.Mr. Li decided to follow the doctors advice.,要点: 1、如今以瘦为美,许多人都想减肥,我也不例外。 2、上周去医生处“取经”。 3、听了我的话,医生感到迷惑,说:“你不太胖,不必减服。” 4、我坚持已见。医生劝我不必赶时髦,以听其自然为好,可增加一些户外活动。,4. At the doctors (B),Nowadays people think the more slender, the more beautiful. Many people want to lose weight. Im among them though Im not that fat.Last week I went to see a doctor. I asked him for some advice about losing weight. The doctor looked at me, puzzled. Then said, “Its unnecessary for you to lose weight, and youre not too fat.” But I stuck to my view. The doctor advised me not to follow the fashion all the time and he said I had better be myself. He suggested that I should have more exercise in the open air.,
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