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Period Two Lesson 2,.单词识记 1_ vt. admit the truth 2_ n. occupation 3_ n. power or right to give orders and make others obey 4_ n. person,esp. his character or influence,acknowledge,profession,authority,figure,5_ n. series of planned activities to gain a special object 6_ vt. oppose,use force against sth 7_ n. condition when feelings are tense 8_ n. taking care;paying attention 9_ vt. blame with angry words 10_ vt. not allow;order sb not to do,campaign,resist,tension,caution,scold,forbid,.短语天地 1_禁止某人做某事 2_认真对待 3_陷入中 4_处理掉,摆脱 5_导致,造成,forbid sb to do sth,take.seriously,be stuck in.,get rid of,result in,6advise sb on sth _ 7fall off_ 8from time to time_ 9run into_ 10fool around_,就给某人出主意,从上掉下来,不时地,撞上,胡闹,瞎弄,.句型搜索 1Its my personal belief that laughter associated with happiness is a total body activity. 信息提取it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语从句。 例句仿写照顾好他是我们的职责。 _ we look after him well.,It is our duty that,2Having a laugh while youre studying is a good idea because it increases the brains attention and youre less likely to fall asleep while studying. 信息提取Having.为动名词作主语用。 例句仿写未来,掌握一门外语对我们是很有用的。 In the future,_ a foreign language is of great use to us.,having a good knowledge of,1acknowledge vt. (1)认可, 承认 She acknowledged that she had been at fault. 她承认自己有过错。 (2)告知收到,确认 The company acknowledged the receipt of the goods.公司表示货物已收到。,(3)感谢 His services to the country were never officially acknowledged. 他对国家所作的贡献从未受到过正式的表彰。 【拓展】,acknowledge sb as/to be认为是 acknowledgement nC,U承认,感谢 in acknowledgement of为了感谢,a special award in acknowledgement of all his hard work 为表彰他辛勤工作的特别奖,【完成句子】 (1)人们认可曼德拉是他们的领袖。 The people_Mandela_their leader. 【翻译句子】 (2)她承认输了。 _ 【答案】(1)acknowledged;as (2)She acknowledged having been defeated.,2profession n. (1)职业;专业 I dont know what profession would suit me. 我不知道什么职业适合我。 (2)某职业的全体人员 Theres a feeling among the nursing profession that their work is undervalued.在护理人员中有一种看法认为他们的工作未得到应有的重视。,【拓展】 professional adj.职业的;内行的;n.专业人士,行家 by profession作为职业 I thought the whole meeting was going to fall apart but you rescued it like a true professional!我原以为整个会议要开不下去了,但你就像个真正的行家那样挽救了局面!,【完成句子】 她不是专业演员。 She is not an actress_ . 【答案】by profession,3figure (1)n. 人物;数字;体形,身姿;画像,塑像 He was once a leading figure in the community but now he has become a figure of fun.他原是该社区的头面人物,但现在成了人们取笑的对象。 Write the figure “7” for me. 给我写个“7”字。 I saw a figure approaching in the darkness. 我看见黑暗中有个人影走近。,(2)v.想;估计 We figured (that) youd want to rest after your journey. 我们原以为旅行之后你一定想休息一下。,【单项填空】 (1)His salary went into five_a year. Afigures Bnumerals Cnumbers Dfatigue,【完成句子】 (2)我已算出这个星期花了多少钱。 I_how much during the week I spent. (3)她吃得这么多,究竟是怎样保持好身材的? How does she manage to_when she eats so much? 【答案】(1)A (2)have figured out (3)keep her figure,4resist v后跟名词或动词的ing形式,不加不定式 (1)抵制,抵抗 He was charged with resisting arrest. 他被指控拒捕。 (2)忍住,抵挡(常用于否定句) The dish is so delicious that I cant resist the desire to eat it.这道菜这么美味以至于我忍不住想吃。,resistance n抵抗,反抗 resistant adj.有抵抗力的,【拓展】,The company accepted the agreement without resistance. 那公司毫不反对接受了协议。,【用resist的适当形式完成下列句子】 (1)The enemy gave up without_. (2)Its reported that a new kind of grain has been developed which is_to insects. (3)His watch has_to water,so he can wear it when he swims.,【单项填空】 (4)Although he is a teenager,Fred could resist_what to do and what not to do. Atelling Bbeing told Cto tell Dto be told 【答案】(1)resistance (2)resistant (3)resistance (4)B resist doing sth 抵制做某事,tell和Fred之间是动宾关系,所以用被动。,5caution (1)n.小心,谨慎,警告(with caution) Dad always drives with caution. 爸爸开车一直十分小心。 (2)v.提醒,警告 caution sb (not) to do sth 警告某人(别)做某事 We were cautioned not to drive too fast. 有人提醒我们车不要开得太快。,cautious adj.小心的,慎重的 be cautious about doing sth 做小心,【拓展】,Ive always been cautious about giving my address to strangers. 我总是很小心,不轻易把我的地址给陌生人。,【完成句子】 (1)We must proceed_ (小心地) 【翻译句子】 (2)他告诫我晚上不要独自外出。 _,【单项填空】 (3)The veteran worker_me not to inspect the tool machine without first turning off power. Aaccused Badvanced Ccautioned Dcounted 【答案】(1)with caution (2)He cautioned me not to go out alone at night. (3)C,6forbid vt.禁止,不准(forbade,forbidden) Picturetaking and videoing are forbidden in the museum. 博物馆里不允许照相或摄像。 【拓展】,The woman forbade her daughter from mentioning the matter again. 那女士禁止她女儿再提那件事。,【单项填空】 (1)The students are forbidden,unless they have special permission,_after 11 pm Ato stay out Bstaying out Cstaying out Dnot to stay out (2)Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not_her to do so. Aforbid Ballow Cfollow Dask,
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