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Unit 4 What can you do? 第3课时,Warming up,Play a game “点豆花”.,师生共同“点豆花”:What, what, what can you do? I can, I can. 被点到的学生回答问题。例如: T: What, what, what can you do? I can, I can. S1: I can swim. T: What, what, what can you do? I can, I can. S2: I can dance. ,Presentation,1.情境:老师问学生是否会武术。,What does the man do? Do you like kung fu? Can you do any kung fu?,(1)看图片并回答如下问题。,两人一组操练句型。,-Can you do any kung fu? -Yes, I do.或No, I dont.,(2)按单词的音标和读音填写单词空缺处的字母,然后以 “开火车”的形式读三遍。,No pr bl m.,(3)同学们以小组形式朗读并操练以下句型。,-Can you help me? -Yes, I can help you.,(4)学习知识点。,知识点:在陈述句中,若表达“一些”的含义,要用 some;在疑问句中,则要用 any。,2.学习 Part B 部分。,(1)听 Lets try 部分的录音,判断对错。,(2)观察 Lets talk 部分的教学挂图,并回答以下问题。,Who are they? What are they talking about?,Who are they?,What are they talking about?,They are Mr Ma, John, Oliver and other children.,They are talking about who can do kung fu.,(3)听录音,完成探究学习第一、二题。,探究学习第一题。 听 Lets talk 部分的录音,选择正确答案。 (1) Can John do any kung fu? Yes, he can. No, he cant. (2) Can Oliver do any kung fu? Yes, he can. No, he cant.,探究学习第二题。 听 Lets talk 部分的录音,判断正误。 ( ) (1) Mr Ma will teach the children kung fu. ( ) (2) John can do some kung fu. ( ) (3) Mr Ma will help John.,(4)同学们听录音跟读课文,理解意思,并进行表演性朗读。,(5)小组内分角色进行表演操练,同学们自愿上前表演, 师生共评。,Consolidation,1.学习教材 Can you do it? 部分。,cook,(1)学习新单词和新短语,并在组内朗读数遍。,sing English songs,speak English,do some kung fu,make a robot,sing the birthday song,(2)完成探究学习第三题。,(3)完成探究学习第四题。,情景:在学生会纳新面试中,你想加入其中的一个社团。(1)完成探究学习第五题。 (2)同学们根据情景以 pair work 的形式创编对话,然 后自愿上前表演。 (3)师生共同评价,找出表演者的优点和缺点。,2. Make up another dialogue. 创编新对话。,Homework,1.听录音并背诵对话。 2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。 3.预习下一课时。,
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