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At the Restaurant 饮食篇,Where do you eat?,Fast food restaurantRefreshment bar/shopCafPizza parlorRestaurant,2,At the Restaurant 在餐馆,Lily tll,3,choose a table 入座,order food 点菜,settle the bill 结账,serve the dishes 上菜,take orders 写菜,guide diners 领位,Matching Game,Grouping sentences:- Choose a table (选台、入座) Order food (点菜) Take orders (服务员帮客人点菜) Settle the bill (买单、结账) Toasting (祝酒),4,A. choose a table,Waiter, a table for two. Is this table OK? I would prefer the table near that window. Wed like a quiet table with a fine view of the river.,A. Please let me see the menu first. B. Well, whats special on the menu today? C. I know Beijing Roast Duck is popular in China. Id like to try it. D. Id like something typically Chinese. E. I would like some vegetable dishes.,B. Order food or drinks,C. Take an order as a server,Would you like to have Chinese food or Western food? What else would you have, sir? What would you like to begin with? May I take your order now?/ Would you like to order now?/ Are you ready to order? / Have you decided what to have, Sir? Well, Ill bring your order right now.,D. Settle the bill,Waiter/Waitress, bring the bill, please. May I have the bill, please? How would you like to pay your bill? Lets go Dutch. /Lets pay separately. / Id suggest we separate the checks. Its on me./ Its my treat. (我请客.) Does this include the service charge/tip?,Key Words,menu menju: 菜单 buffet bfit bufi: 自助餐 order :d 点菜(所点的菜肴) chef ef 厨师长、主厨 server/waiter/waitress course k:s 道(菜) appetizer ptaz starterst:t头盘/开胃菜 soup su:p 汤 main dish 主菜、主碟 dessert diz:t,dzt 甜点 bill bil 账单,9,What to eat? (1),龙虾 lobster,炸薯条French fries, or chips,汉堡包 hamburger,lbst,牛排 steak,色拉 salad,甜点 dessert,What to eat?(2),diz:t,dzt,动物 vs. 肉名,12,猪 pig 牛 cow 羊 sheep 鸡 hen/cock 小牛 calf,猪 porkp:k 牛 beefbi:f 羊 muttonmtn 鸡 chicken tikin 小牛 vealvi:l,What to eat?(3),外国常见的几种蔬菜,13,西兰花 broccoli brkli: 菠菜 spinach spinid 卷心菜 cabbage kbid 白菜 Chinese cabbage 胡萝卜 carrot kbid 荷兰豆 chicken tikin 蘑菇 mushroom mrum 洋葱 onion njn,What to eat?(4),steak steik 牛排 pork chop tp 猪排 vegetable veditbl 蔬菜- vegetarianvedteri:n素食者 salad sld 色拉、凉拌菜 pudding pudi 布丁 French fries 炸薯条 chilli sauce tli: s:s辣椒酱 tomato sauce/Ketchup ketp 番茄酱,14,What to eat?(5),你会看菜名吗?,fry frai 煎/炒/炸 - Fried rice? Fried noodle? boil bil 煮 - boiled egg? bake beik 烘焙 - baked potato? roast rust烤; 烘; 焙 - roasted duck? grill ril (烧)烤 - grilled beef? smoke smuk 烟熏 - smoked salmon? steam sti:m 蒸 - steamed bun? barbecue b:bikju: - barbecue chicken?烧烤,Lily TLL,Key Words (4),What are these? 猜一猜,这是什么菜?,Ma Po Toufu Won Ton Dongpo Pork Dan Dan Mian Kungpao Chicken,HRM-Lu Lin,16,中西方菜单 对比,LilyTll,17,冷菜 热菜 汤菜 主食 小吃,appetizers(开胃品) soups(汤) side dishes(副菜) main courses(主菜) salads (色拉) desserts (甜点) coffee/tea(咖啡、茶),Ordering food 点菜,While you watch this video, pay attention to the key sentence patterns. You are supposed to repeat what she said later.,HRM-Lu Lin,18,主要点餐用语,S: Have you decided what you want to order?What can I get for you?What would you like to order/eat/have?(您想要点什么菜?您想要点啥?)Y: Ill have a (我就要)Ill try . (我就试一试)Id like some,HRM-Lu Lin,19,练习时间 Now, it is your turn!,点一些你喜欢吃的菜吧,HRM-Lu Lin,20,Tips,用餐结束后,应由邀请方料理付帐的事情 :Well take care of the bill. (我们来付帐。)双方告别时,邀请方要向接受邀请的对方道谢 : Were glad you joined us. (我们非常高兴您的赏光 。),HRM-Lu Lin,21,Tips,在餐馆就餐时一般要付小费,一般约是消费的10-15%. 消费应该放在盘中(不应该直接递到服务员手上) 并注意说话要客气:Keep the change, please. (不用找了),HRM-Lu Lin,22,Table Manners 西餐礼仪,看中文视频找错误,HRM-Lu Lin,23,Table Manners 西餐礼仪,要点: 菜量适中 餐巾折成三角形或条形平铺放在腿上 吃面包用手掰 左手叉、右手刀 红酒握杯身 ( More tips are coming),HRM-Lu Lin,24,Table Manners 西餐礼仪,HRM-Lu Lin,25,餐具 tableware 餐巾 napkin 汤匙 soup spoon 用餐举止 behavior 交际 socializing with others,Table Manners 西餐礼仪,HRM-Lu Lin,26,Table Manners 西餐礼仪,HRM-Lu Lin,27,Table Manners 西餐礼仪,Its not simple at all. 来,欣赏一下(Play the Screen Talk),HRM-Lu Lin,28,Toasting 祝酒词,I would like to propose a toast to our distinguished Australian guests!我提议为我们尊贵的澳大利亚客人干一杯! Lets drink to our successful cooperation! 让我们为合作成功干杯! May I propose a toast to our friendship?我提议 为友谊干杯! (Speak slowly, clearly and loudly. Be positive ) 声音要大、缓慢、清晰;语气肯定而积极,HRM-Lu Lin,29,Useful Expressions,好用又好记的祝酒词To your health! (Good health!) Bottoms up! Cheers! (Cheerio!) (Heres) To our friendship! To Mr. Lee! All the best!,Now, it is your turn,HRM-Lu Lin,31,
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