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Culture 2.Cleaning the Earth,Riddle,It looks like a ball. There are many things on it. It has air, water so that human beings(人类) can live there. What is it?,The Earth,Vocabulary challenges (词汇挑战),( )1.dirty water ( )2.dirty air ( )3.a can ( )4.plastic bags ( )5.garbage ( )6.traffic jam ( )7.wastebins ( )8.plant trees,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,F,C,B,H,G,F,A,D,Is the Earth happy?,What is the air , the water like?,Mini-Research Ask questions and finish the form.,Listen and do,1.Listen and answer.How does Paul clean the earth?,2.Listen and choose the best answer. ( )1. When did Paul plant trees?A. Yesterday. B. Last Sunday.( )2.What do trees need?A. rice B. water( )3. What can trees make?A.They can make the air dirty. B. They can make the air clean.,He planted trees.,A,B,B,Tips for cleaning the Earth.,1. Planting more trees is a good way to clean the earth.,Read and write,1.What did Mary do on June 21st?2.What kind of garbage was on the beach?3.Whats the beach like now?,Read and write,On June 21st, Mary went to the beach to cleaned up gabage. The beach was very dirty. There were plastic bags and some cans. Mary cleaned up all the gabage. The beach is clean now.,She cleaned up the beach.,Plastic bags and cans.,Its clean.,Tips for cleaning the Earth.,2. Cleaning the gabage and not littering.,Watch and think.,What can we do?,Use only the water you need. 仅使用你需要用的水。,b. Insulate your home. 隔热你的家。,c.Eat a healthy balanced diet. 吃健康均衡的饮食。,d. Use biodegradable products. 使用可生物降解产品。,e. Avoid using plastic bags. 避免使用塑料袋。,The Earth is our only home. 地球是我们唯一的家. Lets protect our earth.让我们保护地球吧!,Homework,1.Surf the website and find more information about earth saving.2.Make a poster, tell people to protect the earth.,
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