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Unit 4,职业综合英语 1,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 4 Product,新职业英语,Contents,Warm-1-1,Warming-up,Task 1 Work in pairs. Choose one product from each pair and explain why to your partner.,Sample,Warm-1-2,Warming-up,Warm-2,Warming-up,Task 2 Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.,What factors do you need to consider before you buy a product? Which one is the most important for you? Why?,Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider. Necessity: Do I really need this? Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied with the quality, color, shape, packaging, etc? Price: Do I have any spare money right now? Is it a bargain or is it too much money? Brand: What brand is the best choice for my purchase? After-sales service: Does it come with a warranty? Shipment: How can it be sent to my house?,Reading A,Reading A,Text,Task 1,Task 2,Business Know-how,Text A-1,Reading A,Industrial DesignId design an alarm clock with a moving snooze button that would be an easy target the first time I hit it. Then it becomes harder to locate after each attempt, so that it would keep ringing until Im fully awake.,翻译,声音,Text A-2,As industrial designers, our job is to design productsanything and everything thats mass-produced, from Ferraris to toasters, from furniture to television sets. We dream up products through drawings, sketches, even doodles, presenting to the manufacturing client their vision of what a certain product should look like.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Text A-3-1,Reading A,One of our goals as a profession is to make the product attractive. The inside of an industrial designers sketchbook usually looks like some kind of flattened mad scientists laboratories, filled with doodles of various types of products. We industrial designers also create ideas with our hands, using studio materials like clay and modeling foam to show what a product should feel like. Michelangelo “discovered” his sculptures inside blocks of marble; industrial designers find the shape of the latest,翻译,声音,Text A-3-2,Reading A,Walkman inside a chunk of clay, or foam, or occasionally with the help of computer software. Whatever the studio material may be, designers may spend hours at a time forming it, touching it, holding it, carving and recarving the lines that will soon be an actual working product, touched and held by millions of users. When you take a brand-new product out of the box and touch it, the designers hands and eyes have already run over the surface, in one way or another, hundreds of times.,翻译,声音,Text A-4,We also try not to make the product a pain in the neck. Some products may look cool and work wella wonderful collection of objects that subtly enhance your life, while other products may have annoying qualities that nearly outweigh their usefulness, like coffee tables with corners that draw blood and remote controls that look like maps of Manhattan. The difference is in the way theyre designed, in the way they look and feel. And its industrial design that makes all that difference.,翻译,声音,Reading A,A-Trans-1,Reading A,工业设计我想设计一只闹钟,它带有一个移动式闹铃开关,闹铃第一次响时开关触手可及,但之后闹钟一次比一次难触碰到,于是闹钟闹个不停,直到我完全醒来。,A-Trans-2,作为工业设计师,我们的工作就是设计产品所有批量生产的各种各样的产品,从法拉利汽车到烤面包炉,从家具到电视机。我们通过画图、素描、甚至涂鸦来构思产品,将生产厂商想象的某种产品的样子呈现给他们。,Reading A,A-Trans-3-1,Reading A,我们的职业目标之一是使产品具有吸引力。一位工业设计师草图本里的内容常常看上去就像平面化的科学狂人的实验室,满是各种各样产品的涂鸦。我们工业设计师们也用双手来进行创意,用粘土、造型泡沫这些工作室里的材料来展现产品的手感。米开朗基罗在大理石堆中“发现”了他的雕塑作品;工业设计师们在粘土堆、泡沫堆,或者偶尔在电脑软件的帮助下找到了最新款随身听的形状。,A-Trans-3-2,不管用哪种工作材料,设计师们每次都会花上好几个小时去造型,去触摸,去把握,一遍又一遍地雕琢那些线条,不久,这些东西就会成为真正可以使用的产品,被千万个消费者触摸、把玩。当你抚摸着刚从盒子里取出的全新产品时,它的表面已经被设计师的双手和目光以这样或那样的方式抚摸和打量过成百上千次了。,Reading A,A-Trans-4,我们也竭尽全力使产品不会令人生厌。有些产品外形又酷又好用它们是一系列会在潜移默化中提升你生活品质的奇妙物品。而另一些产品,其令人讨厌的设计几乎使其实用性变得不值一提,比如桌角伤人的咖啡桌,以及看起来像曼哈顿地图一般令人迷惑的遥控器。两类产品的区别在于其设计方式,在于其外观和手感,而造成这一切不同的正是工业设计。,Reading A,n. an aim; objective,Reading A,target,e.g. Ive set myself a target of saving $200 a month. v. to make something have an effect on a particular limited group or area e.g. The advertisement was designed to target a mass audience.,e.g. We couldnt locate the source of the radio signal.,Reading A,locate,v. to find the exact position of something,e.g. He made one last attempt at the world record. v. to try to do something that is difficult, dangerous, etc. e.g. The book attempts to explain the origins of the war.,Reading A,attempt,n. an act of trying to do something,e.g. Mass-produced furniture is cheaper than furniture made by hand.,Reading A,mass-produce,v. to produce in large numbers using machinery,n. 1) imagination e.g. Have you ever had visions of great success? 2) idea e.g. She had the same vision of him as I had. 3) sight e.g. With my new glasses my vision is perfect!,Reading A,vision,e.g. 1. a chunk of cheese2. A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the show.,Reading A,a chunk of,a large piece of something that does not have an even shape; a large part or amount of something,e.g. She bought a brand-new car for her brother as the wedding gift.,
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