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Lets enjoy a song.,What are they going to do?,What is Wang Tao going to take?,What is Sally going to take?,Listen and think.,What are they going to do? A. Go to the park. B. Climb a mountain.,We are going to _. We are going to _. We are going to _. We are going to _.,run,swim,fly a kite,ride a bike,What is Wang Tao going to take? A. Some tea. B. Some water.,What is Sally going to take? A. A camera. B. An umbrella.,Listen and follow.,Lets read.,We are going for a spring outing.,We are going to climb a mountain.,What are you going to take with you?,Im going to take some water with me.,Im going to take a camera with me.,Are you going to wear sports shoes?,bed let nethead dead weather,Can you read?,Summary. 1.词汇:spring outing, climb, mountain, water, thirsty, camera等。 2.句型:What are you going to take with you? Im going to take. with me. We are going to climb a mountain.,Homework. 1.听课文录音,模仿跟读5遍,家长签字。 2.完成活动手册中本课练习。 3.预习Part B。,Thank you !,
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