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Section Learning about Language& Using Language,速效提能演练,Unit 1,预习多维感知,Section ,重点难点探究,预习多维感知,.Fill in the blanks below according to the text(P38).,solar system,experienced,car racing,dinosaur,spaceage,jungle,online,admission,large groups,shuttle,.Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text. 1. What is Futuroscope most famous for? ( ) ASports. BScience and technology. CCartoons. DMovies.,B,2. What does the phrase “in advance” mean in this passage? ( ) AOn time. BIn the end. CRight away. DAhead of time.,D,3How long does it take to travel at Futuroscope? ( ) AOnly one day. BTwo days. CThree days. DOnly a week.,A,4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( ) AOpened in 1897,Futuroscope is one of the largest spaceage parks in the world. BYou can also buy tickets online.,B,CFuturoscope is intended for individuals only. DIt is not convenient to drive to Futuroscope.,5Traveling at Futuroscope must be very_. Aboring Bdifficult Cexciting Ddangerous,C,重点难点探究,1.Look at the names of the minority groups on the right. 看看右面少数民族的名字。,品味经典 The Chinese nation includes 55 national minorities besides the Hans. 中华民族除汉族外,还有55个少数民族。,Only a minority of the class voted for the plan. 班里只有少数学生投票赞成这项计 划。,自我探究 minority n少数;少数民族。,归纳拓展 minor adj.少数的 major adj. 大多数的;较重要的majority n. 多数 in the minority 占少数 in the majority 占大多数 the minority of n. 少数,We are in the minority;more are against us than with us. 我们成了少数派,赞成我们的居少 数。,巧学助记,牛刀小试 完成句子 Its believed that children with single parent at my school were_(占少数),in the minority,2.This science and technologybased theme park in France uses the most advanced technology. 这座科技主题公园在法国,它采用了最先进的技术。,品味经典 We should learn the advanced technologies from other countries. 我们应该向其他国家学习先进技术。,自我探究 advanced adj. 高级的;先进的。,归纳拓展 advance vi.& vt.前进;促进;提前 n.前进;进步 in advance 预先,事先,在前 in advance of. 在前头 make great advances in. 在方面进步很大,They advanced 20 miles. 他们向前推进了20英里。 Such behaviour is not likely to advance your interests. 这种行为不可能促进你的利益。,The date of the meeting was advanced from 10 to 3 June. 会议日期已由6月10号提前到6月3号。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)科学取得了很大进步。 Science _. (2)你必须预先付书钱。 You must pay for the book _.,has made great advances,in advance,(3)The first quarter of this year has witnessed _(产量上有一个大的提高),a big advance in our production,3.Visitors can get_close_to parts of the world they have never experienced,going to the bottom of the ocean,flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system.,参观者可以接近他们从来没有经历过的世界角落,比如潜入海底、飞越丛林或者参观太阳系的边缘地带。,品味经典 Better not get close to the fire,its very hot. 最好别靠近炉子,它很热。 You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. 你会接近大自然同时进行锻炼。,自我探究 get close to 接近,靠近。,归纳拓展 be close to 靠近 sit close to. 坐的离近 close to 靠近;几乎 keep a close eye/watch on 密切注视;严密监视,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)The fire was fierce and they _(无法靠近) (2)His house _(靠近) the factory.,couldnt get close to it,is close to,用close,closely填空 (3)They live_to the museum. (4)Please pay_attention to where they go.,close,close,(5)Taste and smell are_connected. (6)The prisoners were_guarded.,closely,closely,4.The amazing,uptodate information together with many opportunities for handson learning makes the world come_to_life in a completely new way for visitors.,这些让人惊讶的、最新的信息以及大量动手实践的学习机会,让世界以一种全新的方式展现在游人面前。,品味经典 Only with his friends can he come to life. 只有和朋友在一起,他才很活跃。 Spring is here and everything comes to life. 春天来临,万物复苏。,When the man came to life again,he found himself in bed. 当那男子再次醒来时,发现自己躺在床上。,自我探究 come to life 活跃起来;苏醒过来。,归纳拓展 bring.to life 使恢复生机 come back to life 苏醒过来 when it comes to. 当谈到;说到 come to an end 结束,come to light 被发现;被知晓 come about 发生;产生 come across 偶遇;偶然发现 come out 泄露;出版 come up with 提出,巧学助记 come to life When the children heard that their teacher came to life,the whole class came to life at once. 当孩子们听说老师苏醒过来时,整个班立刻活跃起来。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)Learning that Premier Wen would come to see them,they_(他们活跃起来),came to life,用关于come的短语完成句子 (2)How did it_that humans speak so many different languages. (3)I_some old photos in the attic.,come about,came across,(4)The solution_him in a flash. (5)Her new book_in two months.,came to,will come out,5.I bought tickets for myself and my friends at the parks entrance,but tickets are also available online. 我在公园入口为自己和朋友们买的票,不过门票也可以在网上订购。,品味经典 TV sets are available in any department store. 电视机在任何一家百货商店里都能买到。,The swimming pool is available only in summer. 这个游泳池只在夏天开放。 This film ticket is no longer available. 这张电影票不再有效。,自我探究 available adj. 可以得到的;可利用的;有效的;有空的(常放在被修饰名词的后面)。,归纳拓展 be available to sb.可以为某人所用 be available to do sth.有时间做某事 be available for sth.可以用来做某事,These statistics are never sold or made available to the public. 这些统计数据永远不会卖掉或被公众得到。,
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