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Personal relationship,Excellent Relationships,The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationshipsintimate, personal or socialwith the people we like and respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage,,and in each area, of your life. How well you get along with people, and how much they like, love and respect you, has more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor. 人生的第二大梦就是完美的人际关系,与亲人、朋友和同事,以及社会上一般人融洽相处、互动良好。我们爱且尊敬他人,而他人也爱且尊敬我们。人们在任何一个人生阶段或居住在任何一个地区是否觉得幸福快乐,其中有百分之八十五取决于融洽的人际关系。你与他人相处的情形,他人是否喜欢你、爱你、尊重你,构成了你是否觉得幸福快乐的关键因素。,To build up a good relationship with others helps you a lot. First, friends can offer their help to you whenever you meet troubles. And if you have a good relationship with others, then you can ask for all kinds of help from them. Second, relationship is a symbol to make us human different from animals. We all need it. We can hardly live without love, friendship, etc. Generally speaking, people hates loneliness,Respect for those who do not like you,To shake hands with people when they are little more grip. Are the sincere.,On the issue rather than the person; or callous thing for people to love; or being first, followed by work,Not to others, and be taken for granted. Thanksgiving should know,How to deal with our personal relationship,Every relationship experiences some conflict. Some experience more than others, some are playful, and some are hateful. Then there are those that are never ending patterns of conflict that seem impossible to break.,If you do want to stop the cycle of conflict, consider these 10 steps to bring harmony back to your relationship. Note that this doesnt only apply to parent and girlfriends, these can apply to work conflicts as well.,1.Cool Down Time. If youve found yourself in a heated argument, the best thing you can do is walk away for a little while. Blow off some steam with a walk or by talking things out with a clear headed friend. If you just need some rest, take a nap or a meditation nap.,Before going separate ways, take a deep breath and agree to discuss the issue later. The whole goal of separating should be to come back together with a better ability to work things out.,2.Mutual Respect. No matter how divided you are in your positions, always remember the humanity of the other person. Keep in mind their weaknesses and frailties. Think about the respect you want and then give it unconditionally to the other person. Be kind even if you are angry. If that makes you cry instead of screaming, youll probably find that yourself getting closer to the true root of the issue. When you get to the root, you can start solving things.,3.Start with Yourself. Ask yourself what part of the argument is your responsibility. How did you contribute to this argument? What can you do to resolve it? Do you need to apologize? Do you know how? This video taught me the 3 steps to a proper apology:,Im sorry. It was my fault. How can I make it right again?,4.Whats It All About? From your perspective, what is the argument really about? What would the other person say the argument is about? What common goals do you both share that could be used as a vehicle to reach a resolution?,5.Needs vs. Wants. Figure out what it is that you want. Then ask yourself, “what do I really need?“ Go for what you need and be flexible on your wants. A need is something you cant live without and a want is more of a preference. A resolution doesnt mean you get everything you want, but hopefully you get everything that you need. If you cant get what you need then you may need to re-evaluate the relationship,5.Needs vs. Wants. Figure out what it is that you want. Then ask yourself, “what do I really need?“ Go for what you need and be flexible on your wants. A need is something you cant live without and a want is more of a preference. A resolution doesnt mean you get everything you want, but hopefully you get everything that you need. If you cant get what you need then you may need to re-evaluate the relationship,6.Compassion and Empathy. How is the other person feeling? How would it feel to be in their shoes? Be honest. What are their fears behind the anger? Focus on the good qualities in the other person and consider what their goals are.,7.Wisdom and Strengths. What are the best qualities of this person? What wisdom do they possess? Everyone is smart about something. How can you tap into that wisdom to help you move forward out of conflict? What can you learn from your partner?,8.Better to Be Happy than to Be Right. Conflict can be hurtful and damaging to a relationship when allowed to run wild. Take a step back to view the big picture. What do you really want? What is your goal?At the end of your life, how will you view this argument? What will you wish you did? How can you emerge from this conflict and return to a light and peaceful state?,
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