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Module 6 MusicUnit 1 This girl is good.,Read out the words quickly,tall small long old high,fatthinbig,goodbad,- better- worse,A,C,D,Apple A is good.,Apple B is better .,Apple C is bad .,Apple D is worse .,B,Good, good, better.I will be better.,Bad, bad, worse.Never be worse.,Music Competation,音乐比赛,There are four children.,How many children sing songs?,the first girl,the second girl,the boy,Tom,Look and answer.,第一个,Tom is the winner.,Who is the winner ?,Listen,point and answer.,We must have the courage to express ourselves.,要勇于表现自己,Respect the opinions of others.,尊重别人的看法,Practice 1(练习),I think picture1 is _. I think picture2 is _.,I think picture3 is _. I think picture4 is _.,请你用“good, better, worse”描述下面的图片,可以小组讨论后回答,比比哪组说得好。例如: I think Picture 1 is worse.,worse,good,better,Practice 2(练习),worse,better,good,good,better,worse,What have you learnt today?,你今天学会了什么?,Summary,Homework,Draw four pictures and talk about them with your friends, using “good, better, bad and worse.”,Thank you!,
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