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,turn left,turn right,go straight,Listen and circle.,A,B,school,Where is the post office?,book store,cinema,post office,hospital,park,Its east of the cinema. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.,school,book store,cinema,post office,hospital,park,school,Where is the hospital?,book store,cinema,post office,hospital,park,Guess what place it is.,Is it far from our school?,No, its not far. Turn right at the school. Then go straight. Its on the left.,Guess what place it is.,Is it far from our school?,No, its not far. Turn right at the school. Then go straight. Its on the left.,Its the posit office,Its Sarahs birthday. How old is she? Where is her home? How can we get to her home? Lets read again.,Thank you!,
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