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Lesson 19,人教新版英语五年级科学下册,What do you do in the library?,We read storybooks.,library,use the computer,We use the computer.,do project work,What do you do in the computer corner?,We do project work.,do project work,We do project work.,What do you do in the science corner?,We do experiments and observe things.,science corner,There is also a science corner in our class.,What do you do in the science corner?,We do experiments and observe things.,What do you do in the art corner?,We paint and draw.,Mark comes from Britain.,Mark and his friend, Barry, are showing some photos to Gao Wei and his classmates.,The photos show us how British children learn.,超链接,This photo shows our classroom. All the chairs and desks are in groups. We usually do group work.,Mark:,Are there any computers in your class?,Yes. We have twelve computers in the computer corner.There is also a science corner.,Gao Wei:,Mark:,What do you do in your science corner?,We study plants and animals.,Li Yan:,Mark:,Is there a library in your class?,Yes, we have a mini-library. We read storybooks and look at cartoons.,Mark:,Gao Wei:,Zhou Pei:,Thats interesting.,library speak write in there what read classroom,A: Is an English corner_ your ? do you do in it? B: we often English. There is a mini- library in our classroom, too. We often storybooks and letters in the .,3,5,4,2,1,Where are you from,Whats your name,My name is Peter Green,This is our computer room,How many computer classes do you have a week,Is there a library in your school,read books in the library,Goodbye,
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