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期末考试题型及范围,1.快速阅读,10分,课外。 2.听力,25分,从四级真题上出。 3.深度阅读三篇,15个题,30分,课外和四级真题。 4. 词汇,15个,15分,课本练习题 5.课本练习题中的汉译英,5个题,5分。 6.作文,15分,课外。,Oral Test,Level 2010 A,(一)背诵,把所背诵作文范文打印(见文档) 题头: 2011-2012年第二学期口语测试(一) 英语学号: 姓名: 行政班:,1. What role does internet play in your study? 2. Traveling 3. A movie you like most. 4. What do you think of class absence in college? 5. What can you get from learning English? 6. What do you think of playing with cell-phones in class?,Topics,My Hobby When I was a little child, my mum always told me wonderful stories when I went to bed. Those days were full of dreams and imagination. Since then, I have fallen in love with reading books. Reading serves for delight, for curiosity and for ability . So, Love of reading has become a huge part in my life. I believe it will work miracles someday.,Example,Good Luck,
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