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导读话题美文,写作系列化学习、突破知识瓶颈、跨越高分障碍,预学语言知识,感悟教材原文,【名师点津解惑12个知识点】 belong to 用法两注意/7 have用法三注意/8 take part in 用法两注意/26 名词性从句中的what与that/27 admit用法两注意/28,from用法两注意/44 make use of 用法两注意/48 不含冠词的宾短语集锦/62 appreciate后的形式宾语/65 与时俱进“不定式”/79 in addition的用法/84 不一样的“首先”/90,【易混辨析洞悉20个重难点】 select/choose/elect/6 design/mean/intend/7 worth/worthy/worthwhile/10 explode/burst/15 take part in/join in /join/attend/26 how often/how long/how soon/27,regular/normal/28 as well/also/too/either/29 as a result/as a result of/45 anyhow/anyway/somehow/somewhat/46 signal/mark/sign/symbol/52 kind/sort/type/53 arise/rise/raise/53 in danger/dangerous/62 affect/effect/influence/64,fit/suit/match/67 long before/before long/70 incident/accident/event/71 earn/gain/get/81 be/get familiar with,be/get familiar to/82,【图形助记巧学5个核心词】 对比记忆remove与move/9 三图辨析“辨论”与“争吵”/15 巧述“因果”/45 两图巧记form/80 break短语家庭大聚会/83,Period 单元预习课Moscow Red SquareFeel It,Breath It,Love It! 位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科市中心的著名广场红场不仅是莫斯科的标志性建筑,也是连接俄罗斯过去、现在和未来的纽带。,Moscow Red Square is the heart of Russia.Its the historical,cultural,and political center of the country. The Red Square is more than 500 years old.It was set up by Ivan Groznyi in 1493,and was firstly used as a marketplace.Gradually,the Russian governments began to use it for ceremonies.This tradition has lived until today.,By the way,its called“Red”not because of the color.The word“red”used to mean“beautiful”in Russian. The Red Square reflects the difference between the East and the West.All the power is concentrated here.The Kremlin is right behind the wall.Lenins Tomb is located on the Moscow Red Square as well.There was time when thousands of people came to their beloved leader every day.,Since 1945,the military parades have been held there every year.The first parade was held in 1941,just before the War.It showed the strength of Russian troops to the Germans.Thousands of soldiersstomping the pavement made Soviet people proud and loyal,reminding them who was the greatest. There is another symbol of power on the Red Square.In the past,it used to house several cathedrals.Two of them,Kazan Cathedral and Iverskaya Chapel,were gone.Now the only one remaining is Saint Basils Cathedral.,Moscow Red Square mixes the military,politics,and religion into a unique energy that represents Russia. But it has changed a lot. The Red Square has become much friendlier.Its open to everyone in the world.People come to celebrate their wedding,shop at boutiques and even iceskate!,Popular artists,such as Paul McCartney,Pink Floyd,and Red Hot Chili Peppers,came to Red Square to throw performances.And people are no longer getting in line to see Lenin. If you want to truly feel and understand Russiajust visit the Red Square.,1Kremlin 克林姆林宫 2Lenins Tomb 列宁墓 3stomp v. 重踏 4cathedral n. 大教堂 5boutique n. 精品店,1Why was the Red Square built 500 years ago? _ _ 2When was the first military parade of Russia held on the Red Square? _ _,3How many big churches are left now on the Red Square? _ _ 4Who can visit the Red Square nowadays? _ _,【答案】 1.It was built as a marketplace 500 years ago. 2The first military parade of Russia was held on the Red Square in 1941. 3There is only one big church left now on the Red Square. 4Everyone in the world can visit the Red Square nowadays.,第1步识记核心单词 .根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词 1_adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 2_vi.幸免;幸存;生还 3_vt.使吃惊;惊讶 4_adj.令人吃惊的 5_n& vt.设计;构思,6_n群;组;军队 7_n接待;招待会;接收 8_adj.木制的 9_adj.以前的;从前的 10_v装饰;装修 【答案】 1.rare 2.survive 3.amaze 4.amazing 5design 6.troop 7.reception 8.wooden 9.former 10decorate,.将单词与所给英语释义连线 1worth Ato take sb./sth.away from a place 2remove Bchoose 3fancy Cnot ordinary,unusual 4select Da feeling of being uncertain 5doubt Ea manner of writing or speaking 6style Fhaving a value in money 【答案】 16 FACBDE,第2步掌握高频短语 .根据汉语提示写出短语 1_ 寻找 2_ 属于 3_ 作为报答;回报 4_ 处于交战状态 5_ 少于 6_ 为而设计的,7_ 充当;担任 8_ 把加到上 【答案】 1.in search of 2.belong to 3.in return 4at war 5.less than 6.be designed for 7.serve as 8add.to.,.选用以上短语填空(其中有两项是多余的) 1Smile at others,and you are sure to get a smile _ 2The house _ my aunt,but she doesnt live here any more. 3These classes _ both new and experienced music lovers. 4During the Second World War Germany was _ with almost all the other countries in the world.,5After I graduate,I will return to my hometown and _ a good teacher. 6Today more and more young men leave their homes for the cities _ jobs with higher pay. 【答案】 1.in return 2.belongs to 3.are designed for 4.at war 5.serve as 6.in search of,
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