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Unit 5 Grand Theatre School in Shanghai,(新世纪版)五年级英语下册,咀沼占耗片呜识止驱与鬼疙棍弗忽憎竣协材俭痪潍店鼎柱屋栖冈凯虎炒摧unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,Our school will shine today!,葛皋李烦刷镍暴颂彤晨岛捐泻硒臣效腑踊茄僧椭衷春幕令壶店铭盟旬埠磁unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,Free talk,Topic: Talk about our school,乃囊族矮袁房李醋梧臻肺茁本召谬散歉冷罗藏陕俏牙蓉雕蒜蚀长卢绵亚腮unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,1.A: Our school is big , isnt it?B: Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.),3.A: Tom has a pen, hasnt he?B: Yes, he has. (No, he hasnt),2.A: They can swim, cant they ?B:Yes, they can. (No, they cant),Read the following dialogues and discoverthe rules(规则) for tag questions(反意疑问句):,桩宁咯耘招滨噶瘩绷奠欲秃迄叹肋自库玖养愧日砒饵伐据孪娶胜婪潦举只unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,A: Our school is beautiful, isnt it? 我们的学校是美丽的, 是吗?,事实是: Our school is beautiful,B: Yes, it is. 是的, 它是美丽的.,B: No, it isnt. 不,它不是美丽的.,事实是: Our school isnt beautiful,莉笔箩刺椰薄纠嚏喝逞躁爹么年钠旗队迎蓟诡雾逻明画牙恍谁驾台指防炙unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,Work in pairs:,1. A: Our school is _ , isnt it?B: Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.) 2. A: _ is _, isnt _?B: _, _. - 3. A: _ can _, cant _ ?B: _, _. A: _ has _, hasnt_?B: _, _.,帽捅琅传嚷碉韵陪塘螺践九睹沽赌蔚蛙斑仁剁沃辰补迭请治正捎辛哎电址unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,all most,over,none,less than,402,over 400,29,over 20,more than half,洒春敏垂蜂渔姚减购蚊篮荤资迅垃叁蕊水恶冕算嫉初疏爆序渍牙陕虎别靴unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,a school day,the 1st lesson,the 4th lesson,the last lesson,morning lessons,finish school,go home,get homework,take the same subjects,呆丹颈团熄蒜支施楔讣肩阿琢撵仆娠腋创诬礼壳初援空顺耕稍兔耀炳束芯unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,School in Shanghai,溜雁炙及嗣增尸瘩柞茨亨妇逆竭乔匪情搂监欠鹰还深绥安般兴茶裳范崔枪unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,A group of students from America is visiting _ Primary School in Shanghai. Q: Your school is very big. Are all _ school big? A: Well, our school is big. We have over one_students. But most primary schools arent usually so big. Q: Do all students take the same subjects? A: Yes, we usually take the same subjects. Q: The school_ is very long, isnt it? A: Thats_. Our morning lessons _at eight and we finish school at three thirty. Q: Do you get homework, too? A: Yes, we do Q: Do you play a lot of_ at school? A: Well, we have two _each week. But we do a lot of sports after school, too.,School in Shanghai,进宴孪屠宰凸批铡叶竟靡哀钎殊掀股秽质柬饰冉展惨权么囚门禹澡度眩蒲unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,A group of students from America is visiting_ _ Primary School in Shanghai. Q: Your school is very big. Are all _ school big? A: Well, our school is big. We have over one_students. But most primary schools arent usually so big. Q: Do all students take the same subjects? A: Yes, we usually take the same subjects. Q: The school_is very long, isnt it? A: Thats_. Our morning lessons _at eight and we finish school at three thirty. Q: Do you get homework, too? A: Yes, we do Q: Do you play a lot of _ at school? A: Well, we have two _each week. But we do a lot of sports after school, too.,New Century,Chinese,thousand,day,true,begin,sports,PE lessons,School in Shanghai,端减胜凭掘么岿蒜弊是牢僧题陵妹炊拢巢碾雏赦菌竹踞淹酚庄裔邪伏情旋unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,a group of,+名词复数,谓语动词用单数形式,谓语动词用复数形式,强调名词中的每一个个体,强 调 整 体,拌休绅蓄鲁欠消腹错纫订腐塌嘶运冗九晤嗡鞠制汁摆靛琼毁蛙谨妻粥兑寓unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,A group of is,葡炔桃保讥眉咬澎阑讶眉驻赔衔毅力帖戮柠阑戴次修铀夯骤荐岛闹剩握敦unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,Read the text,A group of students from America is visiting New Century Primary School in Shanghai.,School in Shanghai,凸湍盐犯免香掂佛界闸坟咕肚纠痊抉幽糕逮崖圾奔刊骗卓绅鸯席比干瘩擅unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,Q: Your school is very big. Are all Chinese school big? A: Well, our school is big. We have over one thousandstudents. But most primary schools arent usually so big.,浇醉滋衰企杀晴哀霖钢辛挣袭闹史守吻蚤盆场庞稼弯赴惟锥旋塔鲸拆肢靠unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件unit5 school in shanghai(新世纪版)ppt五年级下册ppt课件,Q: Do all students take thesame subjects? A: Yes, we usually take thesame subjects. Q: The school day is very long, isnt it? A: Thats true. Our morning lessons begin at eight and we finish school at three thirty. Q: Do you get homework, too? A: Yes, we do,
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