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,定兴县北田乡大佟村小学周嫣然,Welcome to our class,Lesson10 Always Brush Your Teeth!,Lets play!,Learning objectives,KeyConcepts: after,before,teeth,face,brush(your teeth),comb(your hair) 会用所学介词和句型进行语言表达 养成良好的卫生习惯,face,第一关:I like new words.,teeth,comb hair,wash face,brush teeth,What time do you eat your breakfast?,at 6:30,before 6:30,after 6:30,What do you do before breakfast?What do you do after breakfast?,Practice,第二关:I like English sentences,早饭前你做什么?,早饭后你做什么?,What time does Li Ming eat breakfast?,What does Li Ming do before breakfast?,What does Li Ming do after breakfast?,Listen to “Before and after“,answer the questens.,What time does Li Ming eat breakfast?,What does Li Ming do before breakfast?,What does Li Ming do after breakfast?,Li Ming eats breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.,He washes his hands before breakfast.,He brushes his teeth after breakfast.,What do I do every morning?,Before I wash my face, I brush my teeth. After I wash my face, I comb my hair.,Fast browsing: Read “Jennys week”, and order these sentences.,( ) Jenny wakes up. ( ) Jenny brushes her teeth. ( ) Jenny eats breakfast. ( ) Jenny washes her face and hands. ( ) Jenny combs her hair. ( ) Jenny goes to school.,1,3,2,5,6,4,Why does Jenny brush her teeth after breakfast?,第三关:I like to speak English,Talk about your life with your partners!,Thank you,Thank you,
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