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全国热线:400-700-1110 网址:www.metroenglish.com.cn,Workplace Communication 1,What we will be doing,Review on concepts and definitions of workplace communication What is feedback TBL-how to deliver a positive feedback to your workmate,Did you know?,A study released by Human Synergistics, an international organisational development firm, reported that “90% of employees work in a negative culture of blame, indecision and conformity”, based on a study of 900 major organisations and more than 130,000 employees.(2),Did you know?,A 12-month study by S. McCarthy of 1300 senior executives has found that managers focus on what is bad about their employees rather than on what is good “I only hear from my boss when I stuff up”. As a result they create a passive defensive culture where employees avoid responsibility and pass blame.(3),Workplace Communication,Communication in the Workplace is a revealing snapshot of how organisations really work. In workplaces throughout China and across the planet, billions of messages are sent in various forms every day, but not all of them get through. Of those that do, many are misunderstood. Communication breakdown is just as common as communication effectiveness, but it doesnt have to be that way.,What is communication,Communication is a vital part of creating and maintaining a safe and efficient workplace environment. How we interact with clients and staff will affect how well the organisation functions and how satisfying you find your job to be.,Interpersonal communication,Interpersonal communication is the way we communicate with others. It may be with another person, to a group of people or to the public. It includes written, verbal and non-verbal communication. What is your job? Where do you study? What do you like in your job/study? Please comment on your performance in the past two weeks/months,General,when communicating with others, take into consideration: who you are talking to, the type of information to be communicated (for example; confidential, good news/bad news, difficult technical information, instructions, general daily information), and what the most appropriate type of communication to use is (for example; verbal, email, memo, handover). This may be determined by the type of information to be communicated.,Cultural Awareness,We need to recognise that people come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures and with them they bring a variety of different values, attitudes and beliefs. All staff need to be non judgemental, respectful and tolerant of each others differences. When communicating with people from other backgrounds care needs to be taken to ensure that cultural differences in both verbal and nonverbal communication are considered. Professional development is provided to staff to assist in this process.,Workplace protocols,written communication (sending and receiving information), and verbal communication (giving and following instructions and messages).,Written communication,email, letters and faxes (internal and external) forms, reports and memos (internal and external) minutes and agendas for meetings (internal) technical and procedural manuals (internal) workplace signs (internal) whiteboards and pin-up boards (internal),Written Communication:,is simple and easy to understand, is to the point and avoids unnecessary repetition, avoids too many technical terms, and avoids slang, offensive language and discriminatory, racist or sexist language.,Verbal Communication,Types of verbal communication include: handovers (internal) telephone (internal and external) meetings (internal),Verbal Communication,it is clear and concise, it is friendly and professional, appropriate feedback is given, active listening is used, there is an awareness of non-verbal communication styles, and there is an understanding of cultural differences.,What is Feedback?,Giving feedback simply means telling people how theyre going at work. Two-Way feedback means also taking feedback being prepared to listen to what others tell you, without being defensive if its not good news; listening for ways to improve your own performance and/or the business. Many people equate feedback with delivering bad news, criticism of poor performance. But feedback also can, and should be, good news.,Positive feedback,Thanking people for a job well done. Commending them for taking the initiative and solving a problem for you. Discussing with individuals where theyre going and what their career opportunities might be, even if its not in your business or workplace. Discussing progress with teams. Celebrating the wins when everyones pulled together and things have gone well.,Bad news,Of course we also have to deliver the bad news but when we have to give this kind of feedback we often end up criticising and distressing the person or people concerned, however well-intentioned we are. Why does it happen?. A common reason is that we put up with things for too long because we dont know what to say or how to say it.,
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