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TUTOR : Sun Peipei,STUDENT: ChenYa,MAJOR : English,SCHOOL :Xian Fanyi University,CLASS : 6111116,On Cultural Differences BetweenChinese and English Idioms,谈习语在中西方的文化中的差异,Abstract,This thesis analyzes the idioms which reflect the differences of Chinese and Western cultures in various levels. Different people from different cultures may have different understandings of the same sentence because they know little about the target cultures. so it is a very important and complicated thing for us to understand and use these idioms correctly.Key words: idioms; origins; cultural,Contents,Abstract Introduction Idioms and Culture Cultural Differences Reflected by Chinese and English Idioms Different Traditions and Customs Acknowledgements Conclusion,1.Introduction,The thesis analyses the influence of cultural differences on Chinese and English idioms, the importance of studying idiom from the perspective of culture lies in literary masterpieces, Greek and Roman mythologies, ancient fables, historic events, anecdotes, customs, daily life, animal habitual behaviors and so on.,2.Idioms and Culture,2.1 The definition of idiom and cultureAn idiom is an expression which functions as a single unit and whose meaning cannot be worded out from its separate parts.Culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns. 2.2 The relationship between the idiom and cultureIdiom is a part of culture.,2.3 The Relationship Between Idioms and Culture,A great number of definitions have been given to culture. Therefore, idiom is a part of culture. The ability to understand idioms is important to successful communication. The difficult comprehension of English idioms may also lead to communication breakdown for the persons from different language communities.,3. Cultural Differences Reflected by Chinese and English Idioms,Both China and Britain have a long history, which fertilized their brilliant cultures. but they have more in discrepancy owing to their different geographical environment, history, religion and so on. Different Living Circumstance Different Religious and Beliefs Different Historical Allusion Literary Works,all at sea: 不知所措 Spring up like mushrooms: 雨后春笋 old Adam: 本性的罪恶 Pandoras box: 无穷的灾难 to meet ones Waterloo :一败涂地 sour grapes :聊以自慰 man for all seasons :博学多才适应性强的人,Enjoy some examples:,4. Different Traditions and Customs,Culture is long acquired from customs and habits. One nations custom is formed through a long history and firmly rooted in peoples mind. 4.1 Social customs Each nation has its own social customs and habits The formation of those customs and habits is closely linked with the natural condition, social environment, life style, tradition, etiquette and belief or even superstition.4.2 Animals 4.3 Numbers 4.4 The Taboo,THE CULTURE OF GRAGON,Dragon: It is the symbol of the Chinese nation; and it is the symbol of authority, strength and good fortune. 望子成龙:hope ones children have a bright future.,heart and soul:一心一意 make a clean break :一刀两断 as sick as a dog:累极了 rain cats and dogs:倾盆大雨 as like as two peas: 一模一样 be perfect in every way:十全十美 you are a lucky dog! 你是一个幸运的人! kick the man when he is down:打落水狗 all good things go by threes:好事成三,Animal and numbers:,5. Conclusion,Culture is a kind of social behavior. It needs time and people to form the culture. Idioms come up with the new things and new ideas. Old idioms fade with old things and old ideas. It can be reflected not only in English idioms but also in Chinese idioms.,Acknowledgements,I am deeply grateful to Mrs. Sun Pei pei , my tutor, to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude and appreciation. Mrs. Sun gave me a lot of invaluable instructions and helped me much in every stage of my thesis writing. Shes patient help and timely encouragement are worthy of high acknowledgement.,Thank you,
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