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Lesson 17 Ping pang and Basketball,冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册,同学们,来,上课之前呢,我们先跟着音乐活动一下。,同学们,我们都知道运动有利于健康,你们平时喜欢做什么运动呢?,do morning exercise,run,badminton,ping - pong,soccer,basketball,好了,看来大家都有自己喜欢的运动,这一单元呢,我们就来学习一下有关运动的一些知识。好不好啊? 现在我们先翻开课本的第二页,我们来看看Li Ming 和Jenny 喜欢什么样运动呢?,Read the text,Li Ming plays _ and _ . _ is his favourite sport. He likes _ best .,Jenny plays _ and _. She likes _ best!,_, _, _ and basketball are sports!,badminton,ping pang,Ping pang,ping pang,basketball,soccer,soccer,Badminton,ping pong,soccer,下面呢,我们分组用下列句子进行对话练习。,A : What sports do you play? B : I play . is myfavourite sports. I like best.,同学们,我们都有自己喜欢的运动,那么,我们通常喜欢穿什么样的衣服去运动呢?,运动装,(Sports clothes),运动鞋,(Sports shoes ),好,现在呢,Li Ming 打算让Jenny教他play basketball 我们来看看课文对话1,2,3,4,看看他们要穿什么去play basketball. 穿什么呢?,T shirt,shorts,runners,同学们,想一想,我们以前还学过那些和衣着有关的词呢?,scarf,socks,jeans,skirt,blouse,sweater,通过他们的对话,我们知道了李明有_ ,没有_ and _.那么他们怎么办呢?是不是得去购物了,好,我们继续看课文,看看他们打算去商店买些什么。,shorts,runners,T-shirt,They can buy _,_ and _ at the store.,some runners,a T-shirt,some ping-pong balls,Read the text,找一找,同学们,现在我们来找找need和store这两个单词,看看它们在那儿,什么意思呢?你明白吗?,need:需要,I need a basketball to play.,store:和shop意思一样,是商店的意思。,I often go to the store on Sunday.,好,同学们,读懂课文了吗?现在我们来分角色朗读课文。,随堂测验,补充单词:bad_inton s_ccer bask_tball T-sh_ _ t r_ nners ne_d,句型:你最喜欢什么运动?,What sports do you like best?,I like.best.,我最喜欢,m,o,e,i r,u,e,同学们现在我们一起来看一看他们在喜欢的运动,仿照例子对话。,B: He plays_.,A: What sports does he play?,For example:,.,basketball,T-shirt,shorts,runners,socks,What do they wear?,Homework : Read the text. Finish the exercise of your Activity Book.,thank you!,
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