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Writing guidance,写作指导,介绍他人,Describe peoples looks ( physical appearance 外貌) Personality 性格 Hobby 爱好,tall English white,medium height Chinese yellow,short African black,reading,Stage 1(第一关:词汇)Stage 2(第二关:连词成句)Stage 3(第三关:连句成文)Stage 4(第四关:实践),写作通关,Stage 1: 词汇,Height 身高,tall,medium height,short,高的,中等身高,矮的,heavy,thin,medium build,Build体形,重的,中等体形,瘦的,Hair 头发,short hair短发,long hair 长发,curly hair卷发,straight hair直发,Hair 头发,short straight blonde hair,长短+卷直+颜色,穿着/打扮,wear a pair of glasses,穿着/打扮,wear a blue dress,short /long 长短straight/curly 直卷 black /blonde 颜色,hair,build,thin heavy medium build,height,tall medium height short,词汇小结,Stage 2: 连词成句,tall,short,of medium height,A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is,Height 身高,heavy,A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is.,of medium build,thin,Build体形,A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She has.长有,留有,Hair头发,short straight black hair,long curly blonde hair,has short hair has long hair has straight hair has curly hair has black hair has blonde hair,is tall is short is of medium height is thin is heavy is of medium build,句子汇总,He/She,have/has长有,留有,眼睛大/小 have big/small eyes,Stage 3:连句成文,This is my friend. His name is Mike. He is tall and thin. He has short straight brown hair.,范文,character/personality性格特点,Lazy 懒惰 out-going 外向,quiet 安静 shy 害羞,character/personality性格特点,friendly 友好 kind-hearted 善良的 polite 礼貌的,character/personality性格特点,strict 严格的,character/personality性格特点,描述爱好,like to help others 助人为乐,like playing basketball,描述爱好,like swimming like crying,介绍朋友,假设你有一位好朋友。他的名字是Mike。请你运用所学的知识,从各个方面尽可能多地对他进行描述。包括他的年龄、生日、身份(职业)、外貌特征、性格特点、兴趣爱好等方面。,写作思路,总:先说你有一个朋友,他是谁。 分:再从各个方面进行描述。 总:我们是好朋友。,I have a good friend. His name is Mike. He is 13 years old. He is very handsome. He has two blue eyes. His hair is short and blonde. He is very tall and is of medium build. He often wears sport clothes. Some people think he is like a movie actor. He is so friendly to everyone that we all want to make friends with him. He often helps his classmates with their study. So, his classmates think Mike is great. They like him very much. He is one of the best players in his school basketball team. He is interested in playing basketball. What a great friend I have!,Goodbye!,
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