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Section B (1a-2e),lie v.存在;平躺;处于,1.Since he fell off the bike,John (lie) in bed for nearly a week. 2.他撒谎说他学校位于城北面。He that his school in the north of the city.,has lain,lied,lied,warn v.警告;告诫,1.The policeman warned us the busy street when the traffic lights are red. A.dont cross B.not crossingC.not to cross D.cant cross 2.我对他呼喊,警告他有危险。I shouted to him and the danger.(warn) (2017荆州),warn him of/about,end up最终成为;最后处于,1.If you keep eating like this,youll end up (look) like a whale! 2.If you do that,you will with an egg on your face. But I wont regret it.(2017鄂州)A.take up B.end upC.keep up D.catch up,looking,unless conj.除非,This picture reminds me the days when I studied in junior school. A.on B.of C.about D.in,.根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1.She read me a few extracts(选段) from her own new (小说). 2.He started his own (生意) several years ago. 3.Lilys father came up to me and (警告) me not to play football in the street. 4.The bad news (传播) quickly and everybody knew it. 5.Im dreaming of a white (圣诞节) just like the ones I used to know.,novel,business,warned,spread,Christmas,.单项选择 ( )6.John dressed up a cartoon character at the dancing party. A.with B.of C.as D.for ( )7.Where will we the guests to dinner? At the new restaurant near my home.A.treat B.accept C.refuse D.repeat ( )8.We know that “Trick or Treat” is a game played by children on . A.the Lantern Festival B.HalloweenC.Mothers Day D.Fathers Day,C,A,B,( )9.Toms grandfather for ten years. A.died B.has been deadC.has been died D.has died ( )10.The article reminds me the life in the past. A.about B.of C.to D.from,B,B,.短文填空请用适当的词完成这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。In New Zealand,people celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday in the 11. of May.And as the idea of celebrating Mothers Day in New Zealand has come 12. the US,the way of celebrating Mothers Day in New Zealand is much the 13. as that in the US.On Mothers Day,people of New Zealand thank their mothers for 14. care of them.,month,from,same,taking,The festival of Mothers Day has become a big day in New Zealand.People 15. the day by going out for picnics and dinners.Markets are really busy as people come to buy 16. for their mothers.Lots of people would like to buy flowers and cards for their mothers,17. flower and card businesses particularly flourish (繁荣) at this time of year. People also 18. their mothers by serving them with breakfast in bed and baking special cakes for 19. .Some also like to make their mothers get a days 20. from the kitchen and household chores and treat them with a spa or beauty treatment.,celebrate,gifts,so,thank,them,rest,谢谢观赏!,
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